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Beings who had spent trillions of their own natural resources to integrate the small blue planet into a new cultivation paradise looked on with anger. Across from them were the neutral faction of Arbiters, those who were deemed to be above wasting everyone’s time with pointless meetings and ensuring that newly integrated planets have a chance to succeed.

“The Trials of seven should be concluded!” Grand Patriarch Gharlkin, one of the leading founders of the invasion forces demanded. While the planet in question was far below his own cultivation needs, the same could not be said for the needs of his children, nor their children. Two generations of cultivation depended on the final outcome of this integration process.

By now Gharlkin’s offspring should be set up to become new gods on this planet, as they had already conquered the world six times. Each time they do, they themselves become that much stronger. For while the people that lost had to be reset, the victors never had such a problem, thus each time an integration attempt occurred and was won by those trying to integrate with the planet, the situation became that much easier.

Often times the integrators would stall or even delay their final conquering of the planet, just to make sure they could gain as much cultivation energy as possible.

Now it seemed that this tactic was going to bite them in the backside, as the humans seemed to have found a loophole.

“I think these people are just beginning.” Matriarch Medussan said before reading an update. “Besides, the Matriarch of Fates has notified us that she and her progeny have provided their blessings, meaning we are off to a great start.”

“Al, already? The seventh and final iteration has just begun, how is this possible?” Gharlkin demanded, having never heard of such a thing happening so quickly.

“That is a good question to ask them. As they are independent contractors, their sole purpose is to provide their blessings to a native of this planet who is either the Chosen Champion, or to the next deserving vessel, who arrives after the Chosen Champion has been killed. According to the logs, they were met by a known inhabitant of the planet, and given that the Chosen Champion was dead by the time the participant arrived, the blessings were bestowed allowing the Matriarch of Fates and her progeny to leave as per the contract.”

“Yes, but whom did they bestow the blessing to, exactly?” Gharlkin hissed.

“Come now Patriarch, you and I both know that such information is not readily available to invaders. In fact, the Matriarch of Fates made sure not to even provide such trivial details to us as Arbiters, instead all we saw were the logs that a previously registered inhabitant received the blessings.” Matriarch Medussan said.

“A previously registered inhabitant? There were no such people noted.” Gharlkin demanded, pulling up his own holopad, and pulling up documents related to the previous integrations, looking for any signs of people making it to the Fates.

“Hmm, well seems to be a mystery.” Matriarch Medussan said.

Hearing that Gharlkin paused his scrolling and stared at the arbiter. “You are playing a dangerous game here.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Yes, this entire integration has gone of with problem after problem.” Gharlkin demanded.

Hearing this Matriarch Medussan looked momentarily appalled. “Why dear chancellor, are you implying that me or my people have done anything wrong?”

“Now that you mention it, there is one question that I had. Your delayed return. You knew you were going to miss the first week of integration, but somehow managed to make it here right at the start of the real integration.” Gharlkin said.

“Yes, it was truly a blessing that despite our delayed departure and aid given to the masses, we were able to make it back here right on time for this integration.” The Matriarch said.

“Yes, especially given how many odd occurrences we had in your absence. Everything from independent contractors being killed while staging the restart, to needing to cause a restart due to the Chosen Champion dying randomly in the week leading up to the seventh restart.” Gharlkin said.

“Yes, though I do blame you partly on the restart.”


“Yes, for if you had not chosen someone so weak to be the Chosen Champion, you might not have had to restart.” Matriarch Medussan said, a slight smile forming on her lips as she spoke.

“Do you think you can stop the inevitable by interfering with the process?” Gharlkin asked.

“Interfering? I have done nothing of the sort. I merely watch, as all my kind do.” Matriarch Medussan said.

“Yes, you all are exceptionally good at watching, though your predictions have clearly come into question as of late.” Gharlkin chided, trying to give in one last barb.

“Would you care to make a wager then on what you think will happen next?” Medussan asked.

With that question Gharlkin worked to keep the smile from his lips. “What do you say to upping the ante.”


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