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Chapter 92

Just Add A Wand To Complete

So much had happened, recently. I survived jumping into space without a suit. I kissed an ideal form of Jess, which unlocked my Ultimate Fighting Form. I fought against an end game monster, from a universe of nightmares and managed to survive. Yet, despite all of that, I was still somehow dreading my impending talk with my Jess, more than anything else. Especially as I assume this talk has to deal with my Ultimate kiss, with the very sexy Alien Jess. 

As we go over to a side room, I wonder why this time seems so tough to keep hold of Jess. Well, in all honesty, every time seems like it is nearly impossible to keep a hold of her. I might as well call her Shelby, the great white buffalo for how hard she is to keep a hold of.

Honestly, I think that is why I have tried so hard to keep her at bay, even now. The fact that I could have her, and still somehow manage to lose her is almost too much.

What is worse, I still don’t know how to keep her out of the cycle of time restarts and memory erases, that I seem to be plagued with recently. I have done some things, but are they enough?

Somehow, we manage to get to an empty room both quickly and after seeming to somehow walk forever. The room is both somehow well out of the way, and seemingly well maintained, as if someone has worked here a lot recently, though there should be no logical reason why someone should be in this room at all. Still, I let that minor concern give way to the meeting at hand. All the room being used regularly means, is that the room is clean and ready to be used when we enter.

Each step makes me feel like something fundamental is about to change. Once the automatic door closes behind me, Jess takes me to a dark corner of the room, then locks gazes with me. She shivers for a second, as our eyes lock, but then she quickly regains her composure as she all but tries to sprint through her next statement.

“I don’t know how else to say this, so I will try to be as direct as possible.” Jess begins, but then pauses as she tries to explain the seriousness of this conversation with her eyes alone. Seeing that she has my full attention, she continues. “I think we should be separated.”

And just like that, I feel a solid sucker punch to the groin. I stare at her; my lips are moving to protest. I want to stop this, but I can't move as everything hurts.

“You? You are serious?” That is all I can manage. My mind is reeling. Just what had the General and Alien Jess been saying while they were gone? Did they lie? Or was my kiss that big of an offense? I mean it was to save my life. I also only kissed an alternate Universe’s Jess, that can't be considered cheating too much, can it? Before I can go too far down this path of thought, Jess continues.

“Yes. I saw the videos, and I am only getting in your way.” Jess added.

At that statement, my mind begins to reel.

“Wait, there was nothing I could do to survive in space. Had it not been for the spell Alien Jess applied to me, I would have died. As it was, I barely survived the second or so I was left exposed to space. I mean I could literally feel my blood boiling. Boiling because it was freezing too quickly.” I say, pointing to my arm that still had phantom trembles of pain coursing through it, even now.

At this Jess pauses, then cocks her head to the side as if to look at me for the first time.

“Wait, you are on your little tryst with Sexy Guardian Me?” Jess asks.

“I wouldn’t exactly call her that…” I try to say, but I am stopped.

“No, your little tree told me all about her.”

At that, I let out a sigh yet again, more of my life is being ruined by this crazy rebel tree. “Why? Why Prime? Just why?” I wonder to myself.

“Father, I was trying to help. Just listen to her, this will get better. Well, it might, so long as you let it all get over with.” Prime states. The way Jess’ eyes bulge, I can tell she is hearing the voice of the tree as well. Yep, I’m in a private conversation with my girlfriend, a woman I am fully aware of how badly I can mess things up with. Only now I must also worry about Prime coming in and potentially ruining everything, by reading out my thoughts for everyone to hear.

How ca he even read my thoughts? I do have a good Mind Shield? At least, I thought I had a good Mind Shield.

“Father we are bound by a spiritual contract. This naturally bypasses defenses that might otherwise impede our vast spiritual connection.”

Then just like that, I realize I only have myself to blame for everything. This day just gets better and better.

Before Prime and I could go too far down our rabbit hole of bickering, Jess once again cuts in and takes over the conversation.

“Wait? Do you think I want to stop us?” Jess asks, a note of something in her voice. At this moment, she has too many emotions going on, to pick just one set out.

Taking a resigned breath, I let out my fears and speak the truth.

“Yeah. Of course, I’m afraid of losing you. We had probably the best week at Wango Tango, but since then… I just seem to mess everything up. Honestly, I don’t even know how I was lucky enough to get you once. Nor do I really know why you are so angry with me now.”

“Wow, you are really terrible at this.” Jess says, a faint smile cresting her lips to take out part of her sting.

“Yeah, probably.” I begin, but then I pause. “Wait, if you aren’t here to break off our relationship. Then why are we here?”

With that Jess, takes in a deep breath, then lets out a long sigh. “I already said that. I don’t think we make a good team. I am terribly untrained. I can’t use my full powers upon command, and I clearly got in your way.”

I pause, trying to figure out what she is talking about. Then it clicks.

“Wait, you are talking about as a combat team, not a us team?” I ask, trying to clarify.

“Wow, you are dense. But yes, I am nowhere near trained enough to be on a combat team with you. That is what the General showed me. She showed how you had to work twice as hard to cover me, and make sure I never got injured.” Jess said, then her eyes trailed down and looked at the ground as if she wanted to say more.

“Oh, is that what this is?” I ask, feeling a weight lift off my chest.

“Yes.” She then pauses, as she looks at me. “You aren’t even going to argue the point a little?”

“What? No. You made a great personal insight into yourself. This type of personal understanding is how you grow. Why would I try to shortchange your personal growth and understanding, by lying or trying to fill you with false confidence? These are important lessons to learn.” I say.

Jess just stares at me, as her face looks to have taken on an annoyed tone.


She just stares at me, like I told her favorite pet had mange and needed a bath.

“So, what would you like to do?” I ask, finally filling in the silence with an awkward question.

“I have been offered the role as your handler.” Jess says excitedly.

“Oh, that is nice.” I begin, as I suddenly have a memory of a fading dream, one where I hear Jess giving me commands through an earpiece, but then that vision is quickly dropped.

“Father. Why don’t you tell your handler about your two new spells?” Prime asks.

“New spells?” Jess and I ask in unison.

“Yes, when Father kissed Guardian Jess, he unlocked his Ultimate Fighting Form, which unlocked his final two magic spells. Aren’t you curious as to what your new spells are?” Prime asks.

At that, I must admit that I am somewhat curious. I do remember the message about the spells, but at the time there was so much going on. Everything from trying to not die from being at the mercy of the vacuum of space, to trying to save Alien Jess from being impaled by a Prime Behemoth, to fighting off a Prime Behemoth and running away to live another day.

So much went on in such a short period of time, that I had almost forgotten about the two new spells. One should be active, while the other should be passive.

“You have new spells from kissing an alien?” Jess asks, a sense of annoyance filling her voice.

We had already unlocked most of her spells and would likely use a lot of our team’s earnings from this training round to unlock still more of her spells from her two different classes.

“Yeah. I almost forgot.” I say, trying to distract away from the awkward kiss part that Prime seems to be adamant about bringing up.

“Well? What are they?” Jess asks, finally giving me an out and a way to change the conversation.

Shrugging, I open my status window, then grimace as I see the answers. I knew my mage class sucked, but this took everything to a whole new level.

Master Tier Artifact Enchantment: 99+%

Master Tier Shapeshifting: 99+%

After I see my new spell and passive ability, I freeze up. Then I realize, another one of my worst nightmares has come to life. I am now officially a master tier level stripper in a steel mill, perhaps I should back track a bit. This involves my first-time meeting Astra, an Endarian sage. She was also the first person to take me out hunting Prolaxians in this lifetime.

She showed me so much, but I still remember her pep talk the most. The talk consisted of how a mage support class having was not too terrible. Why? Because there were always worse classes, like the Enchanters.

Why were enchanters so bad?

Honestly, Enchanters and enchanting was great, if the person knew what they were doing. See an enchanter’s mana must condense into glue like particles that can be adhered to a particular item that is being enchanted. The greater the enchanter's skill, the less glitter mana would be splashed everywhere. This glitter mana also had a cascading effect of adding glitter like resonance to almost all other spells cast by the Enchanter. Given that most enchanters could only enchant items, this is often not that big of a deal.

However, this enchanting with glittery mana does become a problem when someone is a healer. A person who now radiates waves of healing sparkles. Added to that is the fact that I have large multi-colored butterfly wings and I am effectively every little girl’s dream fairy godmother come to life.

All I need is to enchant myself a magic wand, to complete the fairy godmother appearance.

So now, if I am the fairy godmother, does that make Jess the princess of this story?

Well that was a stupid question, she is always a princess. At least she is my princess.

“What, is it?” Jess asks, looking at me with confusion.

“Father is just comparing you to a princess. One he will now be able to make a true crown for, with his Master Tier Artifact Enchantment spells.” Prime adds, oh so not helpfully.

“Wait? You are an Enchanter now?” Jess asks.

I just shake my head. “No, I am probably terrible at it. I will likely get mana glitter everywhere. Nope, not even going to try.” I admit.

“Father, you are the best Rune reader and writer in the universe. Also, the fact that your final spell is for making Artifacts, not just adding enchantments. This means you are adding permanence to the universe.” Prime begins.


I am about to argue, but then we are all distracted by the fact that the door opens to reveal a Prolaxian.

“Oh, excuse me.” The monster begins to say in its gravelly voice. Before locking glowing green sacs filled eyes with me. Then leaving quickly.

“Oh, that is no problem at all.” Jess says.

As for me, I am momentarily stunned, but then I mentally reach out and Telekinetically grab the monster then throw it hard at the wall.

Physical Attribute Boost.

I cast the Physical Attribute Boost and begin charging for the still stunned monster.

“Kyle! Stop that!” Jess shouts at me, as if I am somehow in the wrong.

Unfortunately, I only have a short second for this. After pinning the creature to the wall for a second, I begin slamming it about the hallway wildly.

Wham! Blam! Thud!

Jess is behind me, trying to stop me. “That is Glandice.” She shouts angrily.

The passageway is short, so I can’t get much momentum between each throw, but that is okay. I am only buying time until I get close enough to focus and change my Revelation Sight from passive to active.


Then with that, we found the mole in the middle of the Endarian stronghold. The one who had changed the incident response forms to no longer be a warding circle but changed it into a summoning circle instead. If I had to guess, this one could have also warned the others of my still being alive. Though I gave up all chances at a quiet second life, when I put on my Heal Boy costume with my butterfly wings on full display for all to see.

The monster fell to the ground, its thin outer shell clearly burnt away, as I could see Jess shrink and cower from behind me.

Yes, see I don’t randomly start attacking Glandices for no reason. I think to myself, as I stop paying attention to Jess, and turn my attention forward to the Prolaxian Herald before me.

Badump. Badump.

My heart beats faster as I let a slight smile crest my lips. After facing down the Prime Behemoth in its own dimension, this monster seems oddly easy to deal with by comparison. That or maybe, it is just my sense of scope and scale are well off by now. Unfathomably large monster, nearly impossible to beat. Monster one and a half times the size of a human, with unique powers and muscles that can rip a body in half, slightly more manageable to be dealt with before lunch. You know, it is all about perspective.

“You fool. Now you have unlocked my truest form. Prepare to experience the power of blood.” The monster snarled.

“Oh yeah? Ever feel the full force of a glitter bomb to the face?” I ask, before I unleash a full force Air-X burst at the monster.

Howling Wind.

A torrent of bright glittering wind blows forward from my outstretched hand, grabbing the monster and hurling it down the hallway. As the wind blows, a trail of densely sparkling mana is left in its wake. Yep, it is official, I think to myself. I am now the equivalent of a magical fairy godmother stripper.

Still there are more important things to worry about, that don’t begin with dignity. That apparently was lost a long time ago. Now I am just here for the ride.


The monster slams into the wall at the far end of the hallways. This is good as it means there is now a distance between that monster and Jess. I am also blocking the monster from being able to get to Jess.

The monster staggers for a half second, but then easily regains their composure with supernatural grace and balance. Once ready, it stares at me and cackles maniacally.

“My turn!” It snarls happily.

Then with that, the battle truly began.


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