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I've been working so hard on this one, it's definitely been the hardest video so far. Between special effects, rendering and the actual videomaking, I spend at least a few dozen hours on this. Hopefully the next one won't take THIS hard work!


as I already mentioned in a previous post there won't be a public Comic version for this one due to repeated and insisting piracy, BUT I'll upload it somehow and share it to those that will ask, so I can write a list down and have among them the asshole's name and EMAIL for confrontation with the one on the pirating website. There's so much you can do with an email if you have the wits these days.

And with that out of the way...

I hope you'll enjoy this. I know some didn't like the idea of a bubblegum shrunken weakling, but the story won't ONLY be about that.. I know that many who asked for this to be in the story will appreciate it (especially in the next part I bet). ;)

Enjoy! ^_^


448.14 MB file on MEGA



I’m going to say bravo on this one. I was skeptical about the plot involving a gum man, but this I liked. The premise made sense and it fits with the existing story. I especially liked it when the brother tried to save the other. It’s hard in my opinion to get a good multi shrunken character story going where each one has a meaningful part to play.


I am hoping that there’s going to be a gum under the shoe ending. That would be fun if she just walks off with him stuck to her shoe while she goes to play with the main male lead.


Thank you kindly mate. I know a few people didn't like the idea when I mentioned so I'm not sure it was wise from me to spoil that much BEFORE you'd actually see that and then judge. Someone even left and commented that they felt "personally offended" by the presence of a gum man. o_O I can think of many things that would offend a person, but seeing a tiny bubblegum man getting toyed with by a hot giant babe? Not one of those things. Glad you liked the whole "brothers story", it's not over and I'm just about to get to the juicy part.. I hope people will appreciate it. (Also, shaping this gum man was a nightmare.. and the worst is apparently just about to come, I haven't tried yet to "cheat" with this shaping and deforming to make my life easier yet.)


I liked this fourth part because of how entertaining it was. I am so eager to finally see some barefoot.


*fourth chapter


Working on it.. I think I'm more eager than you lol but I had and still have to try and do everything people have been asking me since December, I can probably promise this chapter's gonna be your favorite in terms fantasies. ;)