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Alright.. you asked enough.


When? Eh.. after the next App episode (coming within the week)

..after the next batch of HG STUDIOS (VIP) (up to a hundred pages currently)..

..(probably) after the first batch of DADDY'S GAME (VIP) (steps away from production)..

..and probably happening while I post the first part of NINJA STORY (next month)..

..and if I haven't gone bonkers in the meantime.. that's when this is coming.


I decided to put on a shelf older (and newer) projects based on feedback and popularity, so if you don't see a story developing anymore then it means I deduced it wasn't well received by the Patrons and moved on to something that has been either requested or asked about more.

This will HOPEFULLY allow me to work on projects that will become more popular and loved instead of experimental stories that no one cares about anymore (and take me forever to make anyway).

That's all for now!




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