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We filmed the last 4 for you guys! Onto Book 3!

2x17 Reaction

Password: ATLA2x17FL

2x18 Reaction

Password: ATLA2x18FL

2x19 Reaction

Password: ATLA2x19FL

2x20 Reaction

Password: ATLA2x20FL


Lailyan Abu-Aljus

can't wait for you guys to start book 3! you'll LOVE it

Stella Keil

I think book two is more consistent with quality while there are some book three moments that top everything in book two. Its hard to say which one is better


Gonna have to disagree on y’all’s take that book 1 finale > book 2 finale. Think they are both great but the build up to Zuko’s betrayal, the fight itself, and the shock ending (no pun intended) put it past book 1 for me.


Also if you include The Guru with Crossroads of Destiny since book 1 finale was a two parter it def clears