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Chapter 139

A New Base of Operations


Bottomless Gorge had grown since their last time being there. While everyone had known that the dungeon itself had finally gained more than enough material to grow to a Tier III dungeon, it at first had decided to condense itself, making the rewards for completing, even a partial completion of the dungeon now was worth exceptional rewards. Better still, the dungeon had seemingly grown once more since their last visit, this time again rather than growing up, the dungeon decided to grow out, as in branching out. Rather than just being linked to Analysis (Tier II) there was an entirely new branch of research that the dungeon had branched out into. This was perfect, as it meant that special exceptions didn’t need to be made by the dungeon to house Alexa and the generals, or at least generals is what the rest of the pack was referring to the initial four who had completed the first dungeon together and done so with flawless timing and precision, not once but eleven times in total.

Now there was a new course to run, and Alexa felt a thrill like she had never felt before calling to her. In a way she knew this new branching was done for her specifically. Better still, everyone got to see the way the dungeon lit up when she was around.

“Dungeon these are my friends, my family. Please watch over them, as you would watch over me.” Alexa said, to the dungeon first in Precursor, then again in English so everyone could hear her.

Happy flash.

It was hard to assign emotions to the lighting up of ambient sources of light, but even with that it was clear that the dungeon was more than happy for Alexa’s return. In fact, there was something odd with the way the dungeon at Dawning Light Academy also flashed in excitement at her presence as well. It was as if the Dungeons had been asleep for so long, and were all now finally awake. No, not awake, they had all been awake to some extent or another, rather they all seemed to see Alexa as important.

“What is happening?” Julie found herself asking Gina at one time.

Gina with her class Predictive Oracle was able to interpret so much from so little around her that many wondered if she created the future or just spoke of it. From her body language and the way she intently stared at Alexa, it was clear that she was paying particularly close attention to Alexa during this time, to make sure she didn’t miss any subtle cue that could help her more accurately predict the outcome. In this case, her hours of staring at Alexa intently, along with this being her third time here at this same dungeon with Alexa helped her come to a far different conclusion than she would have made had she not seen this interaction.

“I think the dungeons have somehow marked her. Bottomless Gorge used to notice her before, but only when she called out to it. Now, this dungeon and others seem to light up in recognition before she even enters them. Even becoming aware of the outside of their domain, as was the case at Dawning Light, something I didn’t quite realize was even possible, until I saw it with my own eyes.” Gina said.

While she spoke, it was clear that the other pack members all heard, well all of the pack members save for Luke, as he was the only one without supernaturally enhanced hearing. Still, Gina’s insights had proven to be invaluable over the past few days.

Seeing the way, the pack all came together made Alexa happy. She had taken a few moments to tend to her garden, which had improved drastically since the last time they were here. Not only had Alexa’s creativity with magic improved even in the short time away, but her ability to spread and manipulate the different elements was amazing. Even the fresh water she created was extremely delicious, despite the moss she set to grow at the bottom of the reservoir.

“The moss will act as a natural filter, and amplifier for the water, making the water not just cleaner, but more fused with mana and other natural energies.” Alexa had said.

That was not the only thing she had changed, in her short time here. Even the ground had been altered with her Earth magic, to create layers, steps, diving platforms into the reservoir and so on. It was impressive to see how much raw natural talent she could wield in a matter of seconds. Granted the dungeon didn’t hinder her, and in fact often seemed content to help her, by generating more land for her to work with.

“You act like you won’t be back for a while.” Luke said, rather offhandedly.

At that, Alexa just paused as she looked at her brother like he had grown an extra set of eyes. “I am going to try to push through Stage IX to Stage X before I can get back.” Alexa said, with a note of annoyance in her voice. It was hard to notice, in fact Gina felt that even the other pack members wouldn’t have been able to pick up on it, but with her increased senses, she could notice the slight variation in her word cadence. While the words were the same as normal, their cadence spoke to a slightly annoyed state. Not that it would ever amount to anything, but it was odd to see the sudden tension in her. Seeing that Luke was about to make things worse, Gina stepped in.

“We know, and if Luke forgets, we will be sure to tell him.” Gina said, reassuringly.

“Hey,” Luke said, “I know as well. You are going to push through, and hope to meet up with us here after the final stage so we can all attend Dad’s…” Luke trailed off, as the weight of his words hit him.

“Don’t worry, we are all feeling the loss, each in our own ways.” Gina said, trying to placate both twins. “Luke, you are wondering whether it would be best to go off at a time like this just to awaken a class.” Gina began, explaining to everyone what the situation was. “Alexa realizes that the attack was likely not a solitary event, that if they tried once on live television, then they would likely try again especially at a funeral where everyone will be present. Realizing this is likely her only real chance to unlock her class and be mildly effective against whatever else the elves might throw at her.”


Alexa made a sound like she was about to cut her off, which Gina seeing it, and realizing her error corrected her earlier statement, “us. She wants to be prepared for whatever they might throw at us.”

With that Gina glanced over at Alexa who gave an almost imperceptible head nod in agreement. Seeing that, Gina went on. “Furthermore, Alexa is feeling guilty about this friend she made, Kelvin Mackie, who is also the son of General Mackie and one of the biggest elven supporters on Earth. By us having Kelvin on our side, we can either mitigate or completely remove any possible future threats made by the General and his allies.”

With that, Gina turned to Luke, “you did change his marker, right?”

“Yes, just a moment ago. He is still alive, though I can’t quite tell much more than that from my access to the dungeon networks.” Luke admitted.


Alexa let out the smallest sigh of relief at that, one that spoke of a profound weight being lifted from her conscience.

“Good, see. You can rest a little easier. While it has been a day…”

“Two.” Alexa said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Two days since you last saw him, he is still alive and able to be brought here.” Gina said. “Meanwhile, we have all made alibis about where we will be until you get back. With classes being cancelled until at least after the Thanksgiving holiday, we will be safe here. Also with the new dungeon path awakened, even those of us who have originally completed the Analysis portion of the dungeon can try out the new dungeon and not get bored. Also, now that you have alerted Gorge, he seems to remember us and has even created enough couches for all of us to sleep on. Then with your magic, you created enough beds and other supplies for us to be fine for two days.”

“We even have our toothbrushes, so you know we are here for the long haul.” Alison said, holding up the plastic tube that allegedly held her toothbrush.

“I hate to admit it, but the little firecracker is right, we will be fine. And while I think us hiding here might have been a bit much, if it helps you rest easier then I am all for it.” Luke said, a bit begrudgingly.

Hearing that, and seeing the look of resolve in his status, Alexa couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of calm wash over her. Granted, she had not intended to take everyone here, as this had largely been a choice brought on by a spur of the moment need that arose from an enhanced sense of fear and paranoia that was brought on by how drastically she underestimated the lengths to which elves would go to take out a perceived threat. It was something that had been haunting her for a while, and while she didn’t know if the elves would stoop so low as to target a school of students, she couldn’t put it past them. Especially if they somehow convinced Mackie that she was not part of any known elven force.

No, moving here had been a necessity and something she had always intended to do later on. While it did feel like they were retreating, having a military base of operations that was secret to them, and only accessible to a few trusted members would go along way, especially if they could use this base to effectively teleport anywhere around the world at a moment’s notice.

In her mind, she could see how her life had inevitably led to this point, and while she had always found a strange sense of assurance inside caves, she worried that many of her pack mates wouldn’t. That was why she had gone to such lengths to expand the garden as much as possible, creating a veritable forest, one that had summoned aspects of monsters here. Monsters that the pack could hunt down and kill. While there were enough fruit bearing plants to feed an army, the idea that a pack of werewolves, cleansed or not, would be able to sustain themselves for any stretch of time without meat was impossible for her to imagine. That was partly why she was so intent on making other plants that rabbits and other smaller forest creatures could also eat, so an entire ecosystem could thrive in the forest without any real work needed by the members of the pack. Additionally, the plants she had grown were enhanced to be self-replicating and spreading wherever possible, making it so her magic was not needed to perpetuate plant growth. Most of these changes were made the last time she was here, which was why so much of the forest was already so well stocked, and why she focused on making changes like slight inclines and reservoirs of water. She had created her own dream location, a wilderness untouched by man. Well untouched by all men except for Luke, though to be honest Luke spent most of his time trying to avoid the deeper reaches of the forest.

Alexa looked over everything, there were enough beds, couches, chairs, tables. All the minor comforts needed were there. It would only be a few days. It was currently 4:37 AM on Monday, the next time anything important would happen was possibly Thursday at 2PM, giving her just over eighty-one hours to complete two stages of the Trials of Ascension.

“What should we do with Kelvin if he starts anything with us?” Erin asked. It was clear that she was one of the pack members that had been the most traumatized by the whole situation, as she still had yet to talk to Luke in any meaningful way.

“Simple, it won’t happen.” Gina said confidently.

“It won’t?” ‘Licia asked.

“Nope, because Alexa will tell him that her girlfriend is here waiting to help him, and that if he tries anything funny she will beat him up when she gets back.” Gina said confidently.


Even Alexa gave a smile at that.

“Alright, you have convinced me. I will go and come back when I can.” Alexa said.

“Bye mom.” Kylie and Lily said in unison.

Alexa just shook her head at that, but still let a real smile play out on her lips. At least this one was more real than the one she showed during the girlfriend comment that Gina had made.

As she turned around to leave, Tracy waived her down. “WAIT!”

“What?” Alexa asked suddenly on guard trying to understand what could be so urgent to make her shout out like that.

Seeing Alexa stare at her so intently, Tracy almost buckled, but then with slightly reddening cheeks asks, “can you please make more chocolate before you go?”


Thirty minutes later Alexa left, to begin stage IX of her trials. As she left, Gina who had been putting on a brave face up until now, relaxed slightly as some of her forced excitement wore away. Seeing her, Julie couldn’t help but go over to offer some condolences, it was clear that she well and truly cared for the undisputed leader of their pack.

“Are you worried about her?”

“About her safety? No, she could survive the apocalypse. Hell, I think if it came down to it, she would somehow find a way to reverse time to make it so the apocalypse was just a momentary eclipse if we gave her enough time.” Gina said.

“So why are you so nervous then?”

“It’s not her that I am nervous about, it the boy that she is so desperate to save. She likes him, she just might not realize it yet.”


Steen Kaasgaard

Thanks for the chapter! Content to help her, but generating more land *but -> by*


Please, don’t destroy Gina’s and Alexa’s relationship bc of a boy … it would be really a downer 🥺