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Interlude VII

“Today we have a number of topics to discuss for you, the avid viewers of Biprism.” A female announcer said, as she was apparently filling in for the male narrator who had been around for the last few years.

“Before we start, I would like to make a special shout out to Eziah Lobal, who started as the voice for this channel. I am also pleased to announce to you all that, Eziah has decided to finally take the plunge and enter the game he has helped to cover so extensively over the past few years.” With that the female announcer pauses, and states, “the fact that his joining happens to coincide with the Midnight Hunters finally taking in new recruits for their Qi courses of course has nothing to do with his choice.”

With that the female announcer gives a giant conspiratorial wink to the camera, implying that this was exactly the reason why he decided to finally enter.

“Don’t worry, his time hosting this show will translate to a hefty starting point, meaning he will be well off by entering the game world that he loves so much.”

A slight moment of silence, then the female reporter continued. “So, as I mentioned earlier there were a number of items to discuss today that were going on in the world. First the Legrand Empire, after their complete conquering and subjugation of the Maltese Empire, now appear to be turning their attentions further west to the encroaching desert lands. Yes, after hearing about the success of the Midnight Hunter’s Guild numerous attempts to expand into the desert region have been tried by many. Yet, as most people have noticed, there appears to be a desert curse placed upon the air vessels, and even train cars that have attempted to go out and reclaim their own swaths of land out in the desert regions.”

With that, the image behind the reporter changes, showing the numerous destroyed train cars, and downed airships that were attacked by both Blight infected creatures, and by devastating elemental forces.

“Yes, so far there seems to be two absolute facts. The first is that every transport vehicle under the banner of the Midnight Hunter’s guild has survived. Most only suffering from normal wear and tear of the machinery. The second absolute fact is that every other vehicle not manned by the Midnight Hunters has been completely destroyed. Thus the idea of there being a curse.”

There is a brief moment of silence as the announcer lets that piece settle in, before she continues.

“However, we have come to a few conclusions that might shock you about what is really happening. Please click through the brief survey from our parent company, if you want to know the truth.”

Image changes to a questionnaire about the likelihood of taking new vitamins that help improve energy levels and prevent cancer.

The minute the survey ends, the user is brought right back to the viewing screen.

“Welcome back. Now as promised, we have found the reason for the Midnight Hunter’s success. Their success we believe stems from the fact that no Blighted creatures, nor intense storm systems seem to target them. Now, I know what you are thinking. Clearly, not getting attacked means you won’t suffer damage. But this seems to go beyond that. As not one vessel that is owned directly by the Midnight Hunters has been attacked, even if they carry people from other guilds or organizations.” The narrator pauses.

“So why is this? Well, as my predecessor noted, the Midnight Hunters have a maxed-out Nature’s Friend title, meaning that they are neutral to wild animals and nature itself. How does this affect Blighted creatures? Well, it apparently means that the Blight isn’t related to the undead, as many have speculated. This would also show why the use of healing spells against Blighted creatures does not work, unlike what we have seen from attacking true skeletal undead, and liches of this world. That’s right, according to this, the Blighted creatures are living, even the ones that are fully corrupted. This is further proven by the fact that Cassiopeia Spiritlight cured a record 32,308 creatures of the Blight since she arrived at the Midnight Hunter’s new capital. All of whom were seen as being alive and healthy immediately after their cleansing.”

There was a pause, then she continued.

“Now that we have the first fact noted, the fact that the Nature’s Friend title seems to be a veritable cheat code when it comes to exploring the previously blocked Blighted lands. We now understand why despite being in what is considered by many to be an overpowered zone compared to the Guild’s overall level, the Midnight Hunters appear to be doing just fine. Despite having wild packs of level 970 Dire Phase Wolves, and despite having the level 1,100 undead former king of the elves lurking about in the under city, the Midnight Hunters have been able to settle in remarkably safely.”

“What does this mean? Well for starters, it appears that the game was always meant to be expanded out into the desert. Secondly, it appears that by choosing such an isolated location, they have inadvertently made it so they are an island unto themselves, with their vehicles being the only way into or out of their territories, something that I am certain the Midnight Hunters management is already well aware of, and taking full advantage of. Particularly with their announcements of already offering school spots, transport, and housing for potential guild converts who are below level 100. The idea being that the lower the level the Guild member starts as, the faster they will grow under Doctor Spiritlight’s expert teaching. Regardless of what the future actually holds, I can state for certain that I, along with the rest of the avid followers eagerly await what will happen next.”

“Now onto less reputable news. While we have all seen the works of Cassiopeia’s real life daughter Gwendalyn Spiritlight joining her at the Midnight Hunters, we now have a sad update of what happens to those born of success. For our last piece we will talk about the recent rise and struggles of Trenton Spiritlight…”