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Chapter 88

Is it Wrong to Dream of A Better Version of My Girlfriend?

I had a nap. I know, it was amazing. Everyone makes me run around so much that I often get little personal time for myself. But this time, I managed to get a nap in. Of course, my mind trying to likely make up for lost time gave me an intense dream.

I dreamed of a universe without me. Or maybe what this universe would be like if I didn’t exist at all. Jess had grown strong, far stronger than I could have imagined. Her muscles rippled and danced as she fought wildly. In the dream she had taken up my mantle as the tree’s guardian. God she was beautiful, her wings were glowing green and blue. I didn’t even know what those colors were for, nothing like the crazy orange and purple on a silver background that I had.

No, she was like the very picture of life and health incarnate. A bastion of hope in a universe where the Prolaxians somehow still had the advantage. All the softness of her current body was gone, every curve melted down until it was its most compact killing form, and she was beautiful.

The difference between my Jess now and this Jess of the Future was like the difference between the Me now and the Wizard me from that fourteenth universe. You could see it, where there was some initial overlap, but the result was a monster.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little attracted to the fiery Jess of the future. The one who stared down the enemy forces with nothing but grit, venom, and anger.

After the dream, I awoke to go training. Again, this universe was odd. We could train all we wanted, improving our skill percentages, but our Physical attributes were set in stone, unless we used our free attributes to increase them.

I was still sitting on ten free attribute points. I also had 835 certs that I could use for leveling. Which I did. I used a total of 222 certs. This was enough to get take both my Mage and Psionic classes from level 15 to level 21 each. This meant I now had two more thresholds for gaining five levels in any class I held. Since I had two classes, this meant my maximum rating for all attributes could now get to 28. Well again, for every attribute but Power. It also gave me fourteen free attribute points to work with. I was also finally ready to try to use all of my attribute points. I was getting close to the end, or at least it felt like I was getting close.

We knew who two of the remaining Heralds were. We also had a plan to go after one and were working on a way of attacking the second one, before they could activate their final powers. That second one, the first-born killer, that one was more frightening than I gave it credit for. Especially with Goldie… I can’t even finish that thought. I am a terrible person, as I still haven’t gone to them in this life. Will she even remember me?

Time travel is so weird.

In the end, I focus on getting as prepared as I can for this coming mission. With that, I focus on how to improve myself immediately.

The first and most important aspect that I need to improve are my Intelligence and Willpower, both of which are needed to keep my overwhelming Power attribute in check. With that thought alone, I decided to spend ten of my free attributes to raise my base Intelligence and Willpower both to 25 points each. The reason for 25 points? Simple, after my two Titles, and the different percentages from the two titles cancel each other out, I am left with a roughly 15% bonus to all attributes.

This 15% bonus didn’t mean much, until it meant everything. With that 15% bonus, and my recent increases I effectively have a 28 in both Intelligence and Willpower. This was more than enough to give me a large cushion for my Power Attribute. This then let me know for certain if my thoughts on an unbalanced Power rating were justified.

The minute the Attributes were increased, and the effect made permanent, I felt a drastic change occur within me. I felt a wave of relief and clarity fill my mind. Not only were my thoughts much clearer, but I felt like a few nuances to my powers that had been lacking were suddenly making sense. These were subtle things, things that didn’t mean much overall, but in the end these changes could help me speed up the flow of battle. No longer did I have to slam the square pegs through the round holes, I could cut the pegs down, until there was nothing left to go into the holes.

Looking back at my use of different powers, I had been so focused on brute forcing my way through everything. So rather than using a machete to cut through every obstacle, some only required a scalpel. Then there were those that didn’t require a blade at all. Wow, for a second, everything made so much more sense. Then after a few seconds of adjusting to my new baseline mental state, that clarity was gone.

While the clarity was gone, I did feel like I gained enough of an insight into what I could do, to have a few key things to work on.

Then taking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused on what I needed to do next. With my thoughts of being able to accept up to a 56 in Power. I decided to spend the final four free attribute points on increasing my base power score from 40 to 44. This might not seem like it was enough to worry about, especially with my new theoretical threshold being 56, but with the 15% bonus, I was up to 50 points in Power.

The feeling of having 50 points in power, well it is hard to describe. Everything tingles, but in a good way. I can feel the disturbances of powerful people nearby. Normally to get to 50 points in power, this would require 150 levels to even unlock the ability to get one attribute up to 50 points. Of course, this meant that I now exceeded most, if not all citizens of the universe who only managed to get their classes to Average (or rank 3) rarity.

That was humbling in a way. Or rather not humbling, but a sign of how far I had managed to come in a relatively short amount of time. It was at a time like this that I realized how unfair the universe could truly be. Here I was a child in the scope of my race and particularly compared to the other space faring races of the universe, but I had already matched and surpassed the maximum potential that well over half the universe could only dream about. Now granted cheating, always, helps.

I will fully admit that I am cheating and have cheated every step of the way to get to this point. But this, this moment right here. Maybe it is a sign of my increased Intelligence and Willpower, or maybe it is just a way of me realizing I had made it. Well, I hadn’t made it, not fully yet. There was still a universe to save and all, but I had done something that most people in this universe could only dream about.

You know what, enough stroking my own ego, like I need to do even more of that.

Right now, I need to focus and train. I need to train so that the sexy Guardian fighter Jess from my dreams, never needs to exist. Though I do have to say, I am a sucker for toned abs and black leather.

With all my Attribute points used, I make my way to the training rooms so I can focus on learning the subtler ways to use my powers.

When I get to the training room, everyone is already assembled. Somehow it looks like I am the last to arrive. From the look of things, and the thin sheen of sweat on Jess’ clothes and body, it is apparent that she has already been doing some form of training.

Once again, the image of the super fit Jess from my dream comes to mind, as I stare at the Jess before me and realize this woman is amazing.

I begin to make my way over to Jess, but either my arrival or motion towards the group, catches the General’s attention.

“Oh, good, you are here.” General Fellina says. Then she begins pressing buttons on her wrist communicator. A few seconds later the portal devices that look like they came straight from the MAC Charity events come to life with a whir.

I look at them.

“Don’t worry. This is for team building. It is also meant to show who should go and who should not go on this mission.” The General says, directing the not towards Jess.

With that, I feel a surge of anger and protection billowing up from within me. But I stop myself. See, you can beat an old dog until he learns a new trick. The old me would have rushed to Jess side, and basically proven the point the General was trying to show. First that I would be overprotective of Jess, and that Jess would need me to survive.

I had seen Jess, the fighter that Jess can become, and she is a badass. So, rather than getting that future badass mad at me, I decide to use a different tactic.

“How about we break up into teams. Jess and me versus anyone else. Whichever team kills the most Prolaxians, gets to decide who they take with them?”

I propose. See this increased Intelligence and Willpower is already paying off.

The General looks at me, then seems to understand something as her eyes flash brightly for a second. “Out of the question.”

“I’ll do it.” Rayquel says. “But this also means that whoever wins is the team lead. Meaning that when you lose, you will follow my orders to the letter.”

I look at Rayquel and smile. It is the snarling smile a wolf might flash, before chasing down a gazelle. I want to point out that I always, well almost always, well maybe she does have a point about my ability to follow orders. That said, again, showing newfound insight into the nature of the universe and not rising to the bait. Instead, I harp on the simple terms.


The General looks like she wants to argue, but then after a few seconds of popping her jaw, she relents.

“Fine. The teams are Jess and Kyle, versus the remainder of the elite teams. We will go by the number of certs generated to determine the victor.” General Fellina states. “Contestants take your marks.”

We get to the starting location, which is roughly twenty meters away from the activation portals. This is a long distance for most powers to be used, but for me, this is well within my wheelhouse. In fact, it might be too close to what range I can reach, but that is a different matter entirely.

As we get in our spots, Rayquel takes it upon herself to be stationed to my immediate right. It is clear she is trying to choose a spot that is intimidating to me. I don’t know what level she is, but I assume she is an Omega class rarity, meaning she could theoretically get to any level. Though of course saying that someone can get to any level, and doing so, are two different things entirely. Especially with the fact that you still only gain bonuses to your levels once every three levels. Meaning the other two levels are mainly just for show after a certain point.

“What, not going to pull out your violin and play us a victory tune?” Rayquel says half mockingly.

She of course is likely referring to my last MAC tournament where I put on a mini concert. But that was with a crowd of fans who were present to be entertained. I still of course have my violin case right on my side, right where it is supposed to be, but I don’t want to bring it out. Not for this.

“No. As a sign of how seriously I am going to take this. I will not pull out my violin.”

At that, I see a few of the faces of the elite members that make up Rayquel’s team drop. Even Rayquel herself looks a little crestfallen at the idea.

Is this some type of trap? Or did they really want me to put on a show.

“Tell you what, if you manage to win. I will play Endar Rising after this in your honor.” I offer.

“You heard him boys.” Rayquel says to the rest of her team. Instantly they straighten back up and seem even more motivated than usual to join in the fun.

“Should you be encouraging them like that?” Jess asks.

I turn to her and smile. “Probably not. But I want them to try their hardest to the end.” I admit.

Before anyone can say anything else General Fellina’s voice comes over a set of speakers.

“As you may or may not be aware, more and more rifts have been appearing in Endarian space, and throughout the rest of the universe. It is unknown where or how these rifts are appearing, but today we will use them to our benefit. We have sent multiple teams out to the different forming pockets and will divert all of the enemies we find here. This will be a long grueling test of skill, fortitude, and tenacity. The certs will automatically be tallied upon generated certs. There is no reason to hold back. You can level during the match if you want. Just remember that 25% of all earnings are to be handed over to us for maintenance and to pay our staff.” General Fellina said.

“25%? That is a good number. Even at the regular MAC fights, they take something like half, or nearly all?” I muse out loud.

“That is because 25% of today’s haul from both teams is still expected to be well over a few hundred thousand certs.” Rayquel admits.

Wow, doing some quick math, I realize that means we are expecting to take in a net of over 400K certs. With each mob generating anywhere between one and ten for the base models. Then going up to a few thousand for the advanced magic and psychic wielding types, that is still a lot of killing.

With that thought alone, a feral grin fills my face as I am excited to see how far we can go. This is no longer just a war of speed, but attrition as well.

With that, I make sure to cast Physical Attribute Boost on both Jess and me. Then I force my mind to relax a bit, as I look to Jess. Jess for her part is kitted out with top-of-the-line shock trooper gear. Complete with a laser rifle, multiple solar recharging packs, and dense dragon skin armor. She is far more prepared for battle than me, as I am still just in a full body suit that can resist fires and a few light puncture wounds.

Fortunately, I have learned to use my wings to act as a minor shield for my back and sides. This means I only have to worry about attacks from head on causing any real damage.

Still, I’ve got to be ready, taking a deep breath, I center myself. Then for whatever reason the vision of sexy guardian Jess flashes in my mind again. I imagine her fighting off pockets of these very same Prolaxians with me.


I turn to look at Jess, and smile at her. I think I know what the vision means, this is her first step, towards becoming that sexy guardian.

“What?” Jess asks.

“Nothing.” I say, shaking my head. Then I add, “I was just thinking about how beautiful you look when you are ready to follow me into battle.”

Her face begins to blush, and I turn away, not wanting to embarrass her further.

This is good, as the portal comes to life, and I can already feel the dimensions of space folding in on themselves from the other end of the portal. I can feel the minds of the Prolaxians that are being forced out of their bulging sacs of dimensional pockets in space and feel them getting pulled into here.

Then at the same time, I imagine Guardian Jess fighting with reckless abandon. She is a warrior who has decided to make her last stand. A warrior who will give everything she has to die a noble death. A death that means nothing, as her universe is slowly dying to the Prolaxian menace.


Suddenly, and for some odd reason that I can't explain, I don’t think this is a vision of the future.


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