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Hey everyone! We absolutely loved filming our last q&a and would love to do another. We have plenty of new members so if anyone has some questions that they’d like to ask us or some funny dares and what not, please leave them down below! You can ask multiple questions and they can be as quirky as you’d like! But keep them at least a little bit appropriate 😅 there’ll also be a segment at the end of the video where we ask you guys some questions too so we can keep things interactive! ❤️ ask away!


Rabbid Dawg

To get the ball rolling: Question: Ya'll are revving up for streaming, can we get a sneak peek at what you'll be streaming, be it a list of game titles/chats/events? And can there be a trivia night? I'm curious about the deets! Q/Dare: Can we get a cameo of the cat(s) if it's not too much trouble? Just saying hi! Dare: So, idk how much tolerance you guys have for super sour or super spicy things - any chance you guys could do a challenge with food products (idk if yall have some local stuff there that might be equally unappealing)? In the States we had the Paqui #OneChipChallenge for a while, using Carolina Reaper, they've since discontinued it though. I was planning to try the Hot Ones challenge once. 10-count Warheads is something I enjoy inflicting on folks that've never had it before too! Dare: How well can Ange apply makeup to Carlie? >:) Q: Any unpopular opinions on recent movies/shows you've watched? I'll share one of mine - I wasn't a big fan of Dune the movie, despite liking the source material and previous Villenueve films. The many wide angle establishing shots felt like they overstayed their welcome, so the movie felt like a slog to me. I definitely feel they didn't need to break it into two parts and I would've engaged with it more if they'd picked up the pace of the narrative. Just my opinion though, how about yall? Q: Any super nerdy/'weird' flexes you'd like to share? I just found out I can quote almost the entirety of the Mean Girls movie during a movie night with some buds. You go Glen Coco! Dare: Ange - rank your League waifus, from Friendzoned to Bae, there can be no ties. Carlie - Judge him as he does this.


😂😆 I knew you hadn't shot your powder last time. Any questions I have in mind will seem to be boring now... 😂 Carolina Reaper and 10-count warheads? Never heard of it and I think I will avoid it in the future.. 😅

Rabbid Dawg

Please, the more the merrier! It's a great chance to learn more about everyone! The 10-count warheads is a challenge I did alot as a kid. You get a megapack of warheads candies (they'd come in as much as 100) - All you need to know about them is that they're super sour candies. you pop 10 in your mouth at once and 'win' if you can resist the urge to pucker your face.

Rabbid Dawg

As for my personal list of League waifus, it's relatively short: 1. Cait is Bae 2. Leona. 3. Kayle 4. Braum Friendzoned (cuz it's frigging braum and he deserves all the hugs). I'm really putting myself out there as a Cait simp, didn't realize until I picked up the game again. Lel.


Okay, here is what I have in mind then: How much time do you invest in the comments section of a YT video in the first two days? Are there many rude comments you have to delete? Does everyone do everything for your channel or how do you devide the different tasks? Fav quote or scene in a movie/show that gets you EVERYTIME you see it? Maybe that would be a good question for the community as well. In the last Q&As I really enjoyed all the answers for best character, movie etc.! Great picks there👍 Cosplay! No, I 'll not let you get away with it. ☝️ You started it, so when will we see the Arcane cosplay? And NO, dye your hair is not cosplay! 😉😂 Since every youtuber seems to have a own merch collection: Where is yours? I can see your tv-logo with "Shall we get into it? /Lets get right into it!" or "My predictions are always on point!" or "It's a rat!". I would also love a picture of Heimerdinger with "That sneaky guy!" over it and "He is just a very little old man with a big beard!" below... 😂😂😂 Edit: I'm so stupid! I finally discovered there IS actually merch available! 😂😂 Still would like some quotes though. I mean "My predictions are on point"? Could wear it for every movie evening with friends! 😂😅 Thats all for now.. 😉


Are you guys considering doing gaming livestreams or videos in the future? There's many amazing decision/story-driven games like Detroit Become Human and Life is Strange that are definitely worth checking out ^^


I have another suggestion : Do you see any way you could convince Jonathan to talk a little about the whole process of developing new champions? Maybe an interview or something like that? Nothing to detailed of course (don't want Riot to get mad at him). I'm so interested in the way from an idea to a full grown champion! I mean just the variety of his champions: Pyke on the one side and Yuumi on the other! Can it be more different? 😍 @Jonathan: I'm aware that being around here is probably your leisure time. So, if you draw a clear line between job and private that is absolutly fine with me. I also don't know if you are allowed to do these kind of talks of course. I had to ask though, this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity 😉👍

Rabbid Dawg

Q: If you were to rewatch any of the series you've seen with fresh eyes again, is there anything you'd want to tell yourselves before watching them? And for which series? Like for GoT, I'd tell myself to completely forgo the last season so I could remember the last thing about GoT fondly. I'd tell myself the Wheel of Time is not as epic as it wants to be and Shadow and Bone is YA cheesiness to save me from trying to gauge my expectations during my watch through. (They're ok series on their own, but I busied myself managing my expectation vs just taking then as they were)


Waited for some other questions or ideas from other patrons, but since this doesn't seem do be the case by now, here some more from me: 😉 1. What was the last show you started watching, but haven't finished because you were disappointed? 2. Are there some nicknames you might want to share with us (of course not for use by us)? Maybe some older ones you didn't like? I'm aware that this can be a topic that could be to personal. So feel free to skip it, if you are not comfortable with it. 😉 3. Fav books? 4. Hobbies? I'm happy to step back with my many questions when others come forth of course👍


Did you read all three series you mentioned as well? I love the books and this usually can be complicated when they are filmed. GoT was great in both book and show (we ignore season 8 of course. Lets see if George can fix in the books if he is willing to complete it). Wheel of Time has a hard stand against the monumental book series of course, but it did well for me. I love that it is one of the few high fantasy series where the women are in charge and power. Shadow and Bone could not keep up with the Bardugo books for me. It's a little scary we are watching (and reading? ) all the same stuff.. 😂😂👍