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Good Morning Everyone,

I like these polls, so lets see how this one works. I found a possible new cover for ALEXiThymiA, for Royal Road Currently, but I wanted to get your opinions on it.

So please vote below about whether this should be a new cover for ALEXiThymiA.



The Lost Pages

Definitely pretty. The head looks like it has been removed from her body. That or she's become part alien with all those traits she's absorbed. lol


Is this in preparation for publishing on KU and more importantly Audible? If we have any say in narrators for the audiobook, Andrea Parsaneu would be my vote if you can get her.


She would be my choice as well. I have a couple pots in the fire, but I do have a plan that if by the end of the summer (end of August), if I don't have a legitimate book deal, I will self publish.


She seems to always be working on the books for Binding Words and Aethers Revival series, and others from DS. More recently though she did book one of Azarinth Healer, who is on Royal Road, so she fits in new authors. The only other narrator who really brings a story to life in my opinion is Heath Miller(HWFWM) but he is an Aussie and would need to tone down his accent in the context of the story in America. Either way, once you say the word, my credit will go towards a preorder of the audiobook.