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The Comic version for those who prefer to take their time and savor the moment.. ;)

ENJOY! ^_^




Wow, twist ending. Did not see that coming but made sense. Good writing.


Hehe.. very appreciated. I've done a LOT of thinking and almost didn't choose this development, but it WILL allow me to explore more branches in the story in the long run.. Glad you liked it! ;)


I love how the mercy is visible as reflection in a diamond on her shoe.


Thanks :) yeah, there are some things in this software that could be a lot simpler.. some single images take me hours just to figure out a way around the problem but I love the final result so I don't give up. ;) I'm learning something new everyday.


Bleeding effect sounds Assassin's Creed! An animus!!! fantastic chapter... part


Glad you recognized it! XD I was sorry not to see more of that feature in the game, it reminded of some old horror movie I watched as a child and realised it would allow me for a LOT of potential in future parts of the story. Once this current "intro" part is finished I can finally start to develop the story more and work on more characters too.. hehe.. Tony's in for SO MUCH trouble! :P


Hey! Are you still working on your next chapter?


Been working everyday of the past two months on this story lol.. I'm finishing the next part these days and starting the next one where Emily will be the star ;)

Matthew B.

You are by far the best content creator I have ever seen on here. There was another guy who had a 7 tier and a 32 premium tier and he only uploaded 7 videos and didn’t give premium access to the lower tier even though his descriptions said he had. Moral of the story everyone stopped supporting him I think so he stopped caring about his patreon. He lead us all to believe he had all this stuff but never posted it.


Omega level appreciation bruh!! XD What can I say.. I started this for passion and when YT banned my videos I decided to sell them for the cheapest price I was allowed to and kept doing what I love with even more passion. I see a lot of these people with multiple Tiers and minimum 7 bucks and they have little content like you said.. I'm working a few hours everyday and the more I learn the better I can make the story become, richer with details and possibilities. Some even told me I'm "too cheap" lol.. my idea was simply to allow more people to see my work, no aiming for the spoiled children of doctors or lawyers who pay 30 or even 50 bucks to a random number of websites each. Comments like yours are fuel to my art. :)