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Good morning everyone,

Just so you know, I have kept my promise of trying to get some of these series picked up. Since no legitimate offers have come forth from established vendors, I am doing the Independent route, and have decided to start with Augmented Aspects.

I know, before this gets too big I want ALEXiThymiA to also be published, but I want that one done right. So I am holding out for a book company to see this work and eventually pick up the series.

Thus we are going with Augmented Aspects.

Here is the sketch for book 1, meaning we can add in more details as we want. I have a few, but I figured I'd get a general quick take on what you think and what you might want in book 1.

I thought about the skydiving scene, but that was going to cause a lot of problems.






Not exactly an 'established vendor' but Selkie, the author of Dragoneye moons is starting up a publishing company. Currently, as far as I'm aware at least, they've only published ebooks under an LLC, through Amazon, and the only one I know for sure they did was Ravensdagger's 'Dead Tired'. Meant to be focused on web serials and litrpgs though, so it sounded interesting. Looked into it a little bit, could send a link to a related discord if you're interested. Or, if you're (understandably) skeptical about random links in comments, it's a little ways up in the announcements section of selkie's discord, which you could find relatively easily with a quick search.


Thank you for this. I did reach out to Selkie via RR, so we will see how it goes. Thank you and know I did read and try this approach as well.