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Chapter 4


Frank felt pure unadulterated fear, tension, and above all, Qi flowing through his body as he dazedly made his way out from the gymnasium.

He had signed away his chance at higher education by opting to join the work force early. This meant that he would forever be subject to lower tier jobs, like being a hazardous janitor, but it meant he would get money and food subsidies right away for his family, while also meaning that he would not be bound to be in a classroom for hours on end. A classroom that would no doubt be devoid of ambient energy, as people would by their very natures be drawn to high energy spots, even without Occultivators it wouldn’t be odd for people to increase their Body Cultivation levels at least once or twice within a standard lifetime.

However, Frank had higher goals than one or two more layers.

He had felt success.

At this moment, he knew what hope was.

At first, he wanted to cry at being given an F-Rank talent, but now that he had his and saw the forward, he felt more alive than ever.

Which of course, is why he should have been on the lookout for trouble.

Just yesterday Frank would have been aware of his surroundings. He would have noticed the silent stares that Luther’s lackies Scottie and Aaron were giving him. Frank would have known to be on the lookout for Luther, made a note of when he entered and exited the gymnasium. Then he would have made sure to exit from the other door, and taken the long way home.

Yet, he had been careless.

Frank was so lost in what he was planning to do, in order to get not only himself, but his whole family out of the slums that he almost missed the flash of red laser lights that shined ahead.


The blast had been so bright and powerful that he could almost feel the energy blast being walked closer to his face. Had he been a moment slower, he would have had part of his ear cut off by the burst.

With practiced movements, Frank found himself instinctively darting towards a dark corner. Though this time, Frank noticed one or two balls of bright light that seemed to illuminate the deepest crevasses of the alley way he found himself darting into.


Like a pack of hyenas finding a kill, the lackies laughed, letting their sounds echo in the dark tunnels. This was something they practiced, something that they knew would unhinge Frank, as most of these alleyways were dead ends, meaning that either the boys would go in and drag Frank out, or as was more often the case leave, only to chase and beat him up again.

Then true to form the ringleader of this gang of slum rats cried out.

“Oh, F-Rank Frank.” Luther began speaking in his arrogantly mocking voice.


Hearing the voice of Luther cawing out, Frank felt the moment his internal energy spiked. There was a distinct flare up, and only with a moment of intense focus was he able to stop and once again get his internal energy flowing correctly.

“Oh look, we frightened him,” Aaron cried out.

Turning around, Frank saw the way that the bigger Aaron and Scottie could only follow one at a time. Even for Frank the space around was small, but given his skinnier frame, turning around in the narrow alley was relatively simple.

With the back glow of energy coming from behind and now overhead, Frank could see clearly in the dark alleyway. He could see the fact that he just missed the part where a metal box was lining the ground in front of his right foot. He could see the metal grounding rod that had long since rusted out and broken to pieces and had somehow gotten stuck to the spot on the old wall. He could see millions of different objects, protrusions, and what his instructors would call improvised weapons all around.

Best of all, based on the way that Aaron blindly swiped his hand in front of him going from side to side, it was clear that Aaron was blind.

Testing this theory, Frank found himself moving back slowly, leaning up against the wall.

“Where did he go?” Scottie called out, trying to look over Aaron’s shoulder, but clearly not able to see anything.

As for Frank, the entire world was lit up in a bright display of vibrant colors.

“I don’t know, he is probably hiding on the ground again. Be ready for him to try to worm his way out of here.” Aaron called back.

Remembering that, Frank had done just that on more than one occasion. That was of course why Luther now manned the entrance, as he would always be there to punch or kick at Frank as he left.

This time though, Frank felt something inside him break.

Originally, when the torment first began, he had fought back, only to be beaten up harder. This time though, this time things were different, as he was different. Not only was he awakened with a talent that gave him the ability to see in the dark, a clear bonus when being forced to fight against two assailants who were blindly flailing about. Even going so far as to take wide awkward stances, in the off chance that they might feel Frank trying to crawl past them.


Frank waited until Aaron got to the metal box that was impeding his path. That’s when he struck out. First kicking the metal box with his full force. He knew the box wasn’t nailed down as he himself had bumped into that very box many times, only for it to give away his hiding spot and location.


The box slid forward, striking a confused Aaron right in the leg, before tripping him.

Frank of course didn’t stay still, fueled by newly awakened cultivation energy and years of pent up rage and aggression he charged forward. Stepping onto the box, before darting forward and tackling Aaron with his balled fists lashing out in a torrent of blows.

The strikes were not crisp, they were not refined, and Frank himself would be the first to say that the whole movement felt awkward to his body, but they did have one thing that he was missing from earlier. Namely the fact that his body was now as strong as a fully grown human, something that even Aaron, and Scottie couldn’t boast about.

“GAHH!” Frank let out a primal scream of rage and violence as he landed on the suddenly dazed Aaron who ended up taking no less than three punches to the head before the two fell awkwardly into Scottie.

Scottie hearing the scream and startled by the sudden movement ended up jumping backwards, allowing Aaron and Frank to fall flat on the ground.


Aaron hit his head on the ground so violently that his body spasmed. Instinctively Frank knew that he was out, which was when Frank listening to his teachings continued fighting through. Of course, the teachings had been taught as a way to get the future generations prepared for the horrors of the front lines, about having to fight through waves of endless enemies.

Frank had taken the lessons to heart, having practiced as many of the moves as he could, not that his small undersized body let him do much with said knowledge before.

Now though things had changed. Using his momentum to spring forward and strike at the nearest vulnerable spot.

Which for Frank meant that he was only able to aim at the mid-torso or below area as he was unable to spring immediately to his feet. Instead, he aimed right for the spot that would hurt the most. Right in the groin.


His small fist struck up, as he was trying to stand up, resulting in an upper cut to the Scottie’s most delicate of areas.

The result of the blow caused Scottie to double over in pain. Which played into his next chain attack, as Frank then used his other hand to deliver a knockout blow to Scottie’s face.


Scottie’s body collapsed into the wall on Frank’s right.


Frank was panting heavily, as he felt his energy violently surging through his body. In this moment, he felt his body surging to life as he could almost feel the powers of his ancestors surging to life within his body. For the moment he felt the unmistakable thrill of power rushing through him as he beat up not just one but two bullies.

Looking down below him, he saw the fact that both boys, both tormentors were out cold. With the shading provided by the metal box it was hard to see everything. Though Frank was certain that he could see blood pooling around Aaron’s head. Looking down, the pool was getting wider, and he saw how Scottie’s foot had stepped into the blood.

With a look, it was clear that Scottie was still alive and breathing, just knocked out.

“What is happening you two. You can’t take all the fun.” Luther called out from the entrance.

For a moment, Frank thought about calling out to the boy, taunting him and trying to lure the B-Ranker into the dark tunnel that only he could see in.

He thought about it, then remembered the fireball that the other B-Ranker had cast at him and realized that going against someone who could manifest an attack up to twenty-five feet away was a near death sentence.

Yes, if caught Luther would be punished, but ultimately no one would care about the death of an F-Ranker from the slums. Particularly since Luther was about to leave here forever and go to the mid-tiers for training.

Realizing that he had nothing to gain, and practically everything to lose, by taunting Luther at this point, Frank instead decided to leave.

Turning back, he saw that the pool of blood from Aaron was spreading, not wanting to be caught up in the blood, Frank instead did something he had always wished he had been strong enough and coordinated enough for earlier. Namely the ability to reach out his arms and legs and press-climb his way up and over the two bullies.

For a second, he thought about using his higher position to drop down and blind side Luther, but again thought better of it, at least until he knew exactly what B-Rank power Luther had been granted.

Squirm, squirk.

Frank made his way past the initial area, then continuing to climb higher found himself climbing up and grabbing the glowing motes of power that were hidden from the normal pathways that most people would take while cutting through these dark intersections.


Just as his arms and legs began to feel weak from doing such a strenuous exercise that he was not used to, he collected his first mote of energy and felt a surge of power course through his body.


Frank felt relief as he continued to force his way up and out of the back alley. While there was not an exit on the ground, there was an odd chimney like lattice work that Frank looked up to find that it was both lined by motes of energy, and ultimately led to an open sky overhead. Well as open as the slums got, which meant that he could see an eventual opening at the top.

“Come on guys. Bring him out already. I need to go.” Luther called out, his voice getting slightly more nervous the longer the other two didn’t respond.

“Aaron? Scottie?”

Luther called out, his voice getting clearer and more distinct. It was clear that he was moving down the dark alleyway himself.

Frank paused, finding a small hand grip that was just wide enough for him to sit on, if he placed both hands at his sides and braced him from falling off. It wasn’t much, but the sudden chance to pause and catch his breath felt good. As he shook out first one hand, then the other.

Meanwhile, his position, allowed him to hang down and see the general area where Aaron and Scottie were sitting.

“Aaron? Come on guys this isn’t funny.” Luther called out, fear clearly gripping his voice by this point.

“Scottie?” Luther cried out.

That apparently had been enough to awaken Scottie from his nearly knocked out state. As he flailed his body and reached out to grab Luther.

“Angnna..” Scottie mumbled, clearly groggy from awakening from a head contusion.

“Gha-gawk.” Luther let out an ear-piercing shriek that would almost be comical if it hadn’t been so painful to listen to. Frank almost found himself falling as he inadvertently raised his hand to his ear, before his body realized he was losing his balance and quickly shot out his hands once more to his sides.


The sound of organs and blood vessels rupturing could be heard coming from both bodies. As a glowing blue energy seemed to coat the two bodies.


Frank looked on in wide-eyed panic as he saw the two bodies get ripped apart by a sudden burst of blue energy that originated from Luther’s mouth.

“A banshee.” Frank found himself muttering, as he looked on in horror at the sight.

Badump, badump, badump.

Frank’s heart raced as he realized the true powers that a B-Rank talent could provide, especially when used at point blank range like that.

Two bodies in a row were ripped apart by soundwaves that somehow tore into and through them.

With a shock, Frank realized that if Aaron wasn’t dead before that he was now.

They were both dead.

Then the other thought hit him, the fact that the only one who could testify to what happened was him, a person that Luther himself had used as a personal punching bag and object of ridicule for years. Realizing this, Frank began climbing again, fueled by the sudden release of adrenaline, while also making sure to reach out and absorb as many motes of energy that he could find on his way up the shaft.

Frank was almost out, when he heard the thing that scared him the most, movement below.

“Frank! Where are you!” Luther called out, anger filling his words.

There were still the two motes of energy at the base level, motes of energy that Frank assumed he could go back for that he was glad he left. Namely because Frank now used those low lying motes of energy to Illuminate Luther and his frantic search for Frank.

“Get out HERE!” Luther cried out, lacing power into his words, and causing new blue motes of energy to light up the ground below, while also causing dents to appear in the walls.

Using powers out in public was illegal, especially for higher level powers. This was partly why most B-Rankers were pushed upwards, as their powers were enough to destroy entire cities if they were left to their own devices.

Frank his part didn’t feel the exhaustion that he had first felt when he rested. He didn’t feel the shock and fear of having won his first real fight. Instead, all he felt was the fear that death was coming for him. Death was coming and its name was Luther.

Finally, Frank got to the top of the tunnel he was in, and as expected, there was a lip that he could crawl out and onto.


His feet scraped against the side of the vertical shaft, as he made his way over the ledge.

FRANK!” Luther screamed out, once again lacing his B-Rank power into his words.

Crumple, groan.

Frank heard the metal of the vertical shaft he had climbed up bending and buckling from the strain of a full force B-Rank power being fired at it.

This was both a blessing and a curse for Frank. It was a blessing in that it meant that any hope the overweight Luther had of climbing up the shaft and being able to chase after Frank was gone. Meaning that so long as Frank could find a way out of here and back home, he should be relatively safe. It was a curse in that the vertical shaft refracted and seemed to amplify Luther’s annoying power of amplifying his voice into a violent stream of energy.


Frank felt something tickle his neck. Reaching up, he felt warm fluids pouring from both of his ear drums.


At that, Frank felt the ringing of tinnitus canceling out anything else he was able to hear at the moment. Realizing he was vastly outclassed against an awakened B-Ranker, Frank decided to hide. No, not just hide, but find a place that he could rest, meditate, and above all try to refine his recently acquired energy. While he felt that he had collected more motes of energy than he needed to reach the third layer of Body Cultivation, he also felt that he had also somehow lost some of his energy from his battle. Fortunately, looking around at the dirty air ducts that he now found himself a part of, he saw that it had been years since anyone had cleaned out these air ducts, let alone come to them in order to cultivate.

Seeing the glowing energy all around him, Frank smiled.

He smiled, before collapsing to the ground and letting his fully exhausted body rest.

His last act, was to crawl forward a few more feet, before collapsing into a nest of dust and debris that had built up over years of neglect. Part of Frank knew that he should be revolted to rest in such a place, but right now, his only concern was resting, and getting the ringing sensation to leave his ears. On top of that his body ached now that the high of adrenaline and cultivation were both wearing off on his body, revealing just how much his muscles burned, and his body ached from how much strain he had pushed his body through.

Placing his head down, he let out a deep breath, and then he let darkness take him.