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Chapter 23


The glowing bunny radiated power, but even still there were flaws to its evolution. The growth was forced, meaning the bunny pushed itself through the evolutionary threshold too quickly. Maria, knowing this, realized that there would be a surge of power radiating from the bunny, but then due to the nature of the forced evolution it would likely pass out.

Maria’s first thought was to just avoid the evolving rabbit and finish it off after it ran out of energy. But unfortunately, the rabbit was far too quick for Maria to back out safely, as with one mighty pounce, the rabbit was upon her. Or rather, the rabbit was in mid-air, shaking her head at the foolish act, Maria pounced on reflex.

Anytime an opponent goes to the air, you strike its underbelly.” The lost words of Mikel, her former instructor, rang out in her mind. Then her body reacted on its own, as she had been trained to do on instinct.

Glowing Spirit Palm Strike.


Maria struck out, striking the rabbit and ending its advance immediately with a well-placed palm strike  to the beast’s diaphragm. Her strike aided by her now more potent spiritual energy had an immediate and violent effect on the boss bunny’s core. As she felt the once solid core, shatter into a million tiny particles of light from her devastating blow, causing the beast to instantly cry out in a fit of adorable pain.



Multiple things happened all at once, first the rabbit no longer able to sustain itself with its massive pool of energy began shrinking, not just to its original size, where it was the boss bunny, but back to the form of the original bunny it had been when the world first integrated to the system. Simultaneously, the energy that had been stored within the rabbit’s core was released. The energy was impure, clearly the bunny didn’t understand how to refine energy to be properly absorbed by one’s body.


The once giant rabbit landed with little more than a thump, as its massive form was now shrunken down to that of a large house cat. Worse, a speck of bright red blood poured from the lips of the rabbit, staining its pearl white fur.

Maria seeing the downed opponent, moved forward to deliver the killing blow.


Fear, the rabbit, the once undisputed ruler of this node was afraid. Quivering and seemingly in terrible shape, the rabbit just looked pathetic. A swift strike now would be more than enough to destroy the beast, even now Maria could see the signs of qi poisoning happening within the rabbit, a sign that it would soon die if not treated immediately.

Raising up her glowing palm to strike, she prepared to end the beast’s life and gain control over the node.


Squeezing its eyes shut and ducking its head further into its chest to avoid seeing the killing blow, the rabbit looked well and truly defeated. Seeing the cowering rabbit, who was clearly more frightened than anything else, Maria steadied her hand, for the moment.

“Submit.” Maria said, her glowing palm still raised and ready to deliver the killing blow should the rabbit prove to be too stubborn or unable to transfer ownership of the node. There were many theories that were discussed in her past life, many revolved around the fact that the bosses of these nodes often possessed a degree of intelligence that was far above that of their normal peers. This was proven by the way that many of the older node bosses would delight in mocking groups of explorers who dared to enter their nodes, such trash talking could only be done by a truly sentient creature. With sentience it was postulated that the system somehow did this, making it so at some basic level each animal inside a node was aware of not only the system, but the way to advance and the importance of maintaining control over the node. With such sentience, it was also postulated that the guardians of the node would be able to transfer control of the node over to a more powerful foe. With that, Maria tried the latter option.

The quivering rabbit stopped, as its trembling body waited and waited. Finally, after a long moment the confused and pain filled rabbit that was even now having its internal organs broken by the ravages of its errant qi, stopped for a second and opened its beady black eyes. The moment it did, Maria knew that it was able to see her.

Frozen stiff.

The rabbit held completely still, as its instincts took over telling it to hold still long enough for the deadly predator nearby to pass. Seeing this, and the fact that the rabbit either missed or didn’t understand the request, Maria spoke again. This time, if there was no response, she would deliver the final strike.

“Submit, and give me the node.” Maria said, stating her words slowly.


The frightened rabbit nodded its blood covered head forward, as it was clear that the internal damage the beast had suffered from her blow was still wreaking havoc within its body, as even more blood was coming out from its tiny mouth. Still that one gesture had been enough to prove the theory that not only did the system make node owners more intelligent, but it also proved that true death of the node owner was not necessary to transfer ownership, as she was met with a system messages.

World First Notice: First Node Owner: You fought and won a battle against the first boss of your world. In so doing you have forever claimed the ownership of the Nexus node. Rewards: Can Choose the type of energy released by the Claimed Nexus Node, Title.

Title: First Node Owner: Gain a permanent +15 to all attributes. Strength, Speed, and Endurance increased by an additional +5%.

That was a different title than the one she originally got, even the rewards were lessened from the first time, though the first one did note that the rewards were increased due to having to summon an enemy from another dimension. This time she fought a bunny that clearly came from her own dimension. Then she was given the next option to complete.

Choose Nodal Energy Type: The energy pattern released by this node is now up to you. Which pattern will you choose?

“Spirit.” Maria both thought and said out loud.

Converting to energy type Spirit. Warning: This is a complex energy type and will limit the growth type of most people and monsters who are under your command.

Maria had expected this message as it was the same as what she had been told previously by the system, thus she nodded to dismiss the warning message. She had thought that the messages would end there, but there were still more that came up.

World First Notice: Boss Submission: You have conquered a boss monster so effectively that there is no doubt in the monster’s mind of your superiority. As a conqueror you now hold the fate of the submitted adversary within your hands. Options available: Ravage, Mercy Kill, or Heal?

At the sight of the message, all other actions stopped, as the world and time around her seemed to pause, indicating that she would be forced to choose an option here before moving on. Maria’s mind mentally paused as she realized that the fate of this dying rabbit was within her hands. Then out of curiosity, she wondered what each option meant, and with that the system apparently reading her mind showed the details of each possible outcome.

Clearing Option: Ravage: You have managed to make an enemy submit, now you must choose their destiny. With this option you can consume all the Attributes of the fallen enemy and add them to your own body at a conversion rate of two to one. Warning: This path will incur one negative Karma point and will both open and close further options later. Also, future enemies might be less willing to submit to you in the future knowing that such a future awaits them. Note: Karma is not gained or lost from merely killing foes, but determined by how you treat your foes.

At the description of the first one, a mental image of the possibilities that this one step down the road of negative karma could take filled her mind. This first option was a sort of vampiric power that would allow her to devour the very essence of a submitted foe. In her mind she saw that if she worked on it, such a power would likely be able to evolve to reward the same ability any time she killed an opponent. With each subsequent kill, the conversion and extraction abilities would improve, all while causing her to be coated with dark miasma. Just seeing her in such a state caused her mind to shutter.

Even in her past life she was not much of a killer. While she was motivated to do anything to survive, she realized that this was a bridge she would not be willing to cross. While she didn’t see anything denoting how this power would impact her personal relationships, she knew that such a malevolent aura would not be good for her future growth or development as a person. She wanted to survive, but this option showed that there were steps that were too repugnant to take, and she instantly dismissed it as an option.

Clearing Option: Mercy Kill: You have managed to make an enemy submit, now you must choose their destiny. With this option you can offer your opponent a well-deserved quick death, thereby ending their suffering. Rewards: +5 All Attributes, +10 Spirit.

This second option was what most people would take from her past life. It was also the same one she had been told about by her instructors.

Never leave an enemy at your back.

The sentiment was understandable, and something that had been pressed into her mind repeatedly, never let a downed enemy recover, for they will come back twice as strong as before. While she figured this would be the option she took, she figured she would give the last option a glance, before fully making up her mind. Of the two, this was the only real option. While the Attributes offered were clearly less than the first option, there was no stigma attached to this course. No negative karma, as it was assumed that she would kill a foe, thus there would not be a change. Still she was curious about what the third option offered.

Clearing Option: Heal Monster Core: You have managed to make an enemy submit, now you must choose their destiny. As you are the owner of a Spiritual node, you now have the option to fully heal the damage done to the core of the monster you mercilessly crippled. This option will teach the art of Mind, Body, and Soul Healing. Warning: This path will incur one positive Karma point. Positive Karma will be needed to maintain the ability to continue to perform this healing art. Taking this path will both open and close future options later. Note: Karma is not gained or lost from merely killing foes, but determined by how you treat your foes.

Once again, Maria saw this option and saw a glimpse of the future. In this future, walking this path she would once again gain an aura. However, unlike the previous aura that was dark and malevolent, this one was a burning blue aura that seemed to scream of hope. Unlike the previous vision, this one showed her healing both beasts and humans alike. Seeing this, Maria’s mind opened to the possibility, for the ability to cure broken cores and meridians was a process that was only discovered far later in the last timeline. It was a process that when discovered was too impractical to fully utilize as the process, like everything with the system needed to be expanded upon and fully enhanced to meet the needs. Often what ended up happening was that the discovery of a way to Heal broken cores and meridians was seen as a waste, as everyone that could benefit from such a state was either dead, teaching, or so overpowered that the healer in question could not possibly fix the problems that were present on the advanced cultivator’s body.

Realizing that with this option she could change the world for the better, right from the start, Maria knew that this would be her option. She was also certain that with her getting this ability so quickly, she could improve and refine the process to keep up with the growth rate of the cultivators, magicians, and psychics who would need their internal organs healed in such a way.

There was yet another benefit to this last option, as it still meant that even going down the path of positive karma, she would be allowed to kill monsters. This was often a huge concern, but something that was easily dismissed by that last system note telling her how she could gain and lose positive Karma. Realizing there was but one option, she chose “heal monster core.”


New Power Noted: Core Healing: With this power you can begin to heal the cores of injured monsters and humans.

With that option, Maria felt waves of energy settle over her, as she could feel an aura flare to life around her. This was something that seemed to be done automatically, something that would clearly give away her presence if she was not careful. In her mind she felt that if she focused, she should be able to lessen or in time completely hide this aura of hers, but for now she let it flare to life. The minute it came to life, the rabbit who had been quivering in a frightened heap, anxiously awaiting the final death blow, paused. Then once again opening its one black eye that could see everything on the side of its face, paused as it just stared at Maria.

Maria, realizing that she didn’t have much time left, moved forward and began speaking to the submitted enemy.

“I am going to heal you.” Maria said, her voice calm, while she gently extended her hand that now seemed to glow with a gentle shine. Then she stood there as she waited for recognition from the rabbit.


The rabbit’s head nodded almost imperceptibly, but that was enough for Maria to begin slowly moving forward. This time rather than her hand glowing with a dark purple of Spirit magic that indicated pain, it now glowed with a bright golden-green flare that sent off waves of calming energy around her. This act was very tiring, but Maria somehow felt that it was necessary to let some of her power leak out as she strode forward.

As she moved, the rabbit didn’t even flinch. Either the rabbit had given up its fate, or Maria’s aura was enough to cause the rabbit to calm down long enough to receive treatment. Either way, Maria didn’t waste the opportunity provided for her and gently placed her hand over the rabbit. Then she spoke the power she wished to activate. This was part of the learning process of new powers, for in the future, when she was aware of the effects and the feel of the power she wanted to use, she could summon forth it easily by thinking of the desired intent. Now, however, this was a completely new power that she had never even described to her in her past life, meaning she was completely blind to it and its properties. Thus, the activation phrase, “Core Healing.”


Just by speaking the activation phrase, a wave of golden light left Maria’s hand and entered the rabbit. At first Maria was frightened, as she didn’t know what to do with the strange power. Fortunately for her, the power she had chosen was an automatic one, which meant that at first the power would be extremely wasteful in its use and conversion of energy, but as she developed the power more, and her innate understanding of the power increased, the conversion costs would decrease. Still, for now that was a long time away, and she just accepted the guidance of the system. Mentally memorizing the way the energy flowed through the bunny’s body, finding the broken core, and repairing the broken organ, before cycling through and forcefully restarting the rabbit’s circulation.


After a few moments, the tension that had been building up within the rabbit began to release, as it let out an audible wheezing sound. Then Maria watched as the golden energy she released began to spill over, going from the realm of the spiritual, where the core and meridians were, over to the physical body of the creature. Once there, the golden energy healed damage to the true internal organs, clearing up blood clots that had formed, and freeing airways of blood.

“Squee, squee.” The rabbit let out two contented squeaks, before promptly passing out.

Seeing the state of the rabbit, Maria herself nodded, and then not having anything better to do, began cultivating right there. In her mind, she was determined to watch over the rabbit, at least until it had fully recovered and was well enough to leave. The moment she had made up her mind and began circulating the massive amounts of energy that were surrounding her, she received yet another system message.

Karma increased by 1.

Note: Karma is not an Attribute and will not be affected by Titles or Abilities that increase Attributes.

With that message, Maria realized that once again the message provided by the system told her how and more importantly why she had randomly increased her Karma.

Note: Karma is not gained or lost from merely killing foes, but determined by how you treat your foes.

Realizing the meaning behind the note, Maria figured that it either had something to do with the fact that she healed the defeated and surrendered enemy, the fact that she was determined to protect the rabbit while it recovered, or what was more likely the case a combination of having met both requirements. Regardless of the reason, Maria felt the strength of her aura increase, a sign that the new point in Karma was already at work. This was good, as it meant she now had a potential buffer from outright losing the ability to heal. It also meant she was still well on her way to being able to keep up with the possible future demands of a dedicated healer, or at least a person capable of healing injuries incurred by warriors. This she remembered was a major reason why so many warriors died at first, as they would push themselves and rupture their cores, never having the ability to heal the damage they sustained.

Now Maria was prepared to change history, once again. This time she would do so with a node and healing. With nothing better to do, than to protect her newly conquered domain, and to watch over the recovering body of the rabbit she utterly defeated while in combat, Maria began to cultivate.