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This is nothing ground breaking but we're so excited for this! Leave your thoughts down below!


Special announcement! | League of Legends

This is exciting!



Are you kidding me?!?! This is your "no big thing"?! It is the coolest thing I have ever heard! Unfortunatly I lack of even the tiniest piece of creative or musical talent, but searching for quotes and stuff? I'm all in! You guys know how to treat your community 😍😍 And now I know why you didn't decline the part of my prediction that had the Smashing Cupcakes tour as topic! That was a pretty close one😜👍. This channel is something special! ♥️♥️ PS: Don't forget to call Hailee for the singing! 😉


I nice title for the EP or a song would be: "Welcome to the party! Try the PUNCH!" (VI) Very fitting for a punk rock band! 🤜🤛 I could also imagine the sound of a boxing bell as a song opener.. . https://youtu.be/TvvTacquttk


Well, I don't know about character line. But if you need a bass line, I can do that.

Jack Shepherd

Ahaha if adding that sound you have to add something from Lee sin skin recall animation

Jack Shepherd

Oh. Something I forgot but never saw you /others mention about kda unless I missed it. The reason kda worked is all those champions are "assassins". all fierce attacking champions which gave them a fierce badass b**ch vibe. Shows that having a core theme can really bring the vibe together 😁


Had the same thought. What would be the theme of Smashing Cupcakes? Assuming Vi, Caitlyn, Ekko and Jinx are in it one could say "rebels" (I think Cait can go as a rebel against the system she lives in, right?) . Which would suit well to punk rock of course... 😉👍 So, who else? Akali? Xajah and Rakan? Sylas? Just my opinion: I don't see Jayce in it! 🤷‍♂️

Carlie & Ange

Hahaha yes you were almost completely correct 😆 and yes, character lines, ultimates, all that stuff will be very handy with crafting some lyrics! And someone help us get a hold of Hailee!!! 🤣😍

Carlie & Ange

We’re not sure how “punk rock” its going to sound. May have messed up that description of the genre because theres no real way to describe the genre of music that I write aha 😅 its a hybrid of sorts. Probably alternative rock

Mihai Sarbu

My suggestion would be to include Varus as one of the band members. He is basically a demon and should be appropriate for the more metal parts of the band. He is also one of the champions that got little love from Riot and he wasn't included in animations/art projects. Here is the link to the champion on the LoL site: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/champions/varus/


No, no. You made that hybrid rock thing clear in the video. I think "rebels" would fit with every rock style anyhow.


I think the first step would be to vote/decide who is in the band, right? (I get strong "School of Rock " vibes here😂😂)Maybe we just throw names in it and you do a kind of poll then to get it a little less messy? For me Caltlyn, Vi, Jinx and Ekko would be a "must". Ahri, Akali, and Kai'Sa are very popular and much loved but they already have their K/DA thing going. 🤔 Champions I love, but have no clue how they could fit in here would be Xajah, Rakan (hey, that video stil misses😉), Lucian, Senna, Shyvana, Sylas, Katarina (Carlie may veto here😜), Riven and Braum. Although I must say I can see Braum in somewhat like his Crime City skin with suit and fedora hat playing the double bass in a smoky night club! 😍😍 But in a rock band? Hmmm.. Maybe he is the fatherly manager... 😂 This is so much fun already! 😃 By the way : did something go wrong The Call on YT? Or just a strategic delay?

Carlie & Ange

Love all these ideas btw. We had similar characters as well. Jinx is a must. So is Caitlyn because its named after her 😆 And The Call goes up tonight 😊 If we double upload, we make it really hard for ourselves to get another video out the next day haha 😅


YES! I'm in. 1000% hell yes. this is the best. a dope thing they did in the first Pentakill album was include some champion sounds. for example, in Deathfire Grasp they included the sound Cassiopia makes when she dies in game at the 1min mark to transition from verse to chorus and that was sick. Lonk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be1waE9myCU


champs i would love to see featured/think would be good fits for pop punk: Rakkan and Xayah - paired lovers, both are bird vestayah, could easily be the narrative jumping point for all our favorite emo/pop punk love songs. Rell - Is a heavy armored tank in game that can turn her armor into a horse and ride it, for sure a thematic excuse to include some heavy moments/breakdowns. Maybe she plays rhythm guitar or something. Sylas - broody mage from Demacia who spent a long time in prison for being a mage. Would for sure write songs about solitude, being misunderstood, being different, and of course vengeance/fucking the system, all that good emo/pop punk stuff. Varus - an ancient evil archer who possesses and combines these two dudes bodies to serve as his host so he can hunt those that imprisoned him. Another dark moody boy, but this one has a split personality thing you could lean on thematically. Vex - she's an evil yordle and the only yordle to live on the shadow isles. Her and her evil magic shadow, called shadow, use their dark magic to snuff out happiness and color whenever they see it. She's super emo and a yordle which can make the band kinda fun. Kindred - she is death. plus it means the band has a dog it in technically.


Lastly, happy to help out musically if there's anything I can offer. I play drums in a cover band that plays emo nights locally. Here's some stuff that inspires us/that we play. Senses Fail - Can't be Saved https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukvF8WNFZbQ Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without the E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap0mqwvf7H0 Brand New - Jude Law and a Semester Abroad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvzHyHgc4lA Blink 182 - Anthem part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WP6KuNHaPU Coheed and Cambria - Delirium Trigger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLmdTWWcvn8 As Tall As Lions - Song for Luna https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8UOjbrB3Hs&t=5s Motion City Soundtrack - My Favorite Accident https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDodJuuSrr4 Say Anything - Alive With the Glory of Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFR5s96jGeg My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhZTNgAs4Fc If I can offer any suggestions as to song writing as well lmk, the gang vocals are the key imo.

Carlie & Ange

This is great…. And some of those bands are MINT! Big fan of them. Love the idea with The champion sounds too!

MJ Eid

You have time? hahaha im shocked.


The "Oil and Water" thing really got me. Maybe this "two worlds collide" theme could be used for a song as well. I would also recommend (and never stop doing so 😜) to react to "Here comes Vi". 2 reasons: 1. We could avoid proceeding the Vi song with similarities to her original song. 2. We may find ideas in it the song doesn't cover adequate . One song is to short for a reaction? No problem! 😜 You could add this: https://youtu.be/9PHjlLdGgAU Its from the official League of Legends European Championship (LEC) channel. A rap battle called " Fists to a gunfight" I think you can guess who is battling here.. 😉 Maybe some inspirations for us.. Also, the LoR-playlist (Arcane edition) features some ingame lines of our (potential) band members as well . Just to let you know.. 😉 Of course I know that worlds are first in queue. So, no pressure 😉

Carlie & Ange

This is great Ingo! Great idea 😊 You sent over a legends of runeterra playlist to us a while ago didnt you? Where can we find that? Was it in our inbox or on a post? We will react to the rest of those soon!!


Just sent it to your inbox.😉 As for Here Comes Vi : there is also a kind of fanmade mv with scenes from Arcane available. Has probably more dynamic to it. https://youtu.be/tHiWV9gDMb8 Also: Just stumbled over the top comment (for me) of the official video (by Echoboomer1987) . It says: " With K/DA representing K-pop, Pentkill with metal, True Damage with Hip-Hop, I hope we get a punk rock group with Vi and Jinx". It is not that old and has yet got 6000+ likes (not bad for a comment) and 49 comments... We are on for something here... 😉👍


No more leisure time then I guess! 😂😜. But you have the League of Patrons assembled now. No more fooling around, Riot👊! Challenge accepted! 🦾🤘 😜


have you seen the here comes vi/get jinxed mash up by the artist that did here comes vi? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZmlUuTrQ_g By Nikki Taylor and Lunity