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Chapter 162

Enemy That Negates

Saturday (Early Morning)

Seeing the moment to strike, while everyone was distracted and looking towards the lead analyst who was loudly slurping her coffee, Alexa mentally reached out to the wall and used her Telekinesis to first press the open button.

Nothing happened.

Alexa had figured something like this would happen, especially with the fact that every door required someone to swipe something. This was why Alexa just went on to plan b, if she could not open the door by pressing the button, she would open the door by force.

Telekinetic Push

Alexa focused her mind and pressed on the door in two different directions.


The doors protested their opening with a loud reverberating screech that seemed to echo within the office.

“Huh?” All of the scientists that had been happily distracted a moment ago, suddenly stopped what they were doing and turned their full attention to Alexa. Or rather, they turned their attention to the front of the room, where Alexa currently was.

Shaking her head, Alexa just decided to twist the doors slightly, thereby locking their location in place as the mechanical doors would be unable to press their way free.



That time she did more than cause a giant screech to sound out, but caused mechanical components under the ground to grind to a halt as she physically forced the doors remain in a jammed open position as she exerted over two tones of Telekinetic force to keep the doors open.

With the doors open, she automatically let her senses pulse forward, as she tried to understand what the different runes within the room did. There were dozens of negation runes and runes that would cause severe damage to her if she so much as got within the entry room.


An alarm system blared to life overhead, either triggered by her breaking of the door, or by one of the scientists that were at their workstations. Honestly Alexa felt she should have knocked out the scientists but felt she would have been violating some unspoken code of not hurting humans. That was something that both her rational mind and emotional mind agreed on, hurting, or otherwise disabling humans was something that should be avoided at all costs. Also, she figured and rightly so that she would not need to enter the room to gain control over the orb, a thought that was confirmed a moment later, when she reached in with her mind and Telekinetically grabbed the orb and pulled it towards her.


There was a burst of light from behind Alexa that stunned her so badly that she momentarily lost control over the orb she was carrying. Startled, the orb jostled for a moment within her grasp. The light had nothing to do with her Telekinetic abilities, but it did directly remove her Illusion that she had up, an effect she noticed instantly as she felt the mental backlash from her spell being forcefully stopped. This of course played into her control, causing the solid orb to fly into her like a wrecking ball.


She caught the orb, but it was nowhere near as smoothly as she had anticipated.


“Who is that!”

Voices of the scientists called out in a panicked tone. Having seen that, an intruder that had up until a moment ago gone unnoticed was standing right there in the middle of their office. Fortunately for Alexa, this time she was wearing a super suit. This one was a purple suit that was able to be stretched to her current size and most importantly, it allowed her to hide all of her hair, as the mask was connected to the suit, providing complete coverage for her. In her mind, she was not doing this as Aru’ka the healer, this time she was going to go as but one of many warriors related to the human faction. Her hope was that with this suit, she would be able avoid being linked to this activity, should something like this happen. It was not that she expected things to go poorly, but rather she knew she was going to be retrieving this orb one way or another, and felt that at some point her magic, and all magically created objects would be dissolved like last time. This was why, she made sure to wear an actual Super costume, only when she went back to her school’s storage room, she saw this number and realized there were other options available.

“Get back to safety. I’ve got this one.” A female voice called out, her voice denoting her unbridled power and control over the situation. There was also a clear elven accent to her words that were spoken in English. The elven lilt as they called it, the slightly melodic tones that elves were known for. This of course was a power that had been formulated over the years, and able to be passed down to royal members of elven society.

Staggering to her feet, Alexa could feel the internal bruising from the orb already healing, as she turned around to face her adversary. There, standing in the doorway that blocked Alexa from her freedom, was an elven warrior. The warrior was carrying a brightly glowing orb in her hands, one that looked like it was only now winding down from being recently activated. That was when Alexa reflexively took in the information of her opponent.

Taniral Tulpa: Class: Field Commander. Level 126. Title: Knight Captain. Condition: Healthy. Status: Amused

Seeing the elf’s status, Alexa realized that the warrior in front of her likely had much higher physical attributes that she herself had. Also, it was clear that the elf clearly thought that Alexa at level 39 was nothing.

Sauntering forward.

Tanrial swayed her hips in a playful manner as she strode forward. Her tone and posture indicated that she felt well and truly in control of this situation.

STOP NOW!” Tanrial shouted, her words laced with power. Power that was not disrupted by the orb in her hands. Power that hit Alexa and washed over her like she was a mountain peak standing up to a tidal wave of force.

Instantly, Alexa felt alive with the surge of energy hitting her. Energy that her body began breaking apart and instantly converting into a usable form. Energy that activated the primal parts of her mind, letting her feel alive for the first time in so long.

Rationally she should be frightened, if she pressed, she could make her way past this Elven Field Commander, someone that was a Knight Captain. In her mind, Alexa knew that she could duel this person, challenge them to a duel that they would be unable to turn down, but Alexa fought that urge. First of all, this elf was lower ranked than her own, being just the second lowest title available, the resources that she possessed would be minimal. Also, such a duel would mean that a dome of encapsulation would form around the two, pinning them into a limited battle area. Also, if Alexa initiated the duel, then the elf could choose the terms of the duel, and she was not so unaware of her own limitations that she thought she could take this elf in a one-on-one duel of pure strength. Instead, she chose to go a second route.

Seeing the giant sphere that was the size of a basketball resting in the elf’s hands, Alexa came up with a plan.

While the elf sauntered forward, her full attention was placed solely on Alexa, gauging her, trying to determine where she would go, if she would cut right, if she would cut left. Alexa realizing, she was up against a far superior opponent, at least physically, one who could negate her greatest strength due to these strange orbs, Alexa let a giant smile of competition fill her. This was after all her first real challenge since becoming fully Awoken. This would also be a test that would depict what she should expect from the elven invasion forces. In her mind, Alexa knew that the forces that would come from the invasion forces would be at this level or much higher. Seeing the challenge before her, Alexa decided to develop her own tactics.

Seeing the way the elf strode forward, the heavy orb cradled in her right arm, Alexa treated it like she would anyone being so lazy with a basketball-sized object. Namely she would come up when they were not expecting it and try to poke the ball free. Using the full force of her Telekinesis, one that could apply multiple tons of force thanks to her various titles she acquired, the sphere was not only easily poked free of the elven commander’s grip, but also fell painfully to the ground.

Crack, snap, bang.

The elf who had been sauntering forward in a suggestive pose a moment ago, one that caused her legs and hips to swing wide of her center, now found those same legs, hips, and ankles crushed under the weight of a heavy sphere.

AHHHH!” The Elven Commander cried out, her cries filled by power, power that made her sound closer to a banshee trying to deafen an opponent, than anything.

“Gah!” The scientists who had smartly moved to the sides of the office, in an effort to let the elven commander go past their workspaces unimpeded began crying, as blood and other clear liquids began pouring from their ears, eyes, and the corners of their mouths. The scientists reached up to cover their ears to stop the sound, but that didn’t stop anything as the sound was as magical as it was auditory in nature.

The sphere that had landed with over two tons of force directly on the elven commander’s right foot sprung up, slamming into the elven commander’s stomach, before rolling up and forcefully ejecting air from her lungs. From there it was a simple matter of pressing the still reeling elf back on her back with the giant sphere, and pinning her to the ground the way one would try to use a large bowling ball to pin a wild bear. The only difference being that in this case the bowling ball, or in this case the giant metallic sphere won.


Once the elf was on her back, Alexa rolled the ball up, crushing bones within the elven commander’s chest. Then seeing that the elf was using their arms to clutch at the ball, trying to remove it, Alexa used that to Telekinetically lift the ball.


The sound of air being forced through crushed lungs cried out audibly in the large open office.

Once the ball was just past the elves finger tips, Alexa revered course of the sphere and slammed it down with as much force as she could muster.



The force was so intense that it caused the floor to shake and rumble.

AGGHHH!” What air the elven commander had managed to pull into their lungs was forcefully expelled, once again the words were coated in that weird commanding magic that her class likely afforded her. To Alexa, the words were free energy that she felt wash over her like warm sunlight on a cold day. The light pulsed over and around her and ultimately began filling her. Meanwhile, the scientists that had up until now been able to withstand the first barrage, albeit just barely, now cried out in their own cries of agony. Their cries were made extra loud, as their own bodies couldn’t tell how loud they were being.

At that, the doors outside the room began to open. The now all-too-familiar swishing sound of the first set of doors opening was enough to let Alexa know that she would soon have more company. While she was clearly capable of handling a one-on-one fight, she did not feel as comfortable dealing with a one-on-three situation, which was why she decided to speed up her own efforts for this battle.

Mentally picking up the seemingly indestructible sphere a third time, Alexa picked it up, and moved it a foot, not much distance in terms of the whole world, but a massive distance when you begin at the center of the chest of an immensely powerful being and work your way up their spine to the more valuable components of their body.



The giant sphere landed down with a thud that caused the elven commander’s skull to bounce violently off the floor. Despite the full force of Alexa’s enhanced Telekinesis at work, the blow was only enough to cause the elf to go unconscious. The arms that had been slightly moving a second ago flopped to the ground limply.


The second set of doors that separated the external hallway from the open office swished open. In her periphery, Alexa could see the form of two people filling the antechamber.

In her mind, Alexa knew that these would likely be the first of many who would come. Fortunately, the two looked into the office and saw the sphere and instantly knew what it was. Horror and fear flashed in the faces of both guards. The one who still sported superficial burns over most of her face looked on with fear and then darted away to a corner. The other vampire guard also darted to the side.

Seeing their reaction to the sphere that was currently being used as a bludgeoning device on the elven commander, Alexa finally had once answer. These orbs could burn vampires. Granted there was no overt displays of power from the orb, meaning that either the orb was running out of power, something that seemed unlikely given that this one was supposed to be charged enough to supply energy to the now dormant sphere that Alexa was carrying, or something. Maybe there was more to being keyed into the system? That was the only thing that made sense, particularly with the way the elven commander could seemingly use some form of command magic, that the orb she was carrying did not react to in the slightest. These orbs were dangerous, they could take away Alexa’s greatest strength, while allowing others to still use their own magic, that was something she would not want to face in the future. But it was good to know now, so that she could start to make contingencies.

All those thoughts flowed through Alexa’s heightened mind in the span of a moment. Then her more rational mind kicked in and realized there were a few things that needed to be done. First and foremost, she needed to double-tap.



Mentally picking up the orb again, Alexa once again brought it down onto the skull that she had clearly heard cracking on the last strike. This time the sphere crashed through bone, viscera, and membrane and landed with a hard impact on the ground.

The two vampire guards, cowered in the corner for a second, long enough to hear the second crunching strike made against their now former elven commander.

Everyone could tell the moment the elven commander died. There were many sighs of her passing, at least to Alexa’s enhanced Perceptions the moment the elf had died was apparent. First, the lingering power of shared pain the elven commander had released upon being struck violently was ended, as the scientists that had been crying and desperately tearing at their ears suddenly stopped.

At that exact moment two bonds of force that connected the vampires to the elven commander also broke free, as the natural energy sustaining their connection to the elven commander was released. Seeing that, Alexa’s mind went wide with the possibilities, did it just form because this was an elven commander? Or could all elves take over anyone who was infected with vampirism?

With that, her mind immediately went to thoughts of her pack, and wondered if incoming Orcish Commanders could do something similar? At that, a thought went wild in her mind. While she was mostly certain that her pack was safe from such an effect, as she had personally disabled most of the underlying capabilities of the Lykanthropy virus within her pack, there was still the off chance that a powerful enough Orc could take control of her pack, and that was something she would not tolerate.


A flash of anger filled her mind at someone messing with her pack.


At that thought, something very important came to her mind. This was the moment that Alexa realized that she once again needed to take control of her pack. She had been childish and immature before, and while her decision at that time had not hurt her pack, it could prove costly in the future. At the very least, if she once again had Pack Bond active with her pack members, she could hopefully see when or if they fell under the influence of another pack leader, or worse an Orc Commander whose class seemed to be linked to controlling werewolves. At least that was the fear that raced through her mind at the moment, as she saw the last embers of energy linking the now fully deceased elven commander to the two vampires that were cowering in the corner of the entry room.

They paused for a moment, then seemed to realize the moment their bond to the elven commander was released as they slowly stood up and first looked to each other, then not seeing anything out of the normal, they then turned to see Alexa standing there in her giant purple Super suit.

“How did you get here?” The female vampire, Erica asked.


At that exact moment the elevator at the end of the long hallway opened up, allowing a squad of highly coordinated footsteps to charge off the elevator, and move directly down the hallway.

Realizing things were about to get out of hand if she didn’t act, Alexa paused for a second, letting her Analytical Eye (I) surge to life, then after a moment’s thought, she nodded to herself, as she saw the only way for her to get out now was to fight her way free.

With her only path out of here clearly forming in her mind, she enacted the first part of her plan.

“Catch!” Alexa said, flinging the orb that was resting in her hands forward with all of her Telekinetic might. Simultaneously, she took the orb that had been used as a bludgeoning weapon, and hurled it backwards behind her, into the still open chamber that had been able to hold back the rays of the super charged sphere.


There was a tingling sensation that washed its way over Alexa’s skin as the orb entered the antechamber. Once the orb was far enough away, Alexa could feel the difference, as the tingling sensation on her arms and back was gone.

With the sphere that would stop her magical abilities from working successfully removed from the scene, Alexa’s smile widened, as she prepared for round two of the fight against the elven stronghold.



And another high ranking elven scumbag bites the dust … thank you … for the chapter … and the deeply satisfying kill


LOL, thank you and glad you appreciated it. Also, most importantly, thank you for reading.