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Chapter 44


(Alishia Stone)

Sometimes people can’t seem to take a hint. At least that is what Alishia thought of the new girl who was clearly marking territories that were beyond her abilities to even comprehend.

It all started with the fact that Rodger couldn’t keep his eyes off of the new girl. Apparently, Rodger had a thing for redheads, that or for the tall athletic type, or maybe it was the way her face was seemingly perfectly symmetrical with itself. Regardless of the reason he could never keep his eyes away from the new girl.

At first Alishia didn’t mind this, as she thought it would just be a passing phase. A minor blip in the course of things that were to come. Of course, at that point in time, Alishia had to play her cards right, as she was supposed to be in a committed relationship with Jerome, the pack alpha.

For a time, Alishia owed everything to Jerome and his parents, the parents especially, as they showed her what it meant to be an Alpha. She learned so much, found so many different ways to improve herself, areas and facets of power to focus on.

What she learned was shocking, in that only Alpha’s could produce Alphas. Meaning that if you wanted to become an Alpha there were two main ways. The first was that you were just so dominant that other pack members would naturally heel to your every command and fall in line. This was not Alishia, at least not at first.

Instead, Alishia was what was referred to as a Beta-Alpha, one who had to be guided. One who did not inherently know the path to walk to be an Alpha.

At first, Alishia felt that she was inferior to Jerome, as he was clearly the latter type. As everything Jerome did seemed like it was destined for him to lead. Little did Alishia know that this was all an act, that all of those childhood moments when Alishia saw Jerome seemingly waltz his way through being an Alpha was all scripted, all designed by his parents who all but forced him to walk the path of dominance.

When Alishia first saw Jerome she had been naturally attracted to him, and had felt blessed by Gaia herself when he reciprocated those feelings. Only after years of subjugating herself to Jerome did the mystique of Jerome eventually fade away. Then those feelings completely crumbled away when the mystique of his status was revealed, that was when the blinders were removed and she began to see Jerome for the egotistical megalomaniac that he truly was.

Granted being a megalomaniac was part of what being an Alpha was, at least as far as Alishia could tell. Just walking the path made it so one invariably walked the fine line between being a sociopath and being a benevolent leader. The sociopath came from the fact that Werewolves were just born more violently than others, that in order to get an unruly Werewolf to fall in line, one needed to be violent in their approach to dominance. Leave no doubt in the mind of the challenger, nor those who witnessed the challenge of what would remain if a challenge was rendered and failed. That was the way of the wolf, and Alishia had learned to exert her control over the other females, practicing her own form of vicious brutality in the meantime.

In fact, Alishia had been on top for so long, having bullied and brought each and every possible adversary to heel before they even became a problem, that she was almost blindsided by the contempt the new girl had for her.

The fact that it was nothing but contempt was clearly present. Everything the new girl did seemed to be done solely for the fact that she wanted to annoy Alishia.

Alishia had her servitors watch the new girl, seeing how she would give Rodger absolutely no attention. Then the moment Alishia got within eyesight, the new girl would look up from whatever she was doing, find Alisha, make direct eye contact then smirk slightly as she would proceed to make her move on Rodger.

Seeing the new girl make a move on her man, someone who she clearly claimed as her own so brazenly set a fire deep down inside Alishia.


Alishia growled, actually growled at the idea of someone claiming her property, and that is what Rodger was, property. He had not elevated himself to the ranks of werewolf nobility, he didn’t have that itfactor that would make him a true leader amongst the pack. In fact, as far as Alishia was aware, unless she put in a word for him shortly, his candidacy to be groomed as a future Alpha would not be accepted. Given his age, the fact that he was a new addition to the pack, and a myriad of other factors and it would be nearly impossible for him to be considered for the position of Alpha here shortly. Which meant that he would forever be a pawn, or a guard at best. Yet, Alishia for some reason wanted something more from Rodger, as she felt a deep intrinsic connection to Rodger that was nearly impossible to explain. She had for some reason always liked Rodger, and yet she never acted on her feelings.

Well part of that was clearly Jerome, as Jerome was an obsessively controlling dictator, with a Napoleon complex in a nearly seven-foot frame.

The only good thing about Jerome was that his family had accepted his choice and showed Alishia the path to becoming an Alpha. Then when he died, Alishia felt like fate had finally given her a chance to be free.

Is it sad that she had to pretend cry at her former boyfriend’s funeral? Fortunately, the rain helped, as it gave her cover for the fact that her tears were dry.


Those thoughts and more flashed through her mind, as she realized how much she had given up. How much of her life had been taken away by the monster that was Jerome. Then she was abruptly pulled out of her own musings when she got within fifteen feet of the new girl and her Rodger.

As she approached, she felt an all-consuming surge of fear, as if she was suddenly next to a higher ranked Alpha.

Pausing, Alishia looked to the source of the surge of power but was shocked when all she found was the new girl.

For a moment she paused, taking in everything that her body was trying to tell her. There were environmental factors around that all but seemed to scream danger. In that moment, she contemplated pausing, on holding back and trying to figure out why her senses that normally never led her wrong were suddenly screaming at her to be weary. She heard those alarms and then disregarded them as she felt her emotions take over.


The new girl seemed to feel Alishia’s presence, just the same way that she now felt that she was within an odd barrier of force. A barrier that caused the hairs on the back of her neck to rise up.

Their eyes locked for the second time, then Alishia watched as the stoic face of the new girl twisted into that of a patronizing smile.


Alishia had always had anger issues, which were only heightened when she first became a werewolf, and only more so after she became an Alpha, a leader who was designed to be able to resolve conflicts before they could spiral out of hand. Right now, Alishia realized the conflict, this new girl who had nothing to do with the pack, other than being an acquaintance for many was now not only firmly entrenched in her pack, but blatantly stealing her things.

In her mind, she knew that a vote would soon be held, one where she would be asked to join the pack. If that happened, Alishia knew deep down that this would be the end of her. That this new girl was a natural Alpha, not a Beta-Alpha like her, but someone who clearly knew what it meant to lead. She had that power and charisma that would make other pack members fall in line automatically.

Her mind made these connections instantly, Alishia saw this new girl for the true threat that she was and would be. The fact that she was not only a threat now, but that she would continue to be a threat in the future.

That was partly why she felt her control over her wolf let go, her mind saw this girl as a threat, so she reacted in kind. What happened next was not something that Alishia would be proud of. First, if the true extent of what she had done, or what she attempted to do in a school, in front of so many witnesses, she could have been charged with heresy. By destroying the key fundamentals that have let the shifters survive comfortably in human society. Being in plain sight, while showing that there is no true threat, even though there is a wolf in sheep’s clothing standing defiantly besides you.


The long sleeves of Alishia’s shirt became tight and then began to rip apart as her arm began to expand and tear apart the stitching as her body began to change on its own. Even her Lycra sweat pants began to bulge and flex under the strain that her leg muscles were now building up. They were close, meaning that Alishia didn’t have enough time to get to her full speed, but she did have size, strength, and momentum on her side. At least that was what she thought when she first began.

“Stop.” The new girl called out, almost calmly. Alishia saw the new girl raise her palm up in a halting gesture.

Alishia’s reflexes were so heightened from the adrenaline pumping within her body, that she could all but see time slow down around her, which was how she noticed the sudden surge of energy. Her eyes caught the build up of electrical energy that seemed to course through the new girl’s body, up her arm and focus into her hand. A hand that blasted a bolt of bright blue electricity from six inches away.


Then she felt the jolt of energy surge through her body, locking her body into place, causing her to be unable to move.


Alishia felt the outstretched hand smack into her forehead, something she had been planning to avoid, before her body was locked into place by the torrent of electricity that had coursed through her body.

There was a slight pause, before the world sped up on her. Suddenly her senses that had been taking in the world and providing it to her in extensive details began to fade, as she felt her still stiff body fall due to the awkward position she had been in when the jolt hit her, one foot up, leaning forward, while her arms were outstretched in an attempt to slash and claw at the defenseless girl. At least, that was what Alishia had thought at the beginning, that this girl was defenseless, as nothing was more powerful than a wolf, or so she had been told.


The minute Alishia’s body collapsed to the ground, was the moment she felt her body begin to recoil slightly in on itself. Her over charged muscles that had been threatening to rip out of her shirt were shrinking back to their normal size. Her sweatpants that had been near to bursting were suddenly much looser around her legs.

Worst of all, she felt that the source of her power, her inner wolf had been silenced.

“Oh look at that, you must have slipped and caused an electrical discharge from you slide. Are you okay?” The voice of the new girl called out, as first one set, then two sets of hands grabbed Alishia and pulled her to her feet.

Alishia would have fought back, in fact she tried, but her muscles were still too sore.

Only after a second did Alishia finally regain control over her body enough to move on her own. Then once she felt in control again, she paused and stared at the new girl. Looking at her, she saw the girl smile widely with her white teeth gleaming. It was a challenge smile, at least that was what Alishia took the smile as, what else could she take it as.

Inwardly, Alishia reached for her well of rage, the source of her power that she had been able to call upon ever since she had first managed to change on her own as a little girl. She reached, but only found nothing.

At that, Alishia paused, as sudden fear filled her as she reached up with her arm to feel her chest, to find that it was there. Her mind only half recognizing the cool breeze being generated from air flowing into her now torn sleeve.

“You okay? You don’t look so good.” The new girl asked, though Alishia again could only hear mocking undertones.

“Yeah, you okay?” Rodger asked, and with his words a new fire was lit within Alishia as she realized that he was the source of all of this. That he didn’t realize that this new girl was playing him, well playing her by using him, that everything that just happened could have been avoided.

“Fine.” Was all Alishia managed to say, as she ripped her arms free from Rodger who was still holding her. However the task of pulling her arm free was a lot tougher than she had expected, only now did Alishia realize just how weak she truly felt.

“What? Okay?” Rodger said, staring at Alishia for a moment, then turning back to the new girl he said. “I, I need to go.”

With that Rodger came to stand beside Alishia who was only now able to work her way through the crowd of students who had all gathered to watch the spectacle. To her surprise, the other girls got a lot closer than she was used to, it was a minor thing, but something that stuck out to her. Normally the mundane students would know to steer clear of her, to make room for her, but not anymore. Not today.

This whole ordeal had given Alishia a lot to think about, but ultimately she knew that it was all the fault of that new girl, somehow, someway.

Just when Alishia was fifteen feet away, she felt the slight tingle against her skin release as she was suddenly free of that slightly unnerving feeling that had been plaguing her since she got close to the new girl. At that, Alishia felt her body relax a little, as at least she no longer felt that her body was warning her of an immanent threat. That was until the new girl called out and said mockingly.

“Watch your step.”

Alishia paused and turned back to stare at the new girl. This was a little harder than she expected, as one or two students had moved in their line of sight. Again, this too was something that normally never happened as most would move out of the way. Yet, after a second, the students seemed to move out of the way of the new girl, that was when their eyes met, and she saw the same condescending smile form on her lips as she waved goodbye.

Their eyes locked, and Alishia waited for the girl to back down, to look away first, but she didn’t. This too just added even more to the complex lairs of disgust she felt for this new girl. In the past she would have stared out of a matter of principle, making the new girl back down. Maybe even taking a step forward to force an early submission, but at this moment Alishia felt oddly vulnerable, as if the layer of invincibility that had surrounded her and protected her for years was suddenly stripped away.

Realizing the girl wasn’t going to back down, and too many people were around, Alishia did the unthinkable, she backed down first. Lowering her gaze for a fraction of a second, before turning around and striding away as quickly as possible.

This time, Alishia knew it was over.

Until she heard one last quip come from the new girl in that same mocking tone she always seemed to use while talking to Alishia.

“I’ll check on you later.”

Something about that caused the hairs on the back of her neck to rise. That was a threat, at least her mind perceived it to be a threat, turning around she looked to try to find the girl, to see if there was anything she could add to this being a threat, but the girl was already gone, lost in a see of students who waited far too long in the hallways and were now hurrying to get to their classes on time.

Alishia looked, but realized that the new girl likely went down the science hallway and was thus now out of sight.

Only after everything was over, and the threat was gone did Alishia manage to let out a breath of relief. Unfortunately, she forgot that someone was there watching her this entire time, someone who would now see her as vulnerable. Worst of all, this man was a member of her pack.

“You okay?”  Rodger asked.