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Who gathered the 7 Dragon Balls to bring back Cell? My money is on Gon

Episodes 90-91 Reaction 



i wouldnt call explaining the ability useless. and it can basically remove nen from the target, which make it very powerful aalthough i admit it was explained a bit overcomplicated and the kings goal is to procreate. kites hunterteam explained it


explanation took so long anime ran out of air time so they had to cut the rest of the fight :P


To simplify the ability explanation of apr, aura gets added when knuckle hits you and then interest accrues every 10 seconds. When it reaches a certain number(that will be larger or smaller depending on the enemy) they'll go bust where they enter a state of zetsu where they can't use nen for a month. POP, AOP, and MOP won't matter at all but if you understand the basics of apr you'll be fine.