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Really really enjoyed this show! Maomao and Jinshi were absolutely amazing characters. We cant wait for Season 2!

Ep 22 Reaction

Password: TAD22FL

Ep 23 Reaction

Password: TAD23FL

Ep 24 Reaction

Password: TAD24FL



Carlie wrote the entire episode of 22 I guess lol --- Thanks for the reactions, guys. And thank you Patreons for recommending this. I only checked it out because it won the polls, myself. Ange, the way you worded how and why you two enjoyed TAD so much, y'all would love Odd Taxi for the same reasons. Here's hoping one day eventually you two will eventually watch that. A lot of good series recommended by the Patrons though.

Milosz Skowronski

Prosopagnosia is a neurological condition, where a person is unable to recognise faces. They know what parts of the face look like, they can point out eyes, nose, mouth, etc., but they can't put them all together in their brain to form a face. For the sufferer it is impossible to recognise anyone by their face alone, even family members. Over time, sufferers develop workarounds and strategies, like recognising people by their gait, voice or mannerisms, but sometimes they also start seeing them as familiar objects or animals. For example, if you were a watchmaker you might start seeing people's faces as distinct watch faces, and recognising them that way.