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Chapter 32

“Who, who’s there?”

The words were as profound as they were innocuous. Who was Terra? Honestly that was something that she had been grappling with since the start of this reincarnation. She was not the chosen hero; she wasn’t even mortal. By all standards she wasn’t even a true Immortal as she had just extended life span, without any of the other flaws that went along with such a curse. So, who was she? What was she, these were all questions that she herself wished to answer, and she knew she would, in time. But for now, she decided to go with the obvious.

“I came to return something of yours, as promised.”

Then reaching just under her slyvern leather clothing, Terra found a pendant that all but radiated with intent against her chest. Feeling the pendant giving off rays of warmth, it was clear that this was a major life moment.

From history, people were told that Seers needed the pendants to unlock their true potential. That the art of truly being a Seer relied on having the right skills, at the right time to act on those skills. Which was why the Seer’s Pendants were so sought after, as they helped facilitate the actions of fate. Right now, the stone was glowing brightly, its golden-white light enough to cause what looked like a miniature sun to rise from her chest, showering light on her face and her fully formed figure.

Terra watched lady Montague the entire time, wondering what she would think of the recent changes that happened to Terra. Mentally she was and had always been a couple thousand years old, her soul aged by training, war, and the inevitability of future failures. Yet, that was all in the past, now she had a new start to her life and she was determined to make the most of this life as a spectator.

This time Terra watched Lady Montague, looking for a sign of recognition and something else. As she stared, she got the response she had been looking for, well a response.


With the light of the Seer’s Pendant activated, there was more than enough residual light in the room to also highlight lady Montague’s features. Terra watched as a look of first recognition, then something deeper flashed on her face. There was a moment when Lady Montague’s eyes dilated, a sign that Terra had been trained to spot from a distance, as that meant attraction. There were other signs to, the sudden intake of breath, the slight pressing together of her lips, everything all pointed to the fact that Lady Montague was at the very least interested in Terra. Then just as quickly as the looks appeared, they were quickly hidden as Lady Montague quickly regained her composure, but the messages had been sent.

In her past lives Terra would have made a list with Lady Montague’s name on it, for potential people to leverage or exploit. Even now, such ingrained training kicked in, making her think of doing something similar, but she stopped herself.

“You’ve changed.” Lady Montague said.

“Yes, I’ve had quite the ordeal keeping my promise to you, but I can safely say that anyone who had been hired to search for you is no longer employed in such lines of work.” Terra said, keeping her words vague as she strode forward.

Her moves were so silent and graceful that Lady Montague audibly gulped at realizing that Terra who had been at the far side of the room was now right next to her.

Being this close with the glowing pendant stretched between them, a doe-eyed look of innocence filled Lady Montague’s normally strong and composed features. Seeing the shift, Terra couldn’t help but smile brightly. This was a reflex born from hours of countless training meant to disarm and set nobles at ease.

Reaching out her hand, Terra gently grasped Lady Montague’s hands that had been dangling by her sides moments ago.

The minute their hands touched, there was a spark and a tension between them.



Instantly Terra’s mind was transported to a different place and time. This was the future, at least Terra assumed it was the future as she was there with Lady Montague. Armed forces were coming. The clatter and unmistakable stomping of booted feet was impossible to miss. Smoke rose in the distance, a clear sign that a fire was burning in the village that they were in.

The image was almost clear enough that Terra swore she could remember the town, but the details were blurred just enough that the structures seemed to have that every village feel to them. The one where dreams hide the truth through faded imagery, while it tried to direct your focus to the real intention of the dreams.

In a matter of seconds, Terra realized this was a vision brought on by the merging of fated life threads. Terra could feel her blood burning as it projected the possibility of future events to her mind right now. As a matter of training, she registered the absurdity of the sudden shift in perspective, and the fact that she couldn’t get any details about her surroundings and instead decided to focus on the parts that her vision would show her.

That was when looking around, Terra saw the small body of a little girl, not quite a teenager. Instantly, Terra recognized her as the slightly aged Marianna. With this Terra took this to mean the vision she was seeing was in the future, likely a few years from now.

Lady Montague had already been injured and for some reason Terra’s magic wasn’t working properly, meaning she couldn’t heal the injury.

The four of them were running, well trying to run as Lady Montague half shuffled half limped her way forward. As she moved blood seeped from the gash in her leg with each step. Her movements were even more strained as she carried a three- or four-year-old future leader of the southern kingdom within her arms. It was clear that the odds of them all escaping would be tough, nearly impossible, especially with how fast the enemy forces were coming.

Finally, they made it to the end of the hallway and Lady Montague stopped the four of them. Locking gazes with Terra, they paused and there was a heat a connection in that gaze that spoke of countless times of having to work together.

Terra felt her mouth move, to say just what she was thinking. “No.”

“You must.” Lady Montague said, then taking the frightened boy from her arms she thrust him forward to Terra. On impulse, or reflex Terra grabbed the boy, an action that felt as natural to her as breathing. In her mind, Terra knew that somewhere along the way she had grown motherly feelings of attachment for the boy in her arms. The fact that the boy didn’t argue or complain spoke volumes about how comfortable he was within her arms.

Terra paused, realizing that they were close to the exit. Just a bit further and they could all get into the stables, gather horses and likely ride off, so long as they could make it the last few hundred meters to their destination.

Realizing the situation before them, Terra paused then turned back to Lady Montague, as suddenly her legs felt like lead.

“Go, it is me they are after and I will survive, long enough for you to come back and save me.” Lady Montague said.

As she spoke Terra knew every word she spoke to be true. Terra would be back, and she would definitely save Lady Montague.

Their eyes locked for a moment, then before Terra could say or do anything, Lady Montague leaned forward and kissed Terra on the lips. Instantly a fire was ignited within her, as she felt her powers that had been dormant rising up within her. At that moment, Terra knew that there was something magical and expected with that kiss.

Blinking, Terra paused as her mind tried to process the swell of emotions and feelings derived from that simple gesture of love. One that the two had clearly shared so many times.

“Go, I will be fine and waiting for you to return.” Lady Montague said, then patted Terra on the chest as she turned away, drawing her sword and taking up a fighting stance.

With that Terra ran with Marianna and the boy in tow.

Once they got to the stables the reason for the departure was clear, there was only one horse and that horse was barely able to handle Marianna. There was no way such a horse would be able to handle Lady Montague, Marianna, and the boy.

Terra paused there, then after a second to make sure Marianna Montague was secured, she reached up, giving Marianna the boy.

Then the world flashed, and the dream-like vision faded.



Terra awoke to find herself back in the room with Lady Montague. At first Terra wanted to pause, to explain why she was now staring at Lady Montague with confusion, but to her surprise Lady Montague was doing much the same to her.

As they stared, Terra noticed the faint glowing light of silver energy within her eyes. Seeing the energy patterns it was clear.

“You are a Seer as well?” Terra asked, looking down and surprised to see that their hands were still clasped together. In between their fingers was the still glowing Seer’s Pendant.

With this Lady Montague opened her mouth once, then shut it as she didn’t quite know how to respond to such a statement.

“I, I guess?” She answered.

Terra stared deeply into Lady Montague’s eyes. As she stared, she noticed many things, the slight trembling of her hands. The way her eyes both dilated and shifted over her body. That was when Terra asked the first question that was on her mind.

“Did you have the same vision?” Terra asked.

“I, I don’t know.” Lady Montague’s voice trembled slightly as she spoke, not wanting to reveal too much from her vision. “Did your vision involve a wedding ceremony?”

Hearing that, Terra wondered if that was the crux of the situation, had they somehow broken up a wedding ceremony? Was that the reason they were running? Thinking back Terra saw that everyone was wearing the same exact clothing that they were now. Also, there were no festive lanterns strung up within the village, meaning there were no signs of a wedding, at least as far as Terra could tell from her vision.

“No.” Terra said.

“Oh.” Lady Montague said, almost looking disappointed by the comment. Hearing the tone Terra couldn’t help but wonder if something happened in her vision that was like the kiss she felt within her own vision.

“Though we did do something odd within my vision.” Terra said.


Terra was about to move in and give a demonstration of what had happened, but she was stopped by a small figure squirming to life from underneath the covers.

“Huh, what?” Little Marianna said, her voice groggy with the sounds of awakening. Then as she awoke, she turned to see the forms of her mother and a stranger lit by a still glowing pendant.

Seeing the little girl that was extremely important to her and Lady Montague both rise up, Terra paused to look at her. Then with a shock, Terra saw something in the little girl’s gaze that caused her heart to beat quickly.

As she stared at the little girl, it was clear that there were faint golden flecks of light shining around her eyes, a sign that she was the new chosen one of the Gods.

Seeing her, a myriad of emotions crossed Terra’s face. The first was shocked, then confusion, followed by betrayal, and finally acceptance. Realizing that the Gods had once again moved on from her and had now placed their trust in this girl, rather than her did sting a little. But Terra quickly regained her composure as she realized what she must do.

Seeing the girl, the new chosen favorite of the Gods, Terra sprung into action.



Thx for the chapter … and I hope/wish they get a full filling, happy, loving, romantic relationship *cleaning away a escaped tear* 🥹😍😎👍