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Cuz in case you were wondering, this is my wallpaper at the moment. :P

(PS. Yes! Ayla is a real person! 😮 Shhh!! Don't tell her!)





ALTERNATIVE STORY (which I'm probably more likely to use if I made this into a full story): Anthony had fallen head over heels for Ayla ever since she came instead of the usual woman for the monthly inspection of his apartment. He had tried everything to attract her, to chat her up, anything, but she wouldn't even give him a second look. He wasn't the rich type of guy she usually dated. She was simply out of his league. When Anthony learned of shrinking devices for sell on the dark web, he spent a fortune to get his. The moment he had tried it, home alone, with a pair of used high heels he had bought from a second hand store, he could barely believe it wasn't a dream. He spent hours exploring some unaware giantess' used footwear, delighting in her remaining foot scent, licking the leather like he was possessed, and wasting what felt like gallons of his seed in them. Days passed and this had become his routine. Sometimes he spent more than a day in the heels. Sometimes he planned to time things so that Ayla would have to open the door herself with her spare key, and find the heels. Maybe she would have tried one on.. maybe he would have been lucky enough to be momentarily pressed down by her gigantic toes, before she would decide to have wasted enough time in there and left, leaving him with a memory no one else but insects could possess. It was so entrancing, he was seriously considering it, no matter the amount of danger. Or, he could have visited... Her. The brunette goddess living at number 4. He had never dared to exit his apartment. He dared to wonder whether or not he should have visited the girl next door.. but.. could he? Wouldn't that have been simply too dangerous? Fatal, even? Anthony dismissed the thought, considering it madness. He didn't want to risk *really* getting crushed like an insect under the girl's foot. Yet, the thought didn't leave him alone. The day after, he woke up and his mind was already made. He knew the woman's routine, he knew her habits. He was a good strategist and even knew how to survive in the wild. He thought there couldn't be much that he wasn't prepared for. That was all he need to convince himself. He felt himself getting harder than usual when he set the shrinking device in a potted plant in the hallway, by a window nobody ever decided to open. Then, moments later, he was the size of a cricket. With his heart pumping excitedly, he crawled under the door. (CONTINUES...)