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Chapter 147

The War of Attrition

Monday (Late at Night)

Legions of forces set in what would at first appear to be a massive, pitched battle, but the reality was that the entirety of the battle happened at one minor point. The two armies of orcs and elves had been here for so long, conducting battles for so long that the entire event had become a ritual of bloodletting and sacrifice. One leader would fight with a squad against another squad of warriors, while hundreds of orcs and elves watched from their vantage points.

It was clear that the whole point of the affair was for the challenger, in this case Alexa, to come forward join as the leader of whichever faction she had joined and represent them in battle after battle, having her squad slowly whittled down until she was finally declared a victor, after which, her broken and tired body would be taken back to the leaders after days of fighting, and she would be forced to submit to the will of the leaders, in some form of ritualistic geas where she would forever be bound to one of the factions.

At least that is what Alexa had assumed going into this conflict from having listened to what the survivors of these trials had said to her, how they all held bitter resentment towards what had happened, what they were forced to endure for the sake of having a class unlocked. Now that she was this close, with the exit just right around the corner, Alexa thought about what to do here. The ending was in essence right there, she had even seen the old crone show her definitively the exit. That had been a stroke of luck on Alexa’s part, as the Old Crone had almost caught onto her hiding spot multiple times, but never doubted the rocks she was looking at, nor the environment around her. The Crone didn’t know about the power of Earth magic, apparently, she couldn’t predict the capability of one with a such high level of Earth and Life magic working together so that a body could be breathing within rocks. Of course, the Illusion she cast of herself also didn’t hurt her ability to blend in.

Now that she was here, Alexa was faced with the choice of what to do next. A part of her wanted to take the final stage of the trials as is, to fight against a horde of elves and orcs and see what they could do to threaten her. This of course would be the height of her ego if she did such an act. This was why she mentally forced herself to take a step back and calm herself. Her emotions were running high, as she knew someone here had used Void magic to set up a trap here. Looking at it logically, this at first appeared to be very similar to the test that had killed her father. That thought more than anything made it so she wanted to go charging forward, slaying any and all who got in her way. But she forced herself to stay back to think about a strategy. This was remarkably harder than what she had expected.

Normally her rational mind was able to filter through, to come up with a plan almost immediately, one that was both decisive and off putting for her enemies. Granted most of the time her strategy dealt with charging headfirst into battle and letting her Attributes and Accumulated powers do all the heavy lifting, while she directed her strikes against vastly superior opponents. But this was different, just scanning the fields before her, Alexa could tell that the enemies were too many, especially for her alone. Seeing so many enemies packed so tightly together made her think of other means. Logically, her main objective was just right there, go, tell the dungeon what it wanted to hear, that you learned its lesson and get a shard, go home and get the class that has eluded her for so long. Yet, something compelled her to stay, to eradicate the forces before her and most importantly, to get a name of who could have crafted such a runic death trap, as the one from inside the cave.

Realizing it was a fool’s mission to go in alone, Alexa decided to create copies of herself and her blade. In fact, she even changed the layout of her blade, this time recreating the blade and her copies so that at their very core, they had an essence of the Void added in just for support. For her blades, they too had a minor injection of Void energy added to them as well, though that was primarily on the blades of the double-sided swords, thin enough so that only the cutting edge of the blade would hold the slightest resonance of the chaotic material. Once her first enhanced copy was made, Alexa went about stretching her mind and her willpower to create as many exact copies as she could of herself. Each copy she made sure to have dressed in her full Aru’ka Super outfit, as she wanted it to be known who was coming for them. Especially if any of the people here that she was about to forcefully eject from this trial suddenly found themselves as part of the force sent to conquer Earth.


Alexa strode forward confidently, as she was flanked by six exact copies of herself. High overhead, a golden beam of light shone down from the heavens, seeming to shine a light solely on one area of the whole dungeon where fighting seemed to be allowed.

As she got closer, Alexa could begin to feel the radiating cold that seemed to pulse from the ground. Ground that was seemingly only satiated by blood of the fallen.

After a minute, Alexa realized the purpose for the constant pitched battle, and why so many members of both armies had been here at one point. The dungeon, was meant to show how to cleanse the land of demonic taint, and these two armies had apparently cleared the entire dungeon, all the way up to this one spot, where they found a way to keep the demonic taint at bay simply by shedding blood of the fallen into the center of a giant ring of runes that took the blood and lifeforce of the fallen and converted it into a form of energy that managed to keep back the slowly growing demonic entity. Seeing the ring of runes at work, Alexa realized that her job here had just gotten that much easier.

Moving forward, towards the challenge ring, the armies of both the orcs and elves moved out of her and her squad of identical copies’ way. It was clear that so long as Alexa and her squad made no aggressive actions towards anyone, they would be allowed to go unimpeded to the now ritualistic runic challenge ring, where she would then be assaulted by squads from both sides.

“How did so many make it through?”

“Are they bound to the orcs?”

“Are they bound to the elves? I don’t see any of the tribal markings on them.”

Soldiers and warriors from both sides spoke out, as the seven Alexa’s made their way forward. The Alexa’s of course kept silent, not responding back in either tongue, as she didn’t want to give away the fact that she knew what was being said about her as she made her way forward. Instead, she just kept focus, the lead Alexa marching ever forward, while the six other Alexa’s scanned the crowds around them, watching for any overtly hostile signs.

The squad managed to make it to just before the ring, where they were stopped by a powerful elven general whose silver armor shone with the grace of golden trim, on one side. The shine on it showed that the general herself was not accustomed to getting hit, or what was more likely the case, she was not accustomed to battle at all. Then on the other side, the left, was a giant male orc general who stared angrily at the squad. The orc general’s attire was mostly enchanted leather skins of some beast that Alexa had never seen. Judging by the movement that the magical leathers provided, it was clear that if Alexa had to choose, she would want to use the leather armor, over those of the elven general. That was when Alexa made it a mental goal to grab a piece of the leather and using her new understanding of Creation magic, break it down into its base components, so she could create her own set.

Of course, as soon as the thought entered her mind, she immediately dismissed it, as that would be much further down the line of events that needed to play out immediately. For now she watched and waited.

“Speak child. For which side do you swear allegiance?” The orc general was the first to speak. As he spoke a calm fell over the crowd, as even the two factions that were fighting within the ring that contained the demonic energy paused to hear what it was that Alexa and her squad of clones would say.

Hearing the question, Alexa realized the time to stall was over. Also, she had already gotten close enough to the ring to do what she had planned to do since seeing it, that was why she began using her psychic powers at the same time she gave her response.

“I have sworn allegiance to the human faction.” Alexa said, her voice booming and echoing in orcish, so that all could hear. The two generals both looked like they had been slapped, this was good as it proved that the elven general also spoke orcish. The orcish armies of course were outraged by the claim, while the majority of those in the elven army looked confused, as most of them no doubt had no clue what Alexa had just said. Then seeing the outrage of the orcs, the elves began cheering, at least at first. Then the elven general raised her hand and made a gesture.

“You speak for yourself, but what of those others who walk with you?” The elven general said, asking her question to Alexa’s clones that were with her.

At this, Alexa smiled brightly, as she began working on the next stage of her plans. Even here, far from the center ring, she was close enough to reach out and touch the deeply infused runes that lined the center of the dungeon zone. Mentally reaching out to the runes, Alexa touched the runes and quickly began drawing energy away from them.


The energy that had been holding the demonic energy at bay for so many years, suddenly stopped, as if a plug had been pulled allowing all the held-up energy to escape.

Alexa felt a surge of warmth fill her, as her body began to pulse and thrum with energy, but regular, and the perverted energy of blood and demonic energy. Only now that she could feel the true flavor of the energy did the ritualistic blood sacrifice make sense, the blood had just enough of the spirit energy within it to keep the demonic entity satiated. Of course, the demonic entity that was here had slowly been feeding on that minute trace of spirit energy hungrily over dozens, if not hundreds of years.

“What have you done?” The Elven General said, turning her attention from Alexa and her squad, back to the now depleted runic circle. The elven general was not the only one to turn away, as every elven and orcish soldier alike turned towards the circle, the one that had the Eye of the Gods looking down upon it, suddenly begin to lose intensity. The light that had been shining brightly over the consecrated ground suddenly began to dull, as massive storm clouds rolled in almost instantly covering the golden light that had shone so brightly from above.

The orcs and elves both were fools for this, for giving Alexa and her squad the moment they needed. Seeing the enemy backs turned to them, they slashed out, Void tipped blades slicing out and severing living skin clean through.

As one, the squad of seven soldiers all began striking out, lashing out in a relentless onslaught, trying to carve a hole in the enemy defenses around them. With that first strike, there was enough room for the seven Alexas that had been standing shoulder to shoulder a second ago, to each step forward, expanding the ring of ground they controlled and giving each the space needed to maneuver freely.

Hearing the clattering of weapons and the cries of orcs and elves alike, the two generals turned, only to see that the seven Alexas were still engaged in slaughter, decapitating distracted enemies, while kicking over headless bodies into their neighbors. The neighbors who received such a warning were alerted for a second, looking first to their comrades, then often turning just in time to receive their own crisp Void infused strike, before also being slaughtered.

“Attack them!” The two generals shouted, nearly over top of each other. For the moment the universal blood feud that had fueled the two armies for generations was momentarily forgotten, as they both turned as one to face the new threat that was right within the very heart of their armies.

Horn bellow!

A deep orcish war horn blared to life, as an alert orcish squire signaled the call to arms, directing everyone’s attention towards the center of the dungeon, right to the very killing field that had served as a constant pit of battle for generations.

Alexa and her squad were not alone in their assault, as Alexa could feel both herself and through her summoned minions the sudden stirring of the demon that had finally been freed from its prison. Suddenly freed, the demon used its endless reserve of energy and began the wholesale slaughter and perversion of the soil. Massive spikes of Death magic and Void magic surged forth from the ground. Seeing the spikes, Alexa felt certain that the Void material she had encountered was in fact created by this demon, either the demon had long ago lived in the cave and been driven out to these fields, where it was eventually forced underground, or the Void crystal was just a natural byproduct of having a vastly powerful demonic entity that was never quite lanced, thus creating discharges of Void mana, that the dungeon tried to disperse as evenly as possible. In either case, it proved that the demon’s release was really a matter of when, not if, and the fact that she had done so today, only meant that her working with the dungeon to banish the creature and allow the dungeon to be reset was needed. Of course, to do that, Alexa would need to survive. Which meant not only surviving these cannon fodder soldiers that had been summoned in the thousands for both sides, but also slaughtering the generals and logistics officers that sat calmly watching from their camps even now, both sides content to watch the two armies fight and struggle against the squad of seven warriors. To the generals and commanders at the rear, the death of these seven warriors was only a matter of when, not if, as they were clearly surrounded. Then on top of that, there were two generals right there, watching over the proceedings.

For now, it was clear that the generals were doing exactly as they were instructed. Sit back and let the squad of warriors slowly wear themselves out, it was inevitable that humans, regardless of skill would eventually wear themselves out, especially as they were just level one, a fact that was guaranteed by this being the final stage of the Trials of Ascension. Mentally, generals from both sides lauded the skill and tenacity of the squad, somehow managing to band together and bypass most methods for breaking up a talented group of warriors. Also, the fact that they all looked the same was a feature that was noticed, but not exactly harped on, as neither the orcs nor elves were experts on humans, especially ones wearing uniforms with their faces covered. The fact that there were seven nearly identical warriors just meant that the tribe that produced such an amazing clutch of offspring should be found and cultivated. Children that grow up to be this powerful would make great slaves, and they would likely be able to keep the others of their kind in line.

Seeing the exceptional group of warriors, two nearly identical conversations were happening at the exact moment, on both sides of the field. Both Rexnar, the Supreme General for the Orcs, and Malinia, the Supreme General for the Elves called for their attendants.


“Yes my king/queen.”

“Send word that before they die, we are to interrogate one of them. Find out who their parents are, so that we might be able to force them to breed more warriors such as these.”

“My King/Queen, there is but one problem with your request.”

“Oh, What is that?”

“They're dead,” The attendants answered.

“What? What are you saying?”

“They are dead, and you and your kind killed them.” The Attendants said, before their bodies began to morph and change into an exact copy of the seven warriors down on the pitched battle below. The entire time the two supreme generals looked on in awe at the pages before them, the more distracted they were to observe their surroundings. They failed to notice the spike in magical power around them. There were no rays of lights that changed, as no shadows were made. It was almost as if all the Light within the dungeon failed to shine upon the silently moving forms that had snuck up behind the supreme generals.

“Why you…” As all Rexnar managed to get out, before a Void tipped blade pierced his chest. There was a look of shock, and then betrayal as Rexnar looked out at an Alexa clone.

“You dare…” was all Malinia managed, before her heart too was pierced in the back by an Alexa clone.

Both bodies began crumpling to the ground, though there was still a lot of fight in them, their vast pools of Endurance were keeping them alive, but barely. Even now it was clear that their Summoned Bodies were having a hard time truly dealing with the power of the Void infused blades that were now piercing their chest.

As they fell to the ground, both Alexa attendees spoke in near perfect unison.

“I have a message for you. Your declaration of war has been heard and accepted. We will come for you, and we will end you if you get in our ways.”


The two opened their mouths, blood coming out, as the blades also pierced the left lung in their means to cut just below the beating heart. Then before they could answer, the Alexa clones that had struck from behind, twisted their blades, further opening the wounds, and causing the corruptibility of Void magic to surge up into their chests.

“Gah!” Both supreme generals said, as they collapsed. Their deaths were not the only ones as the two that had infiltrated the camps were not alone, as two independent strike teams began going through the distracted camps, taking out anyone and everyone that got in their way.

Meanwhile the squad of Alexa’s who had been little more than a distraction, were performing their task admirably slashing through enemy after enemy.


All the while the demonic entity below the ground fed on the blood and carnage that slowly made its way to it. Or at least that is what it would have tried to do, however, no energy seemed to be coming its way. It was almost as if the entire flow of energy that it had been feasting on for centuries suddenly dried up. Yet, its senses had grown in power and precision over time. Finally, after close to an hour of waiting, the demonic entity that had been driven deep under the ground centuries ago, after suffering from a mortal wound, rose to the surface for the first time in centuries. Its wound having long since healed, the demon had been content to slowly feed on the life force that was slowly being fed to it, over the centuries. But now that it had been freed from its prison, it wanted more, so much more. Finally free, it rose to the surface, and surveyed the surroundings.


The ground shook and quaked as the orcs and elves both stopped their assistance of trying to quell the rebel squad to stare at the giant towering monster before them.

I, Methastophola have been reborn! TREMBLE in fear!” Methastophola roared out, loudly, using a form of a demonic scream that tore through every mind in the area. Suddenly the world around Methastophola went quiet, well almost.

Clink, clang, chop!

Every mind, except for the band of seven maidens who used that very moment to continue pressing their attack, striking through the lines of enemies, even going so far as to strike at the momentarily stunned orc and elvish generals. Seeing that the generals were down, the demon began to laugh.

“HAHAHAHA! I am finally free, and soon I will be out of this dungeon as well.”

“Shut it, as you are next!” A voice called out in the Harbinger tongue.


Steen Kaasgaard

Thanks for the chapter! That was why she acted began using her psychic powers *acted began -> acted and began (or delete either acted or began)* Officers that sat calmly from their camps even now *calmly from -> either 'calmly in' or perhaps 'calmly watching from'* "Their dead," the attendants answered. *their -> they’re*