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You hadn't eaten in days, so when your buddy saw an open window from the bug eye view on the street, you didn't waste time and started climbing the rough wall surface. Having tiny hands has its advantages, you can climb almost anything uneven enough to host your miniature fingers.

Once up there, you carefully peeked inside and checked for noises and sounds. The place was completely silent. No water in the bathroom, no clanking of metal spoons on bowls, no tv. There was no one here. Sid spoke first.

"Guys, the place is deserted.. we have probably enough time to grab something and flee. We can eat outside in that playground we just passed."

"Mmm... it's too silent here." Doug decided "..I don't like it."


the third tiny, which they mocked and nicknamed 'Tiny' spoke last,

"..we have to eat, there's no skipping that. So we either find food or starve, and I'd rather die under a sexy foot than frpm starvation."

"Good point" Doug said "..alright, let's make this quick."

The naked miniature trio climbed down the thick curtain that reached the floor, and landed with a light thud on the wooden planks.

"Kitchen's... probably that way" Sid pointed. The others just followed. This looked like a girl's room.. it was clean and tidy, white walls and a huge bed with fucsia quilt on the top. Maybe she was another Onlyfans girl.
They were popular these days and entertained the well paying male survivors of the "shrinking virus", which more than halved full sized men worldwide, reducing the victims to something like an inch in height. Because there was no cure for their condition, these new 'sub-humans' were recognized no rights, and it was perfectly legal to dispose of them in any way. They lived on scraps and were only seen as pests.. or props and toys. The luckiest ones lived as some girl's pets.

They passed what looked like a rubbery pink, thick worm. The bus sized dildo confirmed its owner must have been one of those dangerous females.

The girls often used tinies as props in their videos and live shows, inserting them, eating them and crushing them for the watcher that sent the most tokens. Apparently, this was a very popular trend in this deranged world, but most men were either too afraid to catch the virus and be remembered as protesters against this normalized abuse, or too horny to even think about saying anything that could stop this new idea of 'fun'.

The three kept close to the wall, ready to lay down on the floor and look near invisible at that size. It was apparently a useful trick, passed on other tinies by long term survivors they were lucky enough to meet.

"Alright.. stiiiill nothing.." Sid declared, poking behind the next corner with one eye, ready to duck at the first tremor in the sturdy wood under his feet.

"We should go back.. I don't like this one bit.." Doug intervened.

"We've come this far.." Tiny spoke from the bottom of the line "..we should at least get a few breadcrumbs!"

Doug's stomach make an angry noise at the thought. "Fair enough" he said. It was his way to end a conversation and suggest they make haste.

"Wait...!!! I ..can't believe it..!" Sid stopped the march as he spotted something.. or rather, followed its scent, like a blind, aroused little pervert.

"What are you doing? What is it? Is the girl back?" Doug asked panicked.

"No, man.. but this is the next best thing ha ha ha!!"

Doug and Tiny watched as Sid disappeared behind a corner and when they caught up with him, he was running towards a pair of enormous high heels on the floor.

"What are you doing?? That's likely a trap! Come back!"

"No use.." Doug told Tiny "..he's a foot freak. Guess I can't blame him. ...Come. Let's talk some sense into him. Keep an eye out for anything that moves, or any unusual sounds."

By the time the two naked one inch men reached the giant pumps, Sid was already hoisting himself past the side edge and his legs vanished in a pool of female scent mixed with leather.

It was the best thing he'd done as a tiny man. He couldn't resist himself, he started to bury his face in the indentations where the girl's toes caused the insole to collapse under her weight, he delighted in discovering he could fit entirely under her big toe and humped the rough surface, determined to leave his tiny mark and get it on the girl's toes once she wore that pair again.

"You're gonna get us killed when she comes back, mate! Get a grip and...!"

But Doug felt his boner coming to life as he imagined the giantess inserting her foot in the shoe while the bug sized man was inside. The feeling was one of absolute power over him, something that made him hard immediately.

He didn't even say a word as he walked to the other show and begun climbing it.

Tiny was getting scared and impatient to leave by now.

"Wha... you too?? What the..? Guys, we have to leave! You can't.." but Doug jumped inside the pump and he remained apparently alone.

"Guys! Come on! This isn't the time to...."

Suddenly, his blood froze.

(Did I sense a tremor? No, it's impossible, this isn't..)

A faint boom was heard, or rather felt, in the distance. Sid stopped humping and a new emotion, a terrible one, quickly grew in his chest.


Tiny screamed at the top of his lungs.


He waved at the giant shoes, hoping to see his two companions' heads rising from behind the leather wall, but Sid was completely in shock. For a moment he considered running towards the tip of the toe section and hide there until he thought the girl was asleep and it'd be safe to come out.

Doug was still in awe. It all happened too fast. He got in the shoes a moment ago, and it smelled so feminine, that sweet and salty mix of sweat and leather, that he almost thought about trying to pledge himself to the shoes' owner, hoping she'd be one of those girls who kept her tinies for years of online shows, fed them, looked after them in some small measure, and perhaps gave them some freedom of movement if they won her trust.

But this girl was not one of those.

Lilith grabbed her key and inserted it into the front door.

That loud sound of a lock being opened sent an impossible chill up the tinies' spine. This was it. They couldn't have made a run for it. She would have spotted them right away.

Tiny hurried under the pump Sid was into and prayed the girl wouldn't find him. But when the blonde girl the size of a building quickly made her way into the lounge where she left the shoes, he couldn't stop himself from doing the stupid thing.

He panicked and ran out, aiming for a couch too far out. Lilith's eyes caught the movement on the floor and she stepped hard before him.

The giant sneaker sounded like a thunder to him, and the two stowaways in the shoes thought she had already pulped him.

But Lilith loved this game, she felt an incredible emotion when she savoured her own power over tiny shits like him.

"Where you going, tiny?"

He was petrified. Hearing what had become his name made an even deeper impact.

"I.. I.. I.. p-pleaaase!! Don't kill me!!! I'll do anything, just don't kill me!!"

He crawled on his fours and kissed her sneaker. She had been running a few miles and there was a stronger smell than he thought he'd enjoy, but this was a life or death situation. He begged her with as much voice as he could.

Lilith just smiled, tensing her front leg, enjoying being pampered by this lucky find. He was so small compared to her. It wouldn't have meant a thing if it were a bug, but this creature was a living and thinking male human.. a person. A tiny, helpless person, and he was completely in her power.


Doug and Sid cringed from their hiding place. Tiny was certainly not going to betray them.. they were friends.. weren't they?

"I... uhm.. I.."

"SPEAK NOW OR....." she lifted the front part of her foot and Tiny was cast in its enormous shadow.

"Aaaahhh!!! N-No! Please!! Y-YES! There are other two! They are hiding in your shoes!! Please don't ki"


The tremor was so powerful one of the shoes tumbled to one side. Sid rolled out, shaking like a leaf.

Lilith's eyes moved to him. They felt piercing, but she was also the most beautiful being he'd ever seen. She just moved a step and was towering above him.

"WHAT TO DO WITH YOU NOW.. MMMH?" she crouched and grabbed the shoe holding Doug, then poured the content in her other hand. She dropped the shoe behind Sid, making him scream, and dangled Doug by a leg before her face.

"P-Plea..!" he started, but she cut him short.


After she was done mocking him with her deafening laugh, she tilted her head backwards, opened her mouth, and inserted Doug, then closed her lips around the same ankle she was holding.

Then she looked at Sid intensely.

He could tell from the expression on her face how she was getting seriously aroused just by keeping the tiny man in her mouth, trapped and completely at her mercy.

Muffled, distant screams could be heard, and when they did, she squinted her eyes looking down in a full display of power. As if to say "Obey me or you're history."

Sid's fear started to transform into a deep arousal at this sight. His boner came back to life and he started viciously stroking it, using the show of Doug getting eaten like it was the same kind of porn full sized men around the world paid girls for.

Lilith's hands moved by themselves, she inserted her right in her panties and her left grabbed Sid, enveloping him in her fist, only leaving him enough room to keep masturbating. She raised him to her chest, pressing his head on the hard nipple hiding underneath her top, and sucked Doug inside her mouth, then started to lick him with her mouth closed, pushing him around, knowing how much power she had over him.

When she was getting close to climax and her back started to hunch in extremely aroused spasms, she opened her panties and shoved Sid inside, then quickly let go of the rim and gently pushed the tiny against her pussy until she felt the familiar energy wave rise in her spine and envelop her in pleasure.

She didn't even recorded the moment she swallowed Doug like a half consumed candy. He screamed all the way down her oesophagus, but shouting in moans as his cock had been licked and coated by the gigantic girl's saliva. The last moment of his life was also the best one.

When the twitching and back arching pleasure dissipated, she curiously pulled her panties open, slowly and eagerly. The last shrunken toy was covered in a blanket of her juices, half trapped in her lips. Yet.. he smiled up to her. He had loved every second of this, just like she did.

Tired and with her stomach full, she slowly stood up and walked to her kitchen. She grabbed the juice coated tiny from her panties, washed him in the sink with a bit of warm water, and then placed him on the counter. He watched her turn around, open the fridge and get some grapes and sliced banana, then she left it all there for him.


He watched her leave for the bathroom, but she turned once again before exiting the room.


Sid smiled to himself, still in disbelief, but reassured by these crazy new events.

"Looks like I found one of those super rare girls..."

he grabbed a slice of banana larger than his chest

"Doug.. Tiny... this is for you.."

...and he started eating silently.


It's rare that I write stories like this, but every once in a while.. I hope people appreciate them. :)




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