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Chapter 8

Having gone through multiple survival scenarios in his classes, Frank felt his body reacting before he truly thought out what he would do next.

In his mind he went through the checklist of items needed to survive. First find a safe place, preferably a choke point with only one way to enter or exit. Ideally this would be similar to the alleyway he lured both Scottie and Aaron down. The next best spot for survival was of course the Snake’s mouth that he just exited, which is where he found himself going back towards.

There were multiple reasons for heading back into the snakes mouth. First the snake was dead, something that the glowing rodents clearly weren’t. Second, the mouth of the snake was being held open via the metal rod, if only for the moment. The third reason didn’t come to Frank, until he began looking around for tools or weapons.

The obvious tool to use, the giant metal rod was currently being used to ensure that he wasn’t swallowed up inside the mouth of the beast. Or that he didn’t have as hard of a time getting past the rows of long serrated teeth. That of course, was where he found the weapons he would use, or at least where he got the idea for weapons. Namely the large venomous fangs of the snake. Fangs that up until moments ago had been meant to inflict death to him now were what Frank was hoping would be tools he could use to get his freedom.

Stepping back into the snake’s mouth also produced a fourth benefit and that was that the cold moist air of the underground was no longer ripping away the heat he was desperately trying to produce. While there were still pockets of pooled snake saliva and venom he now knew how to avoid those spots to help keep him as dry as possible. Well as dry as he could get, while pretending to be a terrible veterinary dentist.

Bracing himself against the metal rod, Frank kicked out with his feet and first pressed one large fang down, then the other.

The snake, due to how it had died, impaled to the ground with the top of the head against the ground, meant that the larger fangs used for piercing were also on the bottom row, which meant they should be easier to rip out. Should being the operative word as Frank felt both the metal rod and the impaled skin of the snake give way more than once as he pushed the fangs free.

Fortunately, he had been able to work both fangs away fairly easily, particularly with him starting with his feet at the top of the fang, then using the bar for balance, effectively walked his way down the fang that would eventually be able to be wiggled free.

With the two larger fangs removed, Frank gave a few sharp kicks at the other smaller fangs, realizing that having smaller knife sized fangs might help out in the future.

With that he quickly poked his head out of his make shift safe spot and checked to see what the rodents were doing.

To his surprise, they were all back, in a giant circle that surrounded the great serpent, but not coming anywhere near it.

Why wouldn’t they come? There is plenty of food here?

Frank found himself wondering what exactly the rodents were doing, and why they seemed to all be quivering nervously in the distance.

Only after a second or two of thinking did the reason make sense.

To Frank, the beast he was in was dead, no deader than dead as it not only was not producing energy, but all of the energy within its body was also drained away. But the rodents likely didn’t have his trait of Energy Sight, which allowed him to see the energy used for cultivation. Meaning the rodents couldn’t tell that the snake was dead just by looking at it. Furthermore, Frank realized that his movement inside the mouth of the great serpent also probably raised some alarm bells for the rodents.

Pausing for a moment he thought about this, about how futile it would be to fight his way through so many rodents. Pausing for a moment, he debated with himself and then decided he would first try to leave here.

With that he made up his mind, taking off what remained of his now soiled shirt, Frank took it off, wrapped the smaller fang fragments into the linen fabric, then strapped the shirt over his shoulder in a bandoleer fashion.

Then realizing that the rodents were afraid of the serpent, Frank thought for a moment but then decided that he would likely have an easier time leaving here if he was covered in the scent of the serpent.

Pausing as he didn’t want to be wet again, nor covered in the creature’s venom, venom that was no longer potent to his body that had developed an immunity, he paused. Then with reluctance dove into the remaining pool of blood, venom, and snake saliva. He rolled feeling the cold wet cloths of his pants cling to his legs, and thighs. He rolled feeling the venom tingle slightly against his skin before going away. He even felt the tingle on his head that was still clean of all hair particles somehow, save for a few patches of regular sized strands that jutted out here and there.

Pausing for a moment, Frank took a deep breath, then slowly crawling his way out from the snake’s mouth, he paused only once he was out and able to stand fully.

Once out, he quickly checked his shirt to make sure it was still rolled up and secured. Then reaching down he grabbed the two large snake teeth that were as long as his legs, and almost too thick to wrap his hand around fully. In his mind he had visions of grinding down a portion of the teeth that could be used as a handle. Of course, that would require time and a chance to move without fear of being swallowed by a horde of monsters.


Once again, the moment he left the safety of the snake’s mouth he felt an instant chill cover his body. Yet, this time he was prepared for the sensation, prepared and worried about other things rather than just being cold.


As he exited the mouth, Frank saw the way the rodents instinctively took a step back. Nodding to himself, Frank took this as a good sign, that he was in fact correct that the rodents were afraid of the giant snake, even in death.

With that, Frank began walking his way down the snake and from the hill.


The moment he got closer to the rodents they began to send out high pitched cries to each other. Hearing this Frank could only nod in understanding, as they were underground creatures. Despite having eyes that glowed with green energy, the eyes appeared to have been mostly replaced in functionality by hearing and other senses.

As he approached, the rodents instinctively opened up a path before him.

While he moved, he could almost feel them sniffing him, smelling the venom that covered his body. He held his two fangs up high, ready to lash out and strike at any rodent that got too close or felt too frisky. While he didn’t want to strike out at the creatures, he would if he needed to. As it was, Frank just made his way through the slitting horde of creatures and made his way to the far tunnel, the one where the rodents first began to appear from.

This was dangerous as the rodents might get protective of their homes if he got too near. But knowing the rodents, he remembered hearing horror stories about them, how they would often overrun the trash facilities once a year or so. Seeing the size of their current horde, Frank realized that these guys would likely surge again here shortly.


A larger rat towards the back moved, causing Frank to lash out with his fang.

Death squeak!

The mutant rodent let out a high shrill death rattle as its body was pierced by the giant fang and then held in place against the ground.

Squirm, scamper.

Rhee! Rahee!”

The rodent desperately tried to wiggle its way free, crying out in panic as it did. Frank could feel the collective front of rodents rising, the hairs on their backs standing on end, trying to make them all appear larger and more menacing.


Frank quickly snapped the heel of his foot down on the rodent, cracking its skull and permanently ending its cries for help. Then using his foot for leverage, Frank pulled up the fang through the rodent’s body and was about to leave. That was until he felt a trickle of warm energy flow through the beast’s body, through his foot, and into his body.

Instantly some of the cold that had taken hold of his body suddenly dissipated, as he felt his body come to life with the effects of cultivating.


Seeing him, or maybe smelling him act, the rodents that had taken a half step closer to help suddenly took two steps back.

While Frank knew that he could likely take down a few more rodents, and likely would need to in order to get through his next bottleneck of cultivation, he decided to be prudent with his actions. Using the space gained as a chance to retreat, or as his former instructor would say, not retreating, rather he was advancing in an alternate direction.

Frank continued walking slowly forward, each step slow and measured. While he felt fear in his heart, he would not dare show any fear at the moment, least of all to these creatures that were already forming a clear and unified line of attack behind him.

Movement back left.

Frank felt and heard the vibrations of one of the beast’s charging forward from the line. Turning swiftly, Frank not only charged forward to meet the creature, but ended up half impaling, half stabbing the creature through its open mouth.

This time there were no death cries, no whimpers for help. This time the long fang pierced right through the rodent’s head, through its brain and out the other side.

Within an instant Frank once again reacted, kicking the dead and impaled rodent off of his fang and onto the ground. Clearing his weapon for defense and making it so he could take out at least two more rodents before he was surrounded.

Once again, he felt another surge of energy flow into his body through making direct contact with the dead creature.

Being this close to the exit, Frank almost wished the rodents would come towards him, almost. He knew that if they came all at once they would be able to drown him in attacks.

He had been fortunate enough that so far only two had been brave enough to break ranks. Though he could tell that the last one had only meant to cause Frank to cower, as at the very end it paused, and was about to stop its momentum. Had Frank not charged back by reflex, the rodent would have been outside his attack range.

They are testing me, and my strike range.

Frank thought, as he realized they likely saw him as a smaller version of the dead snake. A snake that they had been bred to be wary of through generations. A snake that could lash out and strike down opponents at will.

This time Frank once again turned his back on the enemy, but did so knowing that this made the monsters more aggressive, knowing that aggressive monsters made mistakes. He had little to fear from a singular rodent, with his new found strength and bonuses he almost felt that five at once would not be too much. Which was why he made his way away, only turning around and striking out the random rodent that lost pace with its fellow horde members. Only when one rodent got too excited and found itself lunging forward ahead of the others. Those were the ones that Frank waited for, waited, turned, spun and attacked at.

Lunging strike.

The rodents were slow. They appeared fast due to how many there were, but individually they were slow, which was why Frank would wait for one to stand out, to make itself a target. That was when he would turn around and strike.

Impaling, kicking, and then repeating.

That was the pattern.

To his horror, the rodents seemed to not only be okay with the death of one of their kind, but a few of the smaller more emaciated rodents would often turn on the dead and slain rodents.

This was good as it meant that Frank had a clear path out, a clear line of retreat.

So far things had been going well.

Though he did notice that the creatures clearly became more agitated, the closer he got to their caverns. Realizing this, he had to make a decision, either he could go to the caverns still, try to climb his way out, or search for a different path out.

For a moment he thought about climbing, only to remember that the rodents were also known for their climbing skills.

That left finding a different path, but the only problem was that he wasn’t certain that he would first be able to find another path to the surface, or that if he did find another path up that the path was not filled with monsters that were easier to deal with than these rodents.

In his mind, he could only imagine trying to fight one of the giant snakes again, this time without the aid of having it half dead from falling and the aid of gravity to help pierce its brain.

No the rodent cavern was the only way out, and he was almost certain that these rodents had tunnels everywhere down here, and that one of those tunnels would lead up to civilization. With that in mind, Frank decided to continue his trek to the caverns.


The moment he crossed the threshold of their home, the rodents collectively seemed to lose their minds all at once.

Frank felt the rage and collective panic of the creatures as they squeaked out suddenly trying to cut off Frank from making his way further into their lair.

For a moment Frank thought about running, but then realized the monsters would be on him in moments. Instead, he took a few more steps in, and then began stabbing, piercing, and slashing at each and every creature that came at him.


He felt pain as a rodent that had gotten past his stab lunged out and bit his leg. Fortunately, by now the green energy within Frank’s body began to swirl as he felt both blood and healing properties taking effect at once.


Frank stabbed the creature, thought he felt that there might have been a bit much as the creature already seemed to be foaming at the mouth as black energy swirled in its jaws.

Remembering that he was covered in snake poison, Frank felt a little bit better knowing that with each bite out of him, he would effectively be killing the rodents on the spot. Still that did little to dwell the sharp stabbing pain that rodent teeth and claws had on his skin.

Stab, slash, pierce, kick out, step back.

Frank would stab or impale one or two rodents, then using his kick to both clear the body from his over large snake-fang weapons, he would move backwards, trying to constantly open up more and more space between him and the seemingly never-ending horde of monsters.

Realizing that this wasn’t going to work, Frank desperately searched his mind for a plan.

He was being swarmed, and regardless of how much stronger he was, he was going to break down and eventually get tired. Even now he could already feel the effects of so much strain on his body, though most of that was able to be mitigated thanks to the surge of energy coursing through his body.

He knew he was close to his limits, which meant he would be close to making a mistake that he wouldn’t be able to account for, or overcome.

That was when Frank decided to take a quick look around behind him, before surging back to stab at and impale rodent after rodent.

As he moved, he could feel the effects of massive surges of energy coursing through his body. With this he had to be careful, as this was often referred to as the berserker’s frenzy, the last step between battling for survival and battling with one’s own sanity.

Still the more he moved, the more he could feel the surge and swell of power entering his body, melding with his muscles and then being used to help repair cuts and scrapes that he would invariably suffer from the horde of monsters.

Only by focusing on his internal energy usage did Frank even realize that he was slowly taking damage. His body was numb, his whole body felt like it was far removed and hard to get to work as needed. The more he moved, the more he realized just how hard each additional step, strike, and movement was becoming.

Realizing all of these things, Frank decided to turn finally make his move. With one last push forward, pushing a wall of rodents away, by forcing two impaled and slowly dying rodents to cry out in pain, Frank threw the rodents forward, then turned to make his escape.

That of course was when he realized he made what was quite possibly his greatest mistake so far.