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Sanji and Zeff's goodbye

28-29 Reaction

30-31 Reaction 



you guys should make a top moments list after each ark, maybe 5 to 10 depending on length of ark. would be fun to revisit those.


Perhaps top 5 from each arc along with your overall crew members? So two separate lists? But the arc favs come at the end of each arc while the crew list updates happen each video?


No actually, it has been established during the fight with Captain Morgan that sharp things are a great weakness to Luffy, so yeah they do affect him (hence why Krieg's munitions worked on him, they were more like stakes than actual bullets)! Also, it's not that Oda necessarily dislike wirting romance, it's just that he doesn't want any romance between crewmates of the Straw Hat Crew, so Zoro could have a romance with Kuina (if she was still alive RIP), but not with Nami for example. Hope this clears it up a bit!


All One Piece OST are awesome :3 I really can't wait for you two to go deeper in the story to see how you're gonna be mind blowing hé hé hé