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Good morning everyone, I wanted to apologize for my abysmal production yesterday. I personally wanted to produce more than I did (just the 1 Writathon chapter), sorry about that. I have been battling allergies on and off for the past week. I had mostly thought they were gone, until yesterday when they came back with a vengeance yesterday, forcing me to take a lot of Zyrtec and Benadryl to counteract the histamines. That said, I hate making excuses for lack of production, but figured explaining what happened might be better than leaving you all in the dark. 

So again, I apologize, and am back to it today. Thank you all and the first few chapters should be out shortly (Well, what I think of as shortly).


Joshua Sydney

As someone who’s allergic to dogs with 4 of em, I feel your pain

Dragon Patreon

You are one of the most consistently productive authors on RR, especially for chapters that actually move the plot. If I don't see any expected chapters, I automatically assume that you had some real life problems. You definitely have no need to apologize! Thanks for your work ethic and your focus on fun story telling.


Thank sounds terrible. I am allergic to cats, not that have any, and apparently all of the outdoors right now