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Chapter 83

A More Perfect Resurrection

The surge of battle was still running high, pulsing within my veins, and making me feel truly alive. Combat Medics, being able to bring good people back to life was an amazing feat.

“You’re back.” Zero said, first thing as I entered the Guild Office.

“Prep the first room. We have a critical patient.” I said, telling my familiar who went from being super excited to see me, to game face on and ready to help in a moment’s notice. He really is a good familiar. I am just thinking about whether I should take him with me on my journeys despite him being more helpful to my Simulacrum, but that thought is put on hold as the guard carries in the small form of the gnomish shopkeeper.

Seeing the shopkeeper’s small lifeless form, I immediately drop all other thoughts and begin focusing on my current self-appointed task, namely healing the gnome.

“To the first room.” I say, still glad one of the first things I did while moving in here and making this office mine was going through and building up multiple rooms where I could treat and work on patients. The first thing I do is take in the condition of my patient, noting first and foremost that the unconscious patient is both a drastically high level for the area, and a fleshy, or a creature that was not native to the spirit realm.

This time, remembering my best practices, I took the person and immediately covered them in my Death Shroud, a Void Healer based merit that made it so I could cloak myself and up to two others in either the spirit or mortal realms. For the mortal realm I could take spirits over, like my familiar and protect them. For the spirit realm I could use it to protect fleshies, like the gnomish spirit that was free floating outside its badly broken body.

“Hey, can you hear me.” I said, talking to the spirit that was just hovering over the body.


The spirit shook violently as it realized I could both see and speak to it, again this was nothing new as even in the in-between state that this spirit was in, I could see. Normally this gray area between being fully immersed in the realm of the dead and the realm of the living should be off limits, but I could see the spirit. Either this was an adaptation of my Angel’s Sight, or an evolution of my self-channeled spell Spirit Sight, regardless of the reason, the end result was the same, I could see and interact with the spirit of the now dying gnome shopkeeper.

Mentally I shot out stings of spirit magic, grabbing hold of the free-floating spirit. To no real surprise, the spirit in question began to fight back and resist the sudden constraints.

“Stop that, I am trying to help.” I said, my words cutting through to the spirit, where it paused and looked at me, really looked at me. I locked gazes, letting the creature see my glowing green eyes and hoped that it could interpret the color for what it was, a true depiction of the state of my soul. For all I knew green was a sign of greed, but I chose to think of it as a sign that I was a healer, that despite everything I would do what was right and needed, at least that is what I wished to convey.

The spirit on the other hand apparently took glowing green spirit eyes as something completely different and started flailing about wildly. Going from almost calm to a wild cornered animal in two seconds flat. Maybe it thought green was for necromancers? I don’t know.

At that, I jumped, tackling the spirit, where I began trying to subdue it.

“Help! Got a runner!” I shouted.


The door opened to the room, but rather than Zero who was helping to set up patients, a person I hadn’t expected to see in quite a while came through the door.

“Oh, look at you. Wrestling a spirit, trying to save their ungrateful life.” Mallory of the Midnight Hunter’s Guild said. Hearing her voice, I felt both a sense of calm and welcome joy. With her here, I realized a sudden tension that had been slowly building within my chest was released. Suddenly I no longer felt worried about a surprise attacker charging into the Mage’s Guild Hall and striking at me for healing people.

Seeing me struggle, Mallory, a Valkyrie, went over to the spirit and flicked it in the forehead. At which point a kinetic burst of spirit energy was released, while she let out a single word, “Sleep.”

I don’t think the spell had to be voice activated, but it did give the whole event a bit of flair, well more flair as just flicking a spirit to sleep was awesome enough, but adding the cheesy action line just made it that much cooler.

At that, I got up, and looked at Mallory, “that was badass.”

“Calm down now, get your head in the game. If you don’t want him traversing over to be in my realm of expertise, then you still need to do your thing.” Mallory said.

“Right.” I said, as I grabbed the small gnome spirit and lifted it up onto the table.

The first thing I did was try to line up the gnome spirit with the destroyed and mangled body that was before me. He had multiple shrapnel wounds from an explosion that cut off the lower part of his body. There were also numerous bullet holes and stab wounds throughout the small frail form of the shop keeper. Seeing the body I shook my head, as there wasn’t even enough to accurately work to keep the spirit sealed while I went about regrowing the rest of the body.

I pulled the spirit down the long table and was relieved to see that there was still enough room for the complete spirit to be on the table, despite the top of its torso being at the top of the examination table.

“What are you going to do? I’ve seen hamburger meat that looks better maintained.” Mallory said.

I nodded, then shrugged. “The only thing I can. Going to create a new body from scratch.”

“From scratch?” Mallory asked, but I was already in the process of weaving magic.

I had my new Void Healer class perk Reincarnation, it was something that I really had to push the system for and one that I hoped would be worth my level 50 class evolution perk. Now honestly, I could do this from the old body and likely it would be easier than creating the whole thing from scratch, but I had my new Class Perk that I was dying to see what I could do with.

Class Perk Unlocked: Reincarnation: You have begun to take the next step in bridging the gap between life and death. Now you can regenerate life where there was none before. Effect: Healing efficacy increased by 50%, Tissue Regeneration increased by 100%, ability to create a body to match a free-floating spirit.

Honestly, it was one of those things where I had wanted to test it, while also not having to test it under such strict circumstances. Yet here I was with a golden opportunity, and I was going to take full advantage of this opportunity before me.

Focusing on the flows of magic, I started by first creating an exact fleshy shell just over the still unconscious spirit. This was done by pouring out a thin stream of spirit energy over the body in a way I mentally associated with trying to cover something with melted chocolate. But in this case, I created an inner spirit cocoon layer, followed by changing the resonance of my magic to be that of life.

Seeing me work, Mallory asked, “do you want me to get rid of the body?”

I was about to say yes, but then stopped myself, as I was not at all familiar with gnomish anatomy.

“No leave it for now.” I said, as I realized a few quick things, first there was apparently one extra gland that I was not completely familiar with the function of. I assumed this had to do with channeling magic easier, as most taller races were able to do so due to the length of their meridians, while I had been curious about how shorter races could do so just as well. I guess the best way to describe this curiosity is to liken it to the creation of the sawed-off shotgun, or other items that are shortened. Now I do not use shotguns, let alone sawed-off ones, but I do understand the principle that the shortening of the barrel allows for ease of concealment and movement, while eliminating velocity and accuracy. But there has never been a study showing that Gnomes and Dwarven casters are in any way worse or more limited than their taller counterparts. With this new gland, I can almost understand, as the gland acts as a mini-focusing chamber for a spell construct within the body and sends the magic outwards. The fact that this gnome was a caster, and likely a powerful one at that was fairly obvious from initial viewings, but doubly so now that I was beginning to recreate his body.

I also made sure to eliminate things that I thought of as waste. The gnome was old, as there were signs of scarring, and otherwise wear and tear on their body. I sought to fix those immediately, removing the signs of age, readding the elasticity that one would expect around the heart, lungs, and abdominal areas. I also tried to improve signs of wear on the brain and arteries leading away from the heart toward the brain especially. I got rid of laugh lines that the gnome clearly had by smiling too much and replaced them with smooth ageless skin that spoke of a younger life.

For a moment, I thought about improving the size and shape of the meridians being used but felt that such eccentricities would be too much. I should have gotten consent before making the alterations that I already had made to this point. But for those, I could argue that it was easier to create a young healthy organ, than it was to create a young healthy organ and then age it, which is what my magic told me to do initially. Though honestly, the truth was again, I wanted to push magic an creation to its furthest point possible and see what the true extent of magic was really capable of.

Once the shell was formed of the body and organs, I used Omni-Heal to strengthen the muscular linings and push everything into proper positions. In a way I was doing the work of two or maybe three healers all at once. Using my precision with Spirit magic to create what I wanted to work with, then using Omni-Heal in order to expedite the process.

After what felt like hours, but was only a matter of minutes, I had a fully reformed and resealed spirit within a younger, fresher body.

Finally, after what felt like hours, but was really only a matter of minutes thanks to how fast my newly enhanced meridians allow my mana to flow out, I realized I was done.

Hidden Quest Complete: A New Way to Immortality: You have discovered a new method of making it so people will no longer die of old age. By creating a perfected copy of a body that you are trying to resurrect, you discovered a way to remove signs of aging and effectively let people live forever, should they so wish to undergo your unorthodox treatment. Beware, knowledge of such a feat is sure to generate attention. Rewards: Experience, New Spell, New Badges.

Experience Gained: 5,000 / 5,000


Level up.

Your level in Void Healer has increased to level 88.

New Spell: Perfect Resurrection [Tier X] (C): This spell was created by Cassiopeia Spiritlight and allows the caster to create a perfected body for a newly deceased soul to reside in. Effect: Spirit is resurrected into a body deemed to be the peak physical form for their race and will experience a period of enhanced youth and vitality because of this. Negates any detriments caused by old age, such as painful joints, decreased muscle and bone density, or other effects associated with aging.

Holy goodness, just reading that, I felt the true weight and magnitude of my accomplishment fill me. I had done it, just as the quest and spell said, I had created a way of staving off death, seemingly indefinitely. What was more, this was only the Tier X version of the spell. If this was the Tier X version of the spell, then what was possible with Tier XI? Realizing that question, I thought back to the moment when I thought about operating on the meridians of the gnome. At that, I wondered if such a thing was first possible, and then secondly, I wondered if such a thing should be tried at all? Surely there were limits to what was possible and what the game would allow, maybe minor alterations. Speaking of which, I did notice that my new racial flaw was also in effect.

Racial Flaw: Children of a Magical Destiny applied. Your presence and continued contact with Dr. Mudrikal Ghaniston has increased their overall magical potential by two Tiers, from Tier VIII to Tier X.

With that, I mentally look up the newly evolved flaw in question, but I already know what it will say. Still, I must do a double check to make sure it is correct.

Racial Flaw: Children of a Magical Destiny: You and those of your lineage will be able to awaken, or enhance, the magical potential in those you meet(Maximum of Tier XI).

Yes, I just increased the magical potential of a now peak of life Gnomish Wizard to Tier X and made it so he would be at the peak of power for quite a long time. At this moment, I have one major hope that I cling to, I really hope this gnome is not now, or does not turn into a monster, as I just created a very powerful enemy to anyone that survived the counter assault by the citizens who had gathered to look at the merit shop.

That of course led me to my recently acquired badge.

New Feat Recorded: Grand Master Tier Spell Creator (I) (1,000). You managed to create a spell that is at Tier X

Seeing the badge, I couldn’t help but feel that I had broken the game in some way. One thousand for a badge? That was enough to make anyone instantly friendly to you, not just going from attack on sight to neutral, by showing that badge, I could theoretically show the badge to the Leaders of the Legrand empire, a country I might or might not have done a lot of missions against, and not only be forgiven, but be accepted as near royalty.

I pause, looking at it, in astonishment.

After a moment, I realized that Mallory has been there staring at me the entire time. Not only has she been staring at me, but her mouth is wide open as she is clearly in shock.

“It isn’t what it looks like.” I try to say, wondering how much of this I can try to get rid of or explain way.

“Really? Because it looks like you not only resurrected the gnome there, but gave him a perfected body,” Mallory then pauses as she looks at him, “wait and then you somehow managed to improve his magical potential as well?”

I hold up my hand to try to stop her, but then stop myself. “That is, wow, you can see all of that?”

“I am a Valkyrie; I can see the status and conditions of souls that are ready to be ferried away to the afterlife. With that, I can see all their potential, how far they were able to go in an attempt to reach their potential and see if they might have anything that might hold them back for want to complete. Part of that is I can also see the health and condition of living people and see how much longer they have left, along with their current magical potential.”

At that I pause, lowering my hand as I try to take in all of that. Then finally after a moment, I respond, “that is amazingly powerful. And close to an invasion of privacy.”

“An invasion of privacy? More so than shaving off literal centuries of that gnomes life, putting them into a perfect form of their body, and increasing their magical potential without getting consent first?”

I pause, “wait, do you think he will complain?”

“What for looking younger, being more powerful, and being at the peak of health and prosperity all while maintaining their old level of wealth, knowledge, and social status? No, I don’t think he will mind one bit, but that is not the point.”

At that I pause and turn to her, a gesture that is mostly pointless, except for getting people that are watching you to think you are giving them your full undivided attention.

“What is the point then?”

At that Mallory shakes her head.

It is about this point that multiple things happen all at once around me.

First my Simulacrum sends me the cryptic message, “going to be discovered if I stay here longer.

That mental burst of a thought was quickly followed by a system message.

Your Simulacrum has dismissed herself.

With that, I felt a slight release in pressure as the part of my soul that the Simulacrum held was suddenly returned. Thinking back to myself it was likely a good thing that she did that, rather than getting caught. Especially as I had been going around as Sabrina Spiritlight on that floor. Of course, that meant that now I had to, once again, climb up to and through the fiftieth floor. A problem that I might have been a little more troublesome than I was able to hide at the moment.

“Everything okay?”

“It’s fine. I just spent too long here and will once again need to climb higher in the tower if I want those level perk bonuses.” I said truthfully.

“You go for the floor clearing bonuses?” Mallory asks.

“What, no. I am going for my Master’s degree. If I get to the 100th floor, I will be granted a Master’s Degree from Arcanarus University.” I admit, it is a self only quest, but I do trust Mallory, especially as I fully intend to join her clan in the future. Once my time climbing this tower is over that is.

“Wait, are you the one in control of the height of this tower?” She asks.

At that, I paused and put on my poker face, but it was already too late, as Mallory is already responding. “That’s what the message was.”

At that I paused, but then realized that Mallory was likely getting messages about me from her family that was watching my live feeds. I am glad that there is some editing of content, but there didn’t seem to be much as Mallory was able to put together the clues easily.

Realizing she already knew this, or at least can be told that her hypothesis was true, I decided to go with it. “Yes.”

“That’s why Hernandez’s crew was stuck on level 52 forever, it was because you never moved, oh that is hilarious.”

“Well, it would be, but now I must either climb up all fifty plus floors again or find another way to climb the tower fast. I don’t want to stay here forever.” I admit.

“I tell you what, I will personally be your travelling companion. In this I will go as high as you want to climb, so long as you promise to join or at the very least be allied with my guild when we are done.” Mallory asked.

At that I paused, trying to remember exactly why I wasn’t already a member of Mallory’s guild. Then I remember it had something to do with Mallory’s guild only taking on elite level players.

“Sure, but know that I kind of want to go on past floor 100 and keep going until I at least get my Doctorate in Magic.” I say.

At that, Mallory just pauses and stares at me. “You think I would be opposed to this? Having a Doctor of Magic in the guild?”

I pause, but then realize she is right. Fortunately I don’t have to answer her, as she is already onto her next question. “Also, what exactly did you get your new badge for?”

“Oh, I created a Tier X spell.”

At that Mallory just nodded her understanding, but the look on her face said she thought she was looking at some form of freak. “The modified Resurrection spell?”

At that I nodded, “Perfect Resurrection.” I confirm.

“Uh huh.” She says.

“What, I didn’t name it, that is the name it was given.” I say, trying to defend the idea of me naming the spell something so pretentious.

“Oh, no, not that. I am just thinking that being around you is going to be a lot of fun.”

“Speaking of fun, wait till you see what happens when I ask you to help me clean up over a hundred thousand pounds of trash from the Guild Master’s office before we leave here.”

At that Mallory does not look as excited as I am, though I guess when phrased that way, it could be considered bad form.

“Relax, you might actually enjoy the task. But it is the last main thing I need to do before I can leave here with a clear conscience.” I admit, yes getting rid of the horde of incorrectly trash labelled gold, reading the few million books remaining in the library, and at the very least learning the skills that are hiding within the mage’s library. All are important and will need to get done before I can fully scratch this Guild Hall off my bucket list for places needing to stay at. Also, with this off my bucket list, I could take both Zero and Mallory with me, and use my Simulacrum to help on tougher missions. While I will miss the constant stream of experience each day, it will be worth it for the peace of mind I will be able to gain.

“Fine I will help you remove these hundreds of thousand of pounds of trash, as I assume you have a quest related to it?” Mallory asks.

I nod, “yes, it should help me level tremendously.” I admit.

There is a moment of silence and Mallory is about to say something, but then there is a coughing, as the gnome I healed, Mudrikal Ghaniston, is up and moving.

“Sorry, but does anyone know what happened to me?” The Gnome says, looking down at his body that has clearly grown younger. I can also see the moment that he channels a quick diagnostic spell through his body, and sees the changes that went on in his body.

Yeah, I might have gone a bit overboard with my work this time, maybe.