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<<<<Author's Note: And we are back. Thank you all for staying and allowing me the short reprieve.>>>>
Bonus Chapter 3

Desperation and Screaming Trees

Wizard Kyle Goldman (14th Universe)

I will say that I have never felt quite so stupid, until I am told so by not one but four trees. Granted these trees are children of the great world tree, meaning they hold a small portion of knowledge from a being that lasted for thousands of years. A being so powerful that in its prime, it was able to manipulate the genetic code of creatures floating around it, to become nearly immortal servants. Such feats should not be forgotten when talking about the once glorious entities. At least that is what I am telling myself, as I am being told once again that my spell form is terrible.

To my defense, I have only been using spells and spell forms for a little over eight months in all. During that time, I have grown in leaps and bounds above where I was supposed to be. I have even managed to graduate from the introductory courses on how my powers are supposed to work.

The only problem is him, that other Kyle Goldman from another universe. I am constantly being compared to him and am constantly falling short. Apparently, the kid is a prodigy, one that only comes along once in multiple generations. One who can understand the powers they have been granted so well, that they even know how other’s spells should work. This is why my training is so tough. Not only am I given an unrealistic example of how far along I should be. I also know that their comparisons are accurate.

“Again!” Omen the tree demands. Yes, a tree has taken to referring to themselves as Omen. Why Omen? Well, it is because they are the seventh seed of a world tree that was planted.

That’s right, the world trees all know what number chronologically they were planted and base their names from that.

This time, focus on your seventh sigil.” The Tree Hunger adds, so not helpfully. Why is this one named Hunger? Well, it seems tree humor is just as bad as everyone else’s, if not worse. See Hunger is the eighth tree, or eight. So how did they get Hunger from that? Yeah, because he eight and ate and ate.

We are losing him.” Nothing, the ninth tree said. Again, one might ask, why the moniker nothing? Well nine is phonetically similar to the German word Nein, which means no. Then from there apparently no is a short skip and a jump to nothing. I don’t know, it is tree logic, or humor? All I know is that it got old from the beginning.

Oh, we are getting a message from Prime.” Deca, the tenth and seemingly less pretentious tree said. Prime is also apparently one of their trees, but he is the eleventh tree. When I asked why Omen didn’t take the title of Prime, Omen just said. “It is because seven is often the number signifying a change or deviation from the start. Thus, by choosing the name Omen. I note how I am in fact the leader of this next generation of World Trees.

Yeah, that’s tree logic for you. Between those types of thoughts and trying to learn how to cast spells across universes, I figured I’d drive myself insane. Especially if I wanted to meet imposing doom deadline that was getting close. What was this imposing doom? No clue. Maybe the Twelfth world tree would be planted, and it would want to be called Tweeny.

He is once again lost in his own head space.” Omen says dejectedly, as if I have somehow ruined their entire existence. Who knows, perhaps I have. Perhaps I am this tree’s greatest bane of existence right now.

No, you are not a bane of our existence. But the window that you can go and be of use is quickly drawing to a close.” Hunger states.

Wait, did they just read my mind? I think to myself as I realize Hunger just spoke about my personal thoughts.

“Of course, we can read your mind. You are our Guardian. How else do you think we can project our thoughts directly to your mind?” Nothing, the tree, said.

How do I know the different voices of the tress speaking in my head? Simple, they all sound as if they are on different levels of annoying. With Omen being the most annoying and Deca being the least annoying.

Hey, no need to be rude.” Omen says.

No, he kind of does have a point.” Deca quipped back.

Yeah, I wonder if just dealing with one of these is as annoying as dealing with the four stooges. I doubt it though.

“Yes, that should be even more reason for you to go to the alternate universe to bring your universal twin here. To help save your Jess.” Nothing states.

“Astra, will you try to tell him how important this is? Also, please let him know how great it is to be working with us?” Omen asks my instructor for this process Astra.

I want to point out the fact that they need someone to vouch for them being great, isn’t exactly a great selling point in their favor.

“Mr. Goldman. I understand you are pushing yourself very hard. The fact that you are working diligently is apparent to all. But what I think the four world trees are trying to impart on you is the sense of urgency. The fact that we have but a small window of time to do this right. Also, since you are gaining the direct support of the world trees, you are effectively at the easy stage of spell casting. The trees are placing the runes to cast directly into your mind, right?”

Hearing that, I sigh, but answer truthfully. “Yes.”

“Can you think of this as more of a paint by numbers kind of experience then? Rather than trying to learn how to draw the runes needed from scratch, why don’t you just take the images that are being projected into your mind and add them directly where they are supposed to go. Then channel your energy through them as needed.” Astra states in a calm tone.

The fact that she is equating this to a paint by numbers type of exercise is a bit demeaning. Well at first it is, but then I realize there is some merit to what she is saying. I have been spending this whole time on trying to figure out how to create the runes being presented. But that is not what I need to do. Instead, I just need to take what is before me, align that within my spell and…


A dark portal to an alternate universe blooms to life before me.

There, on the other end of the portal is Jess. Not just any Jess, but a super sexy soldier Jess with butterfly wings. She is hot, with toned muscles and moves with a purpose and attitude that demands attention and respect. She is, perfect, for lack of a better word.

“Is that the future?” I find myself asking aloud.

My words apparently travel through the portal I have created as sexy winged Jess turns to me.

Badump, badump.

My heart begins to race as her eyes lock onto mine.

Then she says the five words that let me realize she truly does see me. The fact that I somehow managed to truly create a portal to an alternate universe. This is justification that all my hard work and effort have finally paid off. Her five words:

“Who the fuck are you?”

Of course, as soon as those five words register in my mind. I feel like I’m some kind of peeping tom, being a voyeur into an alternate universe.

Sexy winged Jess takes a step forward, and I panic. I watch as her muscles ripple and coil. She is clearly a killing machine, and I am barely a few weeks through basic training.

Then she takes another step forward, and another. I watch her get closer. Each step causes a pulse and surge of energy to roll through me.

She gets to where she is right next to the portal. She raises her right hand as if to touch the portal. That is when I lose my nerve and cut the connection to the portal.

I suddenly feel weak, as all the energy within my body has been drained.

My legs feel like they are rubber as I try to hold my weight up on the spindly things. I am exhausted.

The world spins for a second.

It takes me a bit longer than I’d like, to realize I am falling and there is nothing I can do to stop myself.

This is what happens when you skip leg day.” Omen says admonishingly.

I want to glower at the tree, but I cannot. All I can do is pant wildly. I had done it. I had created a two-way portal to another universe. Then I remembered the sexy combat Jess and figured it must have been something in that other universe’s water that caused the Jess and Me from that universe to be so crazy good looking.

“That was a good start. Next time, we will do so from space. That should help, but since you chose a spot on this planet in a different universe, you didn’t have to worry about updating the coefficients for constantly shifting locations.” Astra added.

Again, I think I understood what she was talking about, vaguely. She was commenting on the fact that it was easier for me to create a portal to another universe on the same planet I was inhabiting. The reason being that I could then just keep the same distance parameters in place, and not have to worry about the rotation of differing planets in two different universes.

“So, we are on to phase two?” I ask, as my body is sucking down oxygen like a fat kid with a milkshake. I of course was exhausted from using so much mana in such a short period of time, but it was worth it. I had done the impossible, or at least I had done something that I had thought was impossible days or even weeks ago.

Calm down there. All you did was manage to color a predesigned Magic Spell without crossing the lines. Congratulations, you are the equivalent of a very good elementary school student.” Omen states.

There we go, the reality check I so needed. I think to myself as I take in a deep breath and sigh. They are right, it isn’t like I created the spell forms and positioned them properly. All I did was effectively connect the dots of power and then fill the different points with energy as needed.

Come on, be somewhat nicer to him. This was a great first time. I would have gladly hung that spell on my fridge. If I had a fridge.” Hunger said, though I couldn’t quite tell if they were trying to be funny or legitimately thought I did a good job.

You are being too kind to him. He still needs to practice more. Yes, he managed to cast the spell, but what happens if Prime wishes to keep him in the alternate universe?” Deca asks.

At that question, my heart begins to race. That is a good point. If I cannot cast this spell on my own to get back, then my entire trip and preparation to get there would have been for nothing. I need to go there, get the other universe’s version of me, then come back.

“You all worry too much. The other Kyle Goldman is more than capable of coming back here on his own. He is our true father after all.” Omen said.

I feel a bit of bite at the word true when they refer to the other universe’s version of me. It of course is a not too subtle reminder that I am the secondary version of who they truly care about. The one they wanted to have help them.

Regardless, we will have him cast the spell again tonight when he has had time to recharge. We have wasted enough time waiting for him to learn to pedal on his own. Eventually we just need to throw him into the deep end to see if he can bike his way out.” Deca said.

I wanted to point out that I think the tree was getting their analogies confused there but was soon cut off.

No. We have asked a lot of you. In a way that analogy is fairly accurate. We have asked you to not only learn how to use your Teleportation ability in a fast way. But the level and degree of difficulty that we are asking you to learn is at a level that would be similar to forcing you to learn to both learn to ride a bike while swimming at the same time. You are doing a great job, and what you have shown so far appears to be the best we can hope of at the moment.” Hunger says, while I feel they meant to be supportive. I can’t help but feel that they were still a little harsh with their final statements.

“Come now. You need to rest. Tonight, we will be in the openness of space, where you will make a quick pierce in the veil of our universes. Where you will go through to another universe entirely. No pressure.” Astra said, as she clasped my shoulder, then gave a light squeeze.

“Yeah, no pressure.” I reply, as I suddenly feel a lot of pressure from this one act. The sad part is, I don’t even know how to fly a plane.

Don’t worry about flying. Guardian Rayquel will be the pilot of your vessel. All you will need to do is open the portal between the two universes. Then she will take care of the rest.” Omen states.

Well, that is one less thing for me to worry about, I guess. Also, with Rayquel along, I feel that things will be a little less awkward.

Taking a deep breath, I relax and head back to my room. Ready to rest up long enough so I can get the energy needed to try creating a paint by numbers portal again.



> Also, with Rayquel along, I feel that things will be a little less awkward. Bwahahahah *Teleportaiton -> Teleportation