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I just received a great news from Patreon.. well, it's great for ME (so it will avoid a lot of confusion on my part) and it's great for YOU (so you'll know how in Hellheim Patreon charges people)!

Long story short, from today new Patrons will be billed the same day they pledge.

...okaaay? And what's the difference from before then?

Simply put, Patreon didn't charge new people upfront and sometimes "forgot" to charge them at the end of the month, resulting in either me losing money and people getting randomly being restricted from my page, even if they wanted to stay.

It was crazy to try and understand, and I felt the Patreon FAQ was almost useless.

Personally, I think the first rule of commerce should be "you pay, you have", just as it works when you buy ANYTHING online, from your pervy action figure on ebay to a monthly subscription or as you purchase a full comic from someone else, and that is exactly how I thought things would work here as well.

Well, now it finally does!

No more confusion like "..huh? I didn't get charged? So is the page free?" or "Hey! Wtf?? Why did I get charged twice? I only just pledged on the 28th of the month!" ....and shit like that. No more of that.

If you're a new Patron, you'll be charged as you pledge...

If you're already amazing and have been supporting me, you'll be charged at the beginning of every month (on the 1st) and it will allow you access to my page for the entire month (exactly the way this SHOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE in the past years....)

BUT, better late than ever.

Let's all put a like to this and show some praise to the AWESOME *cough*l4zy4$$e$*cough* Patreon management! XD

Hope that FINALLY clears things for everyone (including myself!).

-Tony :)


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