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Good morning everyone,

I wanted to apologize for my slower posting this week. My entire family has been suffering from the Flu, it even took me down for a bit.

That said, I have a LOT of news to go over.

First, just restating that there will not be any payments for October (which would have been paid on 1 November).

Second, I intend to continue this through November (meaning no payments until 1 January 2024).

Third, the cover for Alexa Thyme (Formerly ALEXiThymiA) book 1 looks AWESOME, and I can't wait to share it here.

Fourth, the Narrator for the Alexa Thyme series has been chosen. I am proud to say we got a good one: Mare Trevathan.

Fifth, the book cover and first round of edits for Augmented Aspects Book 1 (Renaissance) is almost  complete and will be uploaded here first.

Sixth, I intend to enter the Psycher Chronicles into Royal Road's November Writathon. To help with that, I intend to take the first five days of November and spend it writing. So I will try to continue to post here as often as possible, but my responses might be slower than normal.

Seventh, Most Importantly, thank you all for reading and continuing to follow me. This has been a great year, and it is all due to your constant support and feedback. So thank you, thank you, and thank you!

UPDATE: I have attached the Ebook cover for Augmented Aspects "Renaissance"
Please let me know what you think.
