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Chapter 161


Gaining Aspects

Every breath could be felt. If Lykan pushed his senses far enough, he could feel the way every life form fed into his chosen element, the air. He could feel the murderous intent of those first manning the gates. Then by their breathing he could see how each act, caused their conviction to wane a little less.

Until finally he had broken them. Well, not just him, but he and his partner. Lykan also used his increased connectivity to the air to test out the limits of his skills, and his understanding.

What he learned from combining his skill training with his understanding of the wind was a new aspect entirely.

Blessing Noted: Air Aspect

Air Aspect: You have begun walking the true path of cultivation. You are now noticing that you can add aspects of your cultivation, to your skills. All skills infused with Air Aspect are treated as if they are one tier of mastery higher.

There it was a notice that he was still walking the path. The path he now walked might not be the most direct route, but it was still part of the path. Lykan also seemed to understand that his path was his alone to walk, just as Brenna’s was hers alone to walk, as well. The only difference was they could share notes, motivation, and most importantly stand by each other’s side during the whole ordeal.

As it was, Lykan felt that he was now able to add Air Aspect to most every skill he used. In fact, the first one that he used it on to gain a full mastery was his bo-staff Mastery.

(5) Bo-Staff Mastery: Sage -> (Maximum)

(6) Wind Wall: Novice

(6) Air Fluidity: Novice

He noticed that both Wind and Air were used to describe use of the same element. Part of his new understanding let him realize that these differing words were chosen for a reason. He had been given Wind Wall, which he innately felt was using the element of Air outside of his body. While Air Fluidity felt more like a movement technique. One that was similar to his previously masters Quick Step skill, though this one would be far more versatile, once he developed it.

There was a slight feeling of loss, when he realized for the first time, his weapon skill was not replaced with another weapon skill. It seemed the art of being an expert of all weapons was not in his cards. At least it was not for the moment.

Though he could still focus on improving his Archery Mastery. After receiving and repelling the last few barrages of arrows, he felt he might have some better insights on the use of Archery, both as a skill used to kill, and a skill used to hunt. Even if his insights were not applicable, he was more than certain that he could use his new Air Aspect to improve his accuracy before, during, and after the firing.

There was a lot he had gained from this short, but otherwise excessive use of force. Worse, he had to hold back, quite a bit. The soldiers were so far below him in ability, that their attempts to harm both him and Brenna were almost laughable. That is, they were easily dismissed when used to target him. The moment arrows were fired towards Brenna, Lykan lost a bit of his composure.

That was both frightening and revealing at the same time. It was frightening in the fact that Lykan now knew he had to focus on keeping his emotions in check once more. The event was also revealing, as it meant Lykan was now fully aware of just how much Brenna meant to him.

In a way, he almost wondered if he had pushed her too far to join him. If he had given her too much of his heart. Not that he feared her betrayal, but rather he now found himself increasingly aware of the potential fear of living in a world where Brenna no longer existed. Or worse, one where she died as a direct action of following him into battle.

These of course were demeaning thoughts towards Brenna, who was more than capable of extreme violence. The only problem was, emotions were not rational, at least that is what Lykan was just now realizing.

He thought he had felt emotions before. At one point he had fooled himself into thinking that he loved Olivia, though now that he was here in a relationship with an equal. Only now did he realize how wrong he had truly been, about every emotion he had ever had.

Just as he was coming to terms with this deep personal revelation, two people who Lykan had long since forgotten returned.

Not only did they return, but they were now in full elite Military Officer regalia.

“Jema and Javison, welcome.” Lykan said, his tone but a casual word, but one that was carried by the wind so everyone could hear.

At the casual use of their first names, the two Sidherthan Officers paused, as they looked up to the man who was wearing little more than rags. Rags, but he was flying with his legs crossed with a long staff draped over top of his knees.

To look at Lykan, one would assume he was the picture of serenity. Of course, he was anything but serene at the moment. He had lost control. At least, according to his own senses of right and wrong he lost control.

“You need to leave. This is not a fight you want to be part of.” Javison said, his voice trembling only slightly. The wind carried the trembling vowels to Lykan’s ear, so he could hear the falsehood.

“No. I am afraid, I cannot leave. For this is my fight. These are the people I entrusted to be looked after by the King. Now look at them.” Lykan said, not even gesturing to the gathered masses who were now looking on at the open and cracked city like starving hyenas looking at a lion’s kill.

Off in the distance air ships that once fascinated Lykan rose in the sky. Even now he could see just how delicate the devices were, how little structural damage would be needed to rip the ships apart. With Lykan’s new understanding of the wind, he wouldn’t even need to touch the ships. Just blowing and twisting the ships at the right part would cause enough damage to break the legendary air ships.

“Then you leave us no choice.” Javison said, resignation in his voice. Though he was only acting as the distraction. Another foe had been breathing Lykan’s air. One who was much closer, and much nimbler than the others. This one used air to move, at least they tried to.

Even feeling the man move, it felt slow. Lykan almost let his body take the incoming strike from the back, but then decided against such a foolish tactic.


With a slight application of his newest skill Air Fluidity, Lykan ducked under the impending blow from his former sword master Shai’jan.

“Funny. I never took you for a warrior who would strike a docile opponent from the back.” Lykan said, as he moved around lazily in the air.

Swipe, whiff, swipe.

The aerial master of the Sidherthan Academy swung his weapon repeatedly, but with each swing, Lykan ducked, dodged, and eluded the strikes. Using the air currents created by his former master’s strikes, he was pulled under and behind strike after strike.

To an untrained observer, it might appear that Shai’jan had Lykan on a back foot, as Lykan never once retaliated. Unfortunately for the aerial master Shai’jan, Lykan didn’t need to strike.

“I see you have left the path of the sword.” His former master roared.

Slice, whiff, whoosh.

“I never left the path of the sword, as that was never my path. I was always on the path of my own enlightenment.” Lykan said back, his voice calm and unhindered. As if he was and had always been the master in this relationship, while Shai’jan was just the pupil.

Still, as quick, and masterful as Shai’jan was, he was no match for his former pupil. Even while just trying to get an inadvertent strike at the young whelp’s staff was proving to be impossible. For while Shai’jan would swing, the staff that had been in an easy path, suddenly shifted position slightly.

The whole thing was infuriating. Lykan with a blade had been nearly impossible to beat before he left the Academy for Shai’jan. Now that he had returned, he was on a whole other power level.


The old master was panting, while Lykan for his part never even looked slightly tired.

“Where did you go?” Shai’jan finally asked, after pausing long enough to take a break. In his mind Shai’jan was calculating different moves he could make, different techniques he could try.

“I went to find out about the world. About the dangers that are coming.”

“We know about Ajimal, we have been prepared for his advance before you even left. Or did you forget Dunthir, with your battle trophy bride.” Shai’jan said, then directed his gaze down to Brenna.

Lykan turned his head down to look at Brenna. Of course, this was no concern for Lykan, he had already shared every aspect of his past with Brenna, including the way he was forced to take on Nayali as a bride. At least until the spiritual contract between them was broken.

Of course, that look was just what Shai’jan had been waiting for as he charged forward again.


Only to find a column of air, right where Lykan had been but a moment ago.

“You aren’t even trying to improve yourself, are you? You went up, found your position as top aerial combat teacher here and then what? Just stayed?” Lykan said, shaking his head.

“Yeah, well look at the life you have lived. You come in here in little more than beggar’s clothing, with a silver walking stick. What happened to you? You used to have the whole world in your hands?” Shai’jan said.

Hearing this Lykan could only shake his head in pity. “You are still too focused on material things, to realize just how much this world is changing. You are right. At one point I used to have the future of the world in my hand. Now I have just moved it to my back so I can protect it better.”

“Enough!” Shai’jan shouted, as he charged forward.


The undeniable sound of metal contacting something solid could be heard. Shai’jan swung his sword so hard that he could feel the reverberations shooting up his arms as his body pulsed in rhythm to the pain that now flooded his body. Still, he had succeeded. He had managed to land a strike on Lykan, even a deflected strike would be worth noting. If he had a deflected strike now, he would weave the story of how it was a deafening strike. One that would be heard around the world. One that brought an end to the duel over Sidhertha.

He was correct. This was the blow that ended the duel over Sidhertha, if a duel is what you could call this farce of a contest. When Shai’jan’s body stopped pulsing from reverberations. He looked up to see that his blade was held defiantly between Lykan’s thumb and pointer finger.

Two fingers.

That was all it took to stop his strike mid swing. Worse, the grip strength being exerted by Lykan on his blade was enough to cause the once legendary blade, to begin cracking and shattering. With the blade crumbling to dust.

Seeing his blade reduced to dust, Shai’jan took a moment to stare into the cold blue eyes of Lykan. Looking deep into those eyes, he stopped as he felt as if the abyss of the world was staring back at him. The abyss was staring back and judging his very soul.

With his sword broken, Shai’jan began retreating backwards. He almost expected a retaliatory strike to follow, but none came. Again, this was Lykan, the warrior who put his all into training day in and day out, so that he could show mercy. These were the times when he often wished to show the most mercy, which was why he trained so hard to get to this point.

“You can’t win Lykan.” Shai’jan said, now gesturing behind him to the giant fleet of blimps that were now encircling in a combat formation.

Seeing them, and the lengths he would have to go through shortly. Lykan just nodded his head. “You’re right. I can’t win. Because I’ve already lost.”

“What?” Shai’jan asked.

Then Lykan continued. “That is why I am already here. To help correct my previous mistake.”

With that statement, the winds around the capital became violent, as dark clouds began pulling together and forming overhead.

Suddenly everyone who was watching the spectacle suddenly felt a chill run down their spines, as they knew they were going to witness something mortals were never supposed to even fathom contemplating. These were primordial elements that should never be unleashed upon the world.

“So, it begins. So, it ends.” Lykan said, his voice solemn, as he raises his head up to look at the incoming fleet of air ships.

The air ships, seeing their target standing still, all take a moment to converge their fire on one point. Then release their full payload of volleys all at once.



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