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Chapter 192


I did it, I finally found someone that I could train my hardest against and not have to worry about cheating, about instant death strikes, or worse causing undue pain. T.A.M. training, or Training Against Myself, has so far proven to be the best workout I could find.


Yes, I’ve learned to battle against myself.

Every morning I wake up and feel a renewed sense of awe and wonder with my training. Now I wake up at two A.M. or even earlier. Sometimes if I really feel the challenge of learning new skills and depths I don’t sleep, instead I let Zero sleep for both of us. It turns out he doesn’t need to sleep a combined sixteen hours when he sleeps for both of us, but for just eight which somehow counts for both of us. So he sleeps the same amount of time he would normally, but I gain a benefit from keeping him safe. Which is getting harder and harder to pull off, as the better I get, the better my Simulacrums get at fighting as well.

Additionally, I learned that my Simulacrums don’t need to sleep. Apparently, they do and will synchronize thoughts with me, but they don’t exactly need to sleep. These are all things I have learned from having one Simulacrum here with me, imagine what I could do with two, or more.

For the first battle I am a Qi user, and my Simulacrum will be a magic user. After this we will switch, then both be Qi users, and both be magic users. Then if we have time before classes, we will start again.

Unfortunately, we rarely have enough time to go through this whole training regimen more than once. As each training bout seems to take up more and more time. We are getting better, also it really helps in the fact that we both know what skills we are focusing on for improvements. Meaning, the skills being used aren’t perfect, so there are opening and those openings are easily countered by good defensive skills that are mostly perfected at this time.

Honestly, training against myself is one of the most fun experiences of my day. I can push myself as hard as possible, without needing to hold back, knowing that if a strike lands I won’t die. Also, if a lethal blow does land, either I or my Simulacrum can heal the other quickly enough to stop any massive internal problems before healing is impossible. Even then, I am fairly certain that I, or my Simulacrum could Resurrect the other before things got dire.

There is also the fact that, I think there might be a cheat to avoid death in such a situation, even if the body I have has been completely eviscerated, I think there might be a way for me to avoid permanent death. Not that I want to try that method, but I have had the thought. Not that I am willing to speak it out loud, as that is one of those Get out of Jail Free cards that will be taken away from you, the moment you speak or even try to practice them.

Instead, I just feel that I could avoid death. Well so long as my spirit wasn’t completely destroyed and incinerated, I feel that I could possibly survive. I know these are the thoughts of the crazy people right before they die. That or of the people that think of themselves as Gods in some way shape or form. But realistically, I am walking the path of a God and an immortal simultaneously.

I am nearing the end of my mythical bloodline. There are about five key components that I am missing at this point, but I felt parts lock into place when I had blood from each of the four Cardinal Protectors brush up on my hand, while I engraved the ability to morph into a Pomeranian inside the very essence of their power source.

The blood and subsequent changes were noted in my updated quest chain.

Specialty Unique Quest Updated: Fixing Mistakes (Personal-Unique): You managed to fix Nagingah, the dragon you resurrected into a Pomeranian, by making it so she could also change into her natural form. Upon seeing the ability to change, the other Cardinal Protectors also wished for similar abilities to change their forms at will, which you managed to perform. Current status: (4 / 4) Cardinal Protector’s Cores Modified. Note: This was a familiar initiated quest, as such your relationship with your familiar has greatly increased. Rewards: Experience, Skill(s), Improved Relationship with Zero, Mythic Bloodline Markers Activated.

Experience Gained:

250,000 / 125,000 / 125,000


Level up.

Akashic Qi Master has increased by six levels to level 237.

Ethereal Simulacrums Master has increased by four levels to level 277.

Ethereal Healer has increased by six levels to level 365.

New Skills: Already learned.

Bloodline Markers Identified.

Was is bad that I felt a quest that took almost four hours to perform and netted me a total of sixteen levels was not worth it? Aside from the increased relationship with Zero that quest felt like it hit a few nerves. Mainly in the way I felt the Cardinal Protectors were treating Zero, even after he went out of his way to make sure I would help, they still treated him like trash. That or maybe this is my motherly instincts coming out, but needless to say I want nothing to do with these Cardinal Pomeranians, I mean, Protectors.

Of course, I can’t say or do anything, as that will just cause Zero to go out to those trash dragons in the first place.


Fortunately, I have found a new and healthy way of dealing with my stress. Namely punching myself in the face as hard and fast as possible, while trying to avoid my own blows and return strikes.

Jab-punch, leg sweep. Fly in the air, swirl, spinning heel kick to the wing. Missed the return elbow to the nose.


My nose shatters, but that is good, as it causes me to focus back on the match and not the reasons for why I need the match.

I am already healing and delivering my next few blows as we take our combat to the air. It wasn’t until this week that I finally got an aerial combat skill. Odd, as I thought I had one before, but apparently that was just aerial dancing. Now I have three skills all related to flying while fighting.

New Skill Gained: Aerial Combat has increased to level 1.

Aerial Combat is a Strength, Dexterity X3, Stamina, and Perception based skill.

New Skill Gained: Aerial Qi Combat has increased to level 1.

Aerial Qi Combat is a Strength X2, Dexterity X3, Samina X2, Perception, and Willpower X2 based skill.

New Skill Gained: Aerial Magical Combat has increased to level 1.

Aerial Magical Combat is a Strength, Dexterity X3, Stamina, Perception, Intelligence X2, and Willpower X2 based skill.

With these skills, I had even more motivation to push myself and to improve. I could also tell that the way I worked on these skills was appreciated as many people took to waking up early and seeing me practice. As now it became somewhat of a tradition for first my morning cultivators to wake up early and watch me spar with myself. At first, I almost lost track of time, but now it is Jhonny’s job to wave at me and signal that it is time for class to begin. At which point, my Simulacrum and I instantly stop whatever attacks we are building up, then bow to each other, before heading back down to the ground.

During this time there is a bit of obfuscation, as my Simulacrum will often cast an Invisibility spell on herself, masking her from view. At which point I will then turn her into either princess Octavia De’Arcaneri, or her father King Galuminous De’Arcaneri. Either way, my Simulacrum will do the job of visiting the now joint military Deolarian forces and trying to increase peace and stability, while I train the next generation of students to eventually become proficient enough to be my future punching bags, I mean, training partners.

The only problem is that today, I feel a slight pressure in my stomach.

For a moment, I almost think, almost think that I am pregnant. Then I relax a little, and realize that no, this is just a similar but slightly different sensation that my body is warning me about.

Landing on the ground, I find Jhonny and tell him.

“Take over the morning training regimen.” I state as I clutch at my stomach.

“You okay?” Jhonny asks.

“Yeah, perfect. Now move.” I demand.

Jhonny looks at me for a moment and looks like is about to contradict my direct order, but then apparently sees something in my eyes. I do open up all three eyes to show I mean business. With that he finally nods and then turning to everyone else begins the class.

With him standing up at the front of the formation, I decide to actually sit down and try to take some of the strain off my stomach. By now I’ve realized what exactly my problem is, but I will need time to fix it, unfortunately my OCD won’t let me allow myself a chance to rest, until I know my students are taken care of. Thank goodness I have Jhonny, who has been with me long enough to know my routines and who knows the training routines by heart at this point.

Pausing for a moment I wait and listen for him to talk.

“By now you all know what you need to work on, focus on that.” Jhonny states. There is a momentary pause, then he gestures for everyone to disperse.

No one moves, as everyone just stares on blankly.

A few people leave, some at speed, while others all just stare forward in a dumbfounded manner.

“Do not make me stand up and make you train!” I state emphatically.

Slight pause, before anarchy ensues.

Apparently, that was enough for everyone to realize what they should do, as they all realize they have better things to do than to stare at me and Jhonny.


Now that the majority of the class is gone, I feel that I can relax a bit, which is good, as my stomach feels like it is about to burst. Well not my stomach, but rather my core that roughly resides on a metaphysical plane that is in direct relation to the location of my stomach. Yeah, odd to think about metaphysical to physical relationships while in pain.

Jhonny of course just stares back at me, then seeing his concern for me, I make sure to distract him a bit.

“Way to shirk responsibility there. Just give them all a free day to run around and play as they want to.” I state, but then end up regretting that, as I clutch my stomach tighter.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, technically this is actually a good thing, as I think I am about to break through.”

“Break through?”

“Yeah, to the next tier of my Qi core, but the only problem is that I didn’t get a chance to choose a good time to do this.” I state, but I am already feeling that pain exploding inside of me as my initial core is shattering and rather than exploding out, I can feel the core pulling every ounce of energy into the microfractures of my core as my body is quickly being starved of Qi, as my body is tightly condensing the energy as if into a blackhole within my soul.

“Can I do anything for you?” Jhonny asks.

“Yeah, shut up and train.” I state, as I close my eyes, though it doesn’t change anything, as I can still see everything around me thanks to my Angel’s Sight, I just hope that Jhonny gets the message that I need to focus for right now.

“Not going to happen, I am your protector first and foremost. As such I will be by your side throughout this.”

“Okay, then can you just shut up at least?” I ask, realizing that I am being far meaner than I intend to, but pain is making it hard to focus.

Jhonny nods.


Good he got the memo this time. With him now on board with being quiet at least, I can focus on me.

I find myself in a state where I am forced to half watch and half direct the energy of my body to certain key points around my body.

During this time, I feel my body’s desperate need to cultivate more energy. So without even thinking about the process, or what I was doing, I began releasing my personal mana into a thick coating that was quickly noticed, observed, and then absorbed through my skin by my same cultivation process. This process was highly inefficient in terms of mana to Qi conversion ratios, but it did the important thing, and that was give me enough energy to make the transition that much smoother.

This was almost the same as my past breakthrough, where I practically bathed in the dirty run-off of the undead Lich’s shabby array formation, whose natural biproduct was Qi condensation. For my last breakthrough I bathed in that stream to achieve a similar result as I was facing currently.

As for this time, since I knew the effects of having abundant energy available on the future development of my core, I went ahead and tried to replicate the same conditions as closely as possible as my last time.

The overall experience was a bit more complicated than I had intended. First, the strain of constantly casting spells that were designed to be sent out and absorbed was quite taxing on my mind, as I felt my body doing two completely different functions simultaneously. That of casting and cultivating. Typically, these two processes should be in opposition with each other, but I’ve found at least a way to make them both work in a symbiotic relationship, at least for now.

How does it feel?

Honestly, I don’t have much time to realize how it feels to use both simultaneously, other than taxing. Yes, the entire process is completely taxing, and inefficient. With my fractures in my core that are growing wider and wider, I can feel more and more of my weaker Qi particles getting forced out of my body, while I feel my body taking energy, grabbing it, and forcefully shrinking it into a more condensed state than I thought possible. Which is why there is such a reaction, as the denser the initial Qi becomes, the more it pulls in, but then there seems to be a bit of a magnetic pull and push effect going on, where it pulls in particles that are mostly facing in a certain direction, or forcefully expels particles that are aligned in the opposite direction. The event is a constant pushing and pulling of energy, where I am clearly being even more wasteful with my energy than I have any right to be, but after a bit of struggling and wrestling with the energy, I feel my control increase, particularly with the way I am able to detect the polarity of the energy before it gets near the vortex that is my fractured and expanding core.

During this time, I also find myself testing the types of energy that are best for this conversion process. Not too surprisingly Lifemagic is the best for golden Qi production, followed by Nature and Lightmagic. I assume this would mean that Spirit magic would be the best for silver Qi production or conversion, but I am not at that state just yet.

Externally, I know that no one is training. This is what one can expect when the teacher is away, I can also feel the intense gazes of any sets of eyes staring at me. Unfortunately, right now, I can’t even focus on them, or try to hide myself from their prying gazes. Instead, all I can do is force my way through this excruciating process.

Then finally it happens.


The vortex within my body suddenly fills, like the hunger one would suffer from being stranded for twenty-one days in a bare-skinned survival show. My body was starving, well and truly starving for so long, then finally I managed to consume just enough to finally feel satiated. At that point, I felt slightly dirty, as the magic I had been spraying out over my body suddenly stopped and froze like a layer of caramelized sugar.

The energy that had been constantly pulled into my body suddenly had a backup, as energy that had been forcefully pulled inward suddenly had nowhere else to go.

That is when I felt the system inform me of the accomplishment that I had just undergone.

Epic Martial Quest (On-going): Furthering the Martial Cause: You have managed to next step towards true Immortality by taking a self-guided step towards constantly improving yourself and your martial body. Rewards: Experience, Improved Qi Core, Bloodline evolution perks.

Experience Gained: 75,000 / 37,500 / 37,500.


Level up.

Akashic Qi Master has increased by one level to level 238.

Ethereal Simulacrums Master has increased by one level to level 278.

Ethereal Healer has increased by two levels to level 367.

Perfect Stage IV Qi Core: You have managed to create the Perfect Stage IV Qi core and have begun your path in the realm of cultivation. Effects: Longevity IV, Body Improvement IV, Movement IV, Qi Core Size IV, Qi Circulation IV, Combat Attacks IV, Aerial Combat IV.

Longevity: Your body has begun to slow down the effects of aging. You will now age at a rate of (N times 10%) slower.

Body Improvement: Your Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Attractiveness, Perception, and Willpower will all be increased at a rate of (N times 10%).

Movement: Your movement speed has been increased by a rate of (N times 10%).

Qi Core Size: The size of your initial Qi core is (N times 10%) larger than standard cultivators will experience.

Qi Circulation: The speed of your Qi Circulation will be (N times 10%) faster.

Note: All ratings are at (N times 10%), where N equals the current stage of your core listed.

Bloodline evolution perks identified.

With that, I felt a whole new surge of power coursing through me, as I had somehow managed to keep this quote unquote, perfect evolution going. I know for a fact that I would not have been able to achieve this process without the help of my exorbitant reserves of mana that were replenished multiple times throughout that whole process.

When I awake, I close my third eye, and let my attention expand away from my immediate vicinity, and realize that apparently not just my martial cultivators have taken a moment to watch and stare at me, but apparently Mallory, Gwen, the high ranking members of the guild, and my magical students have all gathered around and are just quietly staring at me.

Seeing them all, I ask the first question that comes to mind, “What?”

“What did you just do?” Mallory asks, apparently being the bravest of everyone present.

“What do you mean, I didn’t break anything this time. At least, I don’t think I did?” I begin, suddenly searching around for any signs that I might have actually done more with that expelled energy than I originally thought. Was it the same as radiation? Did I just super irradiate everyone in the guild?

Everyone is silent for a moment, then suddenly Mallory opens her mouth to speak.