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ummmm Aluka could be an issue....

Ep 136 Reaction

Eps 137-138 Reaction


Sofia Ruelas

I would love to see a top 20 anime scenes from you guys!


I disagree with Ange's review at the end regarding the pacing. I get where he's coming from though. There's logic behind it. But to me, I personally found no issues with the pacing, because I understand in the bigger picture that so many different things are happening at once, so many moving pieces. But I do understand from the perspective of being a product of entertainment, it might be dragging or all over the place if you have preferences or favour one story over the others; in my case, I was enjoying the ride of seeing how everything will be coming together. I really enjoyed all the different plot points happening simultaneously and being woven together as part of the greater whole. It brings back to my mind how The Game of Thrones (S1-4 at least) was executed in a similar manner. The success of the interwoven storytelling of course does then become dependent on the quality of the parallel stories. I guess you two and I just disagree on this aspect of the strength of the parallel stories.