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Good morning Everyone,

I know I teased out a response related to ALEXiThymiA last week, and it turns out a lot can happen in a week.

Good News: ALEXiThymiA is being picked up by Mango Media LLC, special thanks to Lijwent for the suggestion!  With this, I was also recommended to Podium Publishing and they wish to start by publishing the first three books of the series.

That said, there are a few changes. Followed by a Contest.

First the changes. With the book being published I will have to take down the book from both Royal Road and Here 30 days-ish before it goes live.

Also, the Series will be Changed to: Alexa Thyme.

(This way we avoid self-help books for people with Alexithymia). Though I will note the name on Royal Road will not change, this is just for the book being published and pushed to Audible.

That is all for changes (for now, if anything else comes up, I will let you know).

As for the name for book one has been set as "Breaking Through," chosen by my daughter.  

But that means we need to come up with names for books 2 and Books three, which I will let you all decide on and then of course vote.  That said, I will leave it up to you all to tell me what you want the names of books 2 and 3 to be.

That said, please make the name suggestions below for each book (Multiple Submissions possible for each book, per Patreon).

Once we have a good list of Names, I will take the list and let us all vote on the names.

With that, please comment below with your proposed book names for books 2 and 3 of the Alexa Thyme (Formerly ALEXiThymiA series).