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Here we are Tiny tribe!

These are the first 4 I prepared. The idea was to continue the whole story like this, but if you read my previous post you'll know how I'm going to do this from now on.

Sorry if the format will feel very different but I have to protect my work as best as I can, especially when there are apparently laws protecting the thieves (I know, this world is fucked).


She's my latest character, Kendall, 16 years old, blonde with brown eyes, adopted. She lives in a big house with her brother (also adopted). They're often left by themselves and she likes to abuse her mother's "anti rape technology" to shrink her brother and belittle him.

More is coming SOON! Like.. VERY SOON! Less than 24 hours?


Wooo-hooooo!! :D

Enjoy! ^_^





To be honest i don't like the new system. I know you try to protect your stuff but this is a little too much. It loses the enjoyment to watch.


Sorry to hear that. I only plan to do this for short enough stories whereas I would make people wait for weeks before anything is released, so I'm still going to use the same video method I've used for the past few months with music and sounds. I do enjoy that more too, this method is merely a deterrent for thieves cuz if I did this normally with a full comic released, the next day it would be sitting somewhere else for free ..but people would still unawarely be paying pirates with click-to-cash and selling your data for analysis against your will... of course nobody ever tells you that, it's easy to be tricked. This is why I prefer to pay for good stuff even when it's free, 1. knowing pirates make less money is a victory in itself and 2. that 3-10 bucks prevents me a lot of future problems deriving from the selling of my data to third parties (this innocent thing results into hacking of your card even if you never use it online... it's as clever as it is coward).

benson d

i want to see more leg riding! love your pictures so far of it.


Thank you! ^_^ And yes, legs are usually ignored by many but it's a really feminine detail, part of a HUGE subculture in Japan. They believe that in order to pledge yourself to a woman you have to kiss her legs. :P

benson d

completely missed the last picture yesterday. what a treat!