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Hey Tinies 😁

so after a loooong absence from this story I came back to it with plenty of ideas and also ZERO organization!! 😂😂😂

Difficulty aside (textures, glitches, finding the right lights and so on), I simply realized I wanted to do much more than a single month would allow me to do.

Normally, a video like the ones I posted so far takes me a month to make, depending on whatever else is going on, timing, you name it, so I decided to split this Chapter in (again) multiple, but more parts than usual.

I wanted to end the first part of the story with 4.5, but then.. you know.. I wasn't happy between either piracy and 50 payments a month "vanishing" just like that, especially considering the kind of money I spend on new models and upgrades to give you better and better quality (like the voiced narration/characters, effects, all the cool shit).

So I'm gonna look after my own sanity and health first this time, and working at a pace, posting smaller videos that explain the story more carefully while I monitor everything and make changes to the plot where I see fit.

If you like variety, you're gonna love this.





Hey sorry that i ask but is there an update when you release the first split part?


No problem. And I have honestly no idea.. could be the end of the month, could be the beginning of the next. I'm multitasking so progress is slow but constant.