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So, I'm a little lacking in the animation progress area recently, so I'll show a bit of various bits of some choice stuff I've not really shared.

The first was a shitpost I never really shared anywhere but the 1 community. The Rouge Internet Man community based on a running gag that they had with him and the chat demanding his goat co-host to fart back on his old streams (before he vanished for a while). The funny thing is that some people - fans of hers I'm assuming - actually got mad at this animation, claiming I took the joke "too far." They treated me like a creep for actually animating her farting with a dramatic super-effect to an underwhelming fart. If I were to do it again, I'd probs make her explode or lift-off like a rocket. 

The shitpost was well received by the host and co-host, so I might make an alt of this with said ideas if they start streaming and reopen the community with him recent return.

The Purple and gray skunk dance is a WIP I've had been picking at for a while based on a short segment of a Gorillaz music video I was sent to have their character mimic a part of it. Still pretty early into that one.

The last one is a super early in rough draft of a potential animation I might flesh out more at some point. I did it a while ago, but it's been left in limbo between commission work and most of my free-time going into developing my game stuff. I'm unsure what I might do with it in the future, but I like what I have so far with it.



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