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Episode 9 also coming tomorrow. Episode 8 was a whole ass horror film

3x7 Reaction

Password: ATLA3x7FL

3x8 Reaction

Password: ATLA3x8FL


Sebastian Bastype

Episode 10 onwards is pure peak Avatar, can't wait!


Long rant incoming on like, the one thing I think the Avatar writers fucked up. Episode 8 has never sat right with me from a writing standpoint. It’s a great episode for Katara, but I feel like the depiction and handling of Hama’s character could’ve been done so much better. It’s also really fucked up she ends back up in Fire Nation custody. If they had written a more nuanced portrayal of PTSD and violent revenge as a coping mechanism, I think Hama would’ve come off as tragic instead of just cartoonishly evil. As written, she’s legitimately crazy, to the point she deludes herself into thinking that kidnapping innocents is justified revenge, but at the same time is sane enough to live among “the enemy” for decades. And during all those years, being in community with obviously normal people, she doesn’t somehow develop enough empathy for them that “Old Man Ding” isn’t still an acceptable target. That shit is not believable. Bloodbending is bad enough on its own, sufficiently positions her as a clear villain, that they didn’t need the added element of her torturing innocents which makes her completely irredeemable. Why not have her kidnapping Fire Navy soldiers on leave or something? You know, wage an actual one woman guerrilla war on the Fire Navy from inside? That’s so much more interesting than just an evil witch who went crazy becase she was in prison so long. I mean look, this episode is essentially a child-safe version of a Rape-Revenge film, right down to thematic content and even some shot composition and editing choices. That sounds weird, but Avatar was written by adults, specifically movie and tv nerds, and I think when they made the decision to write a story about a woman who was kidnapped from her home, imprisoned, and tortured for years they took some thematic inspiration from other notable examples of similar narratives. In that context, they follow the tropes pretty closely right down to Hama becoming a monster and unapologetically violating others out of a misguided sense of wounded rage. And like, it just doesn’t sit right with me, I think it’s lazy writing. I think they should’ve aspired to do better by her character. Sometimes victims of horrible things go on to perpetrate similar violations on others, sometimes. Hama’s villainy being so purposefully and senselessly cartoonish just so she can be imprisoned again at the end of it all, completely sidestepping any potentially complex or interesting morality, just fucking sucks. Plus there’s a secret society of powerful and interesting old people with complex pasts like- right over there, just out of frame, and far as I can tell it’s a total sausage fest. I would’ve vastly preferred to see Hama redeemed and on team WL than a tired parade of kiddified RR tropes played almost entirely straight. If anyone managed to get this far I’d be very interested in hearing conflicting opinions, or corroborating ones.


ur expecting too much from a kids show at the time it aired on nick. Shes a one off character and theres no need to make her story any longer. She is def cartoonishly evil but only slightly with some of her dumb lines like "dont let your friends hurt each other katara". Hama's story and other lines like "we need to fight these people whenever we can" as she has deluded herself into thinking that these innocent people are all on the same level as the soldiers that ruined her life. I think her being back in fire nation custody is tragically ironic for her as she didnt deserve to be kidnapped to begin with but ended up being just as vile as the men that took her earning her the punishment of truly being left to rot in a cage. I think you might be too upset over something silly, it really isnt that deep and the episode did what it needed to do. Doesnt need to be super sad and tragic with hyper realistic actions from hama.

Ninjahaz 01

I've never noticed the cabbage xD