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Chapter 34

“Lady Rose, perhaps we could talk in private?” Professor Helga spoke, as she did there was a rare form of vulnerability to her words. This was something unexpected from the instructor who to this point in Terra’s life had come across as a hard as nails, no nonsense type of person.

Hearing the request, Terra turned first to her charge, Marianna and locked gazes with her. The intention was clear, if Marianna did not agree to this, then Terra herself would also not agree. Somehow Marianna seemed to sense the gravity of this, and bowing her head gave silent permission for Terra to further investigate this matter.

With the primary source of authority handled, Terra then turned to lock gazes with Lady Montague. Once again Terra was looking for confirmation, but there was a different feel and emotion to this shared gaze. While Terra had sworn herself to be subservient to Marianna, so that she might fulfill her chosen goal of defeating the being of supreme evil, with the gaze shared between Lady Montague and Terra there was more. A foretold and yet, unspoken bond had somehow been created.

Terra herself had seen a future where she and Lady Montague were more than just two caretakers who both wanted the best for Marianna, in those glimpses into the possibility of futures before her, there was more. A deeper connection than just the images seemed to portray. It was in the way they both looked at each other, the way Terra held back wanting to savor the moment, then how in the blink of an eye they committed themselves to the best course of action for Marianna and her little brother both, as both clearly had their chosen roles to play.

The stared gaze between Lady Montague and Terra happened both in an instant and an eternity, the kind where your breath gets taken away from the gravity of importance involved. Then finally Lady Montague also nodded in agreement.

With that, Terra turned to face the old professor. Though old was likely not the best term to describe her, as wise and weathered would be a more accurate way to describe her. She was older, yes that was a fact, but there was a hint of youth to her face that Terra had never seen before. Perhaps it was in the somewhat vulnerable state that Professor Helga now held herself with, but the once ancient instructor who seemed like she had weathered every storm, suddenly seemed a lot more approachable due to the age gap being far less than Terra originally expected.

Of course, Terra herself was now dealing with the world and its recent changes. Terra herself was now realizing that she was truly ancient given all her years of life and experience in battle.

From the way Professor Helga carried herself, Terra was certain of two things. First Professor Helga did not intend to fight or ambush Terra by drawing her away. Then the second part that Terra realized was that even if Helga did try to ambush Terra, there was no doubt in Terra’s mind that she would succeed in the encounter. This unassailable truth of her victory was also mirrored in the way Professor Helga gestured, reacted and seemed to flinch at most movements conducted by Terra.

It was clear that for whatever reason, Professor Helga was not only frightened of Terra, but she too knew that if a battle were to commence between them, that Terra would be the undisputed winner in the battle.

For her part, Helga seemed to have an extra room set aside in the dignitary’s tower where Lady Montague and her charges had been given shelter.

As they entered, Terra could tell that there was an enchantment on the wall, or rather what was posing to be part of the wall. The enchantment present was one that was clearly meant to fool most people. Looking at the window and the fact that the window faced east let Terra know that this room had been chosen as a contingency by the professor, should things go poorly.

Given the fact that she was an Immortal, it was clear that the enchantment on the walls was likely meant to be a last-ditch safety mechanism to blind Terra with sunlight, reducing her prowess and likely try to escape should this meeting not go according to plan.

Seeing the measures taken by Professor Helga, Terra couldn’t help but be impressed. Angered, with a hint of betrayal mixed in, but impressed nonetheless to have chosen this place as a seemingly innocuous meeting location. It was clear from the level of preparation and the still trembling fear evident in Helga that she was concerned about what would be discussed.


Terra decided to stay in the room, purposefully choosing the side of the room that would still be protected from the sunlight even if the enchantment over the window was removed.

There taking up a stance, Helga first stammered, then fell silent.

There was an unspoken tension in the room, as Helga looked first like she wanted to ask why Terra had chosen that side of the room to go to, but then realization crossed her features as she then asked.

“You knew?”

“That the wall is only enchanted to look like so, that if you so chose you could lower the enchantment and flood this room with the morning rays of the sun, yes.” Terra stated, then looking out towards and through the enchantment, Terra then continued.

“You do know that the sun won’t fully rise for another thirty minutes. Do you think what you have to say will last that long?”


There was a look of complete fear in Helga’s otherwise stoic features. Her face that looked like it had been chiseled into place through sheer grit and determination now began to sag and tremble at the realization.

Not only did Terra recognize this as a trap, but then blatantly stated how much longer it would take for the trap to truly be effective against her. Even then, based on her positioning, it was clear that even removing the enchantment would only be a mere inconvenience to Terra, versus the full threat it was meant to be.

Realizing this, Professor Helga dropped to the ground and lowered her head in supplication.

“Lady Rose, I your faithful servant regret to inform you that you daughter has gone missing.” The words came out like a flood.

Then just as the words began to register, Terra realized something. The thoughts that had always conflicted her mind now came back to the forefront and began screaming at her to pay attention. Her mother was alive, that or someone from her family, now she had proof.

In her past lives she had heard clues, but every time she tried to track them down, there was a layer of secrecy. Yet, now she had proof, undeniable proof.

“My daughter, you mean the charge who was placed within your protection at the Academy, just over there?” Terra asked, even going so far as to point in the exact direction where the Belaton Academy resided.


Professor Helga nodded, as tears filled her eyes.

“And what have you done to track down my daughter?” Terra asked, genuinely curious about what efforts to find her had been used, and most importantly to try to avoid any future problems that might come up due to missing a few of the more subtle signs of being followed.

“I have done everything with our powers. On the day of, we released riders to go out and search the countryside. We believe she fled south, but when we searched, we believe she crossed paths with Lady Montague. As Lady Montague said she saw a young girl fitting your daughter’s description, but we were unable to find her after that.” Professor Helga said.

Well, there was one point to worry about as Terra had apparently already been tied to Lady Montague and her children. While that was not the most dangerous thing, it was still something to be cognizant of.

“Nothing else?” Terra asked.

“N, no.” Helga stammered.

At that Terra nodded in contemplative understanding. Then looking at the room, Terra decided not to give up the misconception that she was in fact the child that Helga had apparently sworn to protect. Then that gave her an idea for how to indirectly question the old professor, without giving away her own lack of knowledge.

“So, while I have been out, performing my part. You were here entrusted with guarding my daughter, a task you seemingly failed. Please tell me again, why we split up our tasks? Let me know that you still understand why I made this sacrifice, and why I entrusted my only daughter to you?” Terra said, as she spoke, she looked for micro expressions and tell-tale signs that she was correct with her words and actions. The more she spoke, the easier it was to guess why Helga felt so guilty about losing the daughter. As the task that Terra’s mother had seemingly taken upon herself was one of critical importance.


Professor Helga sat there, kneeling down and looking up with pleading eyes. “Please don’t stop, we need you to continue. We have just gotten warning from the isles that the being of supreme evil, the real one is about to be released.”


That was something that Terra had never expected, that the true being of supreme evil was rising up, and ready to strike. But how, there had been nothing, no signs of battles.


“It’s true. The Oracle, a true Oracle has risen. She claims that the beings of supreme evil before were lies to distract the world from previous champions and heroes who had too much power for a kingdom to keep in check. As such those that were claimed the hero of a generation were always slaughtered before they could rise to true strength. Though now, we suspect that the Immortals might have had a part to play in this deceit as well.” As Helga spoke a look of recognition and then surprise washed over her face.

Seeing the sudden shift, Terra felt that there was a bit confusion in the air.

“What is it?” Terra finally asked, seeing that Professor Helga had suddenly gone quiet as things began to register in her mind.

“Of course, these were things that you should already know as you were the one who told us of this in the first place.” Professor Helga said, then snapped her fingers causing the enchantment that had been sealing away the rising rays of the sun from entering, to disappear altogether.


There was a blinding flash of light.

Helga looked up in defiance at Terra, only to be shocked when Terra didn’t even seem to cower away from the light.

“You, your illusion isn’t dropping?” Professor Helga said, a note of confusion in her voice.

“That is because it isn’t an illusion.” Terra said, then rather than carry on the charade any longer, she took one defiant step forward into the light.

With that one step, Helga’s eyes went wide with disbelief, before she finally began to register the threat and began to back away.

“You, you’re an Immortal, I can tell, you are setting off all the wards.”

“Yes, yes I am.” Terra said, no longer feeling the need to pretend she was otherwise.

“But you are still in the light?” Helga said.

“Yes, yes I am.” Terra said, taking another menacing step forward, then grabbing Professor Helga by her instructor’s robes. Then with a quick jerk of her wrist, she lifted the light professor to her feet, and stared deeply into her eyes.

“Now, I believe it is time that you truly tell me what is going on. Do not leave out any details, for I will know.” Terra said, switching to her Magic Aura, draining the professor of any ambient energy and stripping away the power of any enchantments she might still have in reserve to make a getaway.

Feeling the sudden chill from all the mana being ripped away from her body, Helga nodded, then answered obediently. “Yes, as you command…”