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Katara with another MVP

3x3 Reaction

Password: ATLA3x3FL



Cool but dark fan theory for this episode I heard several years ago. Doc is a former soldier in the army with PTSD, who lost his brothers Shoe and Bushi in the war and formed some kind of coping mechanism which we see on display whenever he 'switches'.

Jonah Bertorelli

You can't hate on the painted lady for not being the saving grace and wiping out humans for the sake of other humans. I know you were worked up, but if anything you should be hyped that the painted lady didn't want to seek revenge for someone pretending to be her. That's what I always thought when I saw this, that the painted lady would show up and be like "don't pretend to be me" like most spirits or deities would. But she's appreciative that someone was using her name and image to help those who couldn't be helped, and the people of her river. So I've always found her thanking her a total heartwarming and relieving moment. Spirits are powerful and can be vengeful, you don't want to mock taunt or upset them. lol