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Epilogue V

(Proposed for Alexa Thyme Book 5, Formerly ALEXiThymiA)

ARC II - Allegiances

“The world is slowly dying. In case you missed the memo, magic is fading from our world. We are in the middle of a crisis, for the first time in nearly a century, there are no more heroes to protect us. Worse there is a disease that seems to be claiming everyone who dares dream of greater accomplishments, of people who dare to try to awaken a class.” Rachel Rivers began speaking.

Vintage images of heroes from the league, and former prominent figureheads from around the world once showed off their grandeur, back when they were at full power. Only for the view to switch to a newer video of those same heroes, bodies sagging due to the effects of aging over the past few months had on their bodies.

“Even the mightiest have found the world has moved on from them. Wondra and the few remaining members of the League who survived the Funeral Massacre now find themselves out of a job. Without powers, the Supers who supported us for so long now work fast food and other industries that before were beneath their stature.” Rachel continues, as the scene changes to an irate customer attacking Wondra.

A woman is seen from behind the counter where Wondra is standing at a register.

“You moron, I said no ice! Does this look like no Ice to you!” The angry customer says, the customer clearly is missing an arm, and was seen hobbling up to the counter.


The giant soda cup explodes as it crashes into Wondra, or Sarah as her nameplate now states.

“GARRH!” Sarah, formerly Wondra, screams stumbles forward, and then crashes into the stand as she tries to reach out and grab the would be assailant.

With that the clip ends, letting Rachel once again take center stage.

“Fortunately, the attacker in this case was captured, a Marcus Melvin, a person who was crippled during an attack that Wondra was sent to deescalate.” Rachel notes, “unfortunately, this is not the only case, nor the worst, as many law enforcement experts are now searching for the unidentified killers of numerous Supers and Villains who ravaged different cities in the pursuit of either justice, or vigilantism.”

Then once again the view changes to show hordes of Orcs and Elves who appeared with weapons in hand, only to be rendered powerless upon arrival.

“Most alarming are all the displaced denizens from the recently connected universes. While it was clear that many of the first wave of aliens who came had hostile intents, recently there has been a periodic trickle of scouts from various factions who have come, each finding their powers to be stripped as they arrive.”

The video shows the most recent group of elven scouts who arrived to appear one second, raise weapons in an obvious attempt to attack, only to find their powers missing.

“This lack of power is not only affecting humans, and aliens alike. Scientists have also been able to note the obvious trouble with dungeons who are seeming to starve to death, for lack of a better term.”

As Rachel spoke, the view once again changed to show the quickly dissolving state of many dungeon entrances around the world, many of which first appear to be a glowing bright entrance, only to slowly fade, until finally only a solid black chunk of obsidian stone remained where the once living dungeon stood.

“Yes, we are at the dawn of a new day, one that could soon mean the end to magic as we know it.” Rachel said, and with that the screen went black.



Oookkaaayy, surprising … not bad but definitely surprising. What the heck did Alexa do, where is she and did affect it her, her mate and her pack too? At least Ms. Wondabra got her just deserved reward.


Alexa is there, but she too is suffering just as the dungeons are. Part of the problem is that with everyone that the dungeons strip of energy, means that they can no longer gain energy from those people. As dungeons are entities that need to house people with an attunement to survive, they have effectively been slowly starving to death to comply with Alexa's wish. There will be more, but that will hopefully start to be explained through the story. That said, if this does not get conveyed, then please tell me.


So Purge is an active effect, it targets everyone including new people with class and visitors


Yes, the term used was "scorched earth" the only problem with that is that Alexa and the Dungeons now have to make their home in this scorched earth area. Also, thank you for reading.