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Hey everyone! Thanks for the love on the K/DA goes rock video! Now we can move onto our next musical project which is Smashin' Cupcakes. I think we've settled on the members for now. We liked the idea of having the core members and then the band having featured champions every now and then. For example, a lot of people are asking for a full cover of Villain, so Smashin' cupcakes can feature Evelynn for that song. etc.

We like these as the core members: (Keep in mind, this is kinda an alternative universe so just because Vi and Jinx don't get along, that doesn't mean they can't be in the band together!)

- Vi
- Jinx
- Ekko
- Caitlyn
- Jayce/Viktor (You guys decide on the final member) We always saw Jayce as the drummer because of his hammer etc. But if you guys have a better idea, leave it below! We did want to keep it Arcane related and have featured champions from other regions!

Also, maybe the first single can be about Piltover/Zaun? We want the first single to be inclusive of all the champions in the band as opposed to being a song just about Jinx for example. Any ideas?? Leave your thoughts below!



I would go with Viktor for sure. I get the Jayce/drum relation, but actually I could see Jinx "destroying" the drums like Animal from the Muppets.😆🥁😤 Maybe even a good therapeutic solution for her (just let it all out!). Ekko guitar, Caitlyn bass, Vi vocals(+guitar) , Victor keyboard/piano. Jayce really has no rock/punk vibes for me at all, but this is just my opinion of course.😉 Guest stars is brilliant as is the P/Z theme! Rich/poor, Upper/Lower class is always a great topic in punk/rock👍 I could try to gather all the informations about the cities I can get my hands on if this would be helpful..? Ah yes and I think the biggest problem for Jinx would not be Vi but Caitlyn 😉


The jinx drummer idea is actually pretty dope.


Vi and Ekko - lead and rhythm guitar and backup vocals Cait - lead vocals and bass Viktor - Synth/keys and screaming Jinx - Drums (per MoP's suggestion above). Despite liking the hammer/drummer connection, I'm also not super sold on Jayce making the cut. classic emo/pop punk/punk song themes - "hate this town" - super classic theme across this genre, totally applies to a song about Piltover/Zaun. "Family Issues" A song about Dads, or about Silco and Vander would be sick. Or maybe something about growing up in their shadow? Cait could also sing about her mom being out of touch and too rich/above it all to see whats going on? "Friends" emo kids need a squad and they write about it all the time, also this is the best excuse to have multiple vocal lines or gang vocals which imo are the best part of the genre (you always need a buddy to sing good emo/punk songs) "Revenge/relationship drama" this one is EVERYWHERE in emo/punk, could be a fun way to play the Vi/Cait/Jinx dynamic, giving them each vocal lines about the others. Maybe call the song "Oil, Water, and Dynamite"? My favorite inspiration for relationship drama in emo music is the Taking Back Sunday vs. Brand New drama. The guitarist from Taking Back Sunday was in a band with the lead singer of Brand New before both bands existed called Straylight Run. The TBS guy slept with the BN guy's girlfriend, it broke up Straylight Run, they started TBS and BN respectively, and then wrote a TON of emo music at each other and its AWESOME. Specifically the lyrics, some of the most iconic lines in all emo, examples include "and with my one last gasping breath I'll apologize for bleeding on your shirt." and "Have another drink and drive yourself home, I hope there's ice on all the roads, and you think of me when you forget your seatbelt and again when your head goes through the windshield." "LOVE" Tons of great emo love songs. Would be cool to give Viktor a song he wrote for Sky too. The obvious is a love song from Cait to Vi or vice versa. There's a low hanging lyrical fruit about smashing cupcake there for sure. "Death" There's way too many examples of emo/punk songs about death and way too many options for characters to write music for their dead friends/family or even just contemplating their own deaths. Maybe there's a thread of hope we could work into a song about death cause Ekko is in the band? His ult that reverses him back in time is called Chronobreak, maybe the verses are each band member's experience with or talking about death and then the chorus is Ekko chronobreaking to save the band?


Okay where did you make your Master of Punk? 😂 Great Ideas! 👍👍 Especially like "Oil, Water and Dynamite!" 😍 I could see Caitlyn sing the slower and emotional songs, but when it comes to getting loud and angry it is Vi for me!


So im totally game with the other ideas above, but since VI does rock the huge double gauntlets, her punching drums would be kinda epic, and Jinx does have her own song, so her being a vocalist would also make sense. Ekko's dance in league is literally him air guitaring his clock arm sword, he has to be a guitarist. Cait could def be vocals, her sniper ad maybe a mic stand or a guitar? Also you could maybe feature some deceased characters like Vander, Milo, Claggor, or Silco. Also Jayce would make more sense to be with those characters since they've had more interaction but viktor fits the profile more. Either way, sounds fun!


hahaha dunno about "master" but i grew up an emo kid in the north east and still play drums in a cover band at bars locally, so this stuff is in my blood now. the good thing about emo/punk is that there's almost always multiple singers/vocal lines. gang vocals are really popular even when the band has a clear "front man" like Paramore, so honestly everyone should sing at some point.


Seems you are in the exact right place around here! 😉👍🤘 Thinking of "Oil, Water and... Nitroglycerine" maybe? To make it 3 liquids? 🤔 No, to long I think... 😕


put together a playlist of music that might serve as inspiration: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6lnW5wAMI1dp69L29TcM1g?si=P-xLEPLXTzu2eU-5W4QLyQ Yay


and honestly, if you learn Check Yes Juliet, or Dear Maria, you've basically nailed the emo/punk formula for song structure and key.


With suggesting to give Jinx the drums I did not mean to exclude her from singing. Would absolutly see her in this part as well 😉 I can't see the Atlas Gauntlets being helpful on the drums though. Except when Vi gets to play huge (and very solid build) bongo drums.. 🤔 I love the idea to bring back some of the deceased characters!❤️ But I would try to accomplish this with songs about them not as actual members. As Ross suggested: friendship, family and loss are always a great theme for a song. 👍


A lot of driving for me tomorrow. Perfect opportunity to give the list a try😉👍


Love the idea of Viktor as a lead singer (love Viktor in general for his darker vibes), but I was curious how his "evolution" as a character will play into that? Maybe room for new style growth on future albums? ;) Not sure why, but I always thought of Caitlyn as a bassist too. Some possible track topics from the Arcane world: "Howler" - from the elevator that connects all of Zaun to the surface...maybe some fun musical options there / "Voices" or "Whispers" for a Jinx lead (with Vi on competitive backup vocals since she was always in her head or other ghostly characters like Zach mentioned) / "Enforcer"....going to need a SAVAGE bass line from Caitlyn haha


Purely basing on the scene in Arcane where she's standing in front of the boxing machine psyching herself up and her eyes open dark and enraged to a shredding guitar riff..... hard cut to Ekko starting that riff and Jinx just attacking the drums for a massive solo


So guys, I have pictures of MVs (or rather special scenes in them) and song theme structures spinning around in my mind now! 😂😆👍❤️ Unfortunatly as someone who is lacking any creative talents I doubt being a great help in song writing (music, lyrics), music in general, video editing or even drawing.. 😕 But I can clearly see you guys having these talents! 😀 So, no doubts that great songs will come to life here. (If not, Jinx or (and?) Vi could just do a cover of "Bad Reputation" by Joan Jett 😆🤘 https://youtu.be/pRu5wxl5frk) There are two things though where my imagination fails me, but probably you creative guys have them already figured out. 1. The singing I can literally HEAR Vi screaming out her anger about the system who failed her, Ekko encouraging everyone to believe in his/her powers, Jinx trying to fix her shattered soul and Caitlyn expressing her feelings about her one love... BUT unfortunatly we don't have the voice actors standing by to sing these songs for us (as far as I know😉). So, how do we fix that?? 2. The video In order to archieve great, we'll have to do good... videos for these songs! There are scenes on my inner eye.. Jinx attacking the drums, Ekko shredding the guitar, Vi with the mic and even Victor sitting at the piano playing a melancholic part.. But how can we accomplish that? Sure, we could do a montage with footage of Arcane and other LoL content like this one for "Here comes Vi " https://youtu.be/KbL8sm0856k (sorry, Carlie and Ange: if you want to watch this you will have to react to it! 😜😉). But for me there needs to be a visualisation of the band (the champions as musicans) as well. Is it within our skills  to manipulate existing pictures in that purpose? For example: Take the picture of Caitlyns entry to Warriors and replace the rifle with a bass guitar? I think her body position would fit, right? Or is anyone  capable to create NEW material? Wouldn't it be great to have someone with experience and knowledge in character design and animation...? 😜😜 Anyway, even the process of developing all of this is sheer fun for me. I wonder where this will lead us to.. 😀 What a glorious evolution! Hey ho LETS GO!


We surely won't be able to create a completely animated video. 😂But if we just had one or two pictures of the band members and the band itself, we (someone, not me for sure) could probably find a way to use some effects on it and mix it with materials from other videos. At least one (low budget) video should be possible, right? Think of it: Lets suppose we 'll have a singer for Vi. If it is "just" the song, WE know that it is supposed to be Vi singing. Everyone else will just hear a voice they don' t know. So, imo a visualisation is absolutly needed. And one other suggestion: I suppose that at this point the majority of your patrons found their way in here via AoT (regarding the sudden growth of the community, but of course I could be wrong ). I would guess that only a few of them might be attracted to this posts calling out a league project. So, once we figured out what "jobs" we need to make this all happen it could be a good idea address all your patrons in a neutral post. You could also do a "job description" in some of your videos to address all your subscribers once we are ready to take off and know exactly what we still need. Sort of "We are currently working on a" league music project " and are in need of female rock singer and someone who is familiar with video editing or animation. If you think you could and would like to help us please contact us! ". Something like that. Put this in a video like Worlds 2021 or a reaction to Here comes Vi and others for example. I predict there may be some people with the wits and the willing😉. But of course we should try to cover as much as we can from the current "inner circle" first .. 😀 Teamwork makes the dream work! 💪