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Chapter 81

The Awakening

You ever have a dream, where you wake up and something really important happened, but you can’t remember? There are things and moments that you think you remember, but all ultimately blur together in a prismatic soup, of incoherent thoughts and memories. Worse, I somehow know the dream I want to remember is two removed.

I had a dream, awoke in Wango Tango, found out Jess was okay. Then I passed out. But that wasn’t everything. My mouth feels like I was sucking on cotton. I try to think back, to remember the last time I had this odd dry taste in my mouth, and I think back to my first morning with Goldie. Then that thought makes me think that Goldie had something to do with my dream, but I can’t quite remember. There are so many things going on, my mind is spinning as I try to understand what is happening.

“Oh good, Major Planet, you are awake.” A man dressed in a nice blue suit asks. It is clear that this is one of those fancy detectives. Or at least a detective who carries themselves and their position with a sense of fashion.

“Major Planet?” I ask, my head still painful due to a dehydration headache. I know it is dehydration as my passive Healing Aura would take care of a real medical emergency. Thus this, what I am feeling now, is entirely due to lack of resources.

“That was the name you allegedly gave the first responders, when you were found on the beach.”

“Oh yeah.” I remember now. That was another part of my dream. That or maybe that wasn’t a dream? I remember merging with the world. Using the world to help me generate a storm, something.

“I take it that isn’t your name?” The detective asks.

I pause to stare at the man. “No, I am not a children’s streaming character that is secretly a bound spirit of world vengeance, forced to do the bidding of necromantic kids.”

The detective pauses, as he lets that imagery play out in his mind. “You know, I don’t think I have ever heard that series described in such a way. Though now, I might not be able to look at the series the same way again.”

“You’re welcome?” I offer, hearing the way his voice trails off in thought at the end.

He just glowers at me for a second, then seems to realize he has a set of plans that he needs to accomplish. I even see his eyes flash silver, a sign that he is using Precognition, or at least a variant thereof. I let him focus, as I know how hard it is to keep track of a vision. Heck, right now I am still trying to remember details of a vision? Was it a vision? Well, whatever, a memory of what I believe happened two dreams ago. There was combat, and that rebel tree was there, Prime.

I am in the middle of my own musings when the detective before me shakes his head. That from my experience is a sign that he is back in the present.

“So, in case you couldn’t tell I am a detective. It is my task to do two things. First, I need to find out who owns close to a thousand certs that just appeared on my beach. I also need to find out the true names of both you and the female you arrived here with.” The detective began.

At the notion of a thousand certs, my eyes went wide. But then I remember how I was likely awarded most if not all the benefits from killing the Prolaxian Herald. That must mean, that the herald died in that FOB, or Fucking Orbital Bombardment.

Just thinking about that death ray from space, and the way I barely got myself and Jess out of there, to here sends waves of anger.

“See the certs belong to one Kyle Goldman. A man who was a cadet for the human military academy. I say was, as he was listed as a casualty in a recent orbital bombardment that killed a major Prolaxian.” With that he paused to let those details sink in. Seeing that I didn’t have any questions, he continued.

“I am also led to understand that the woman you are with is called Jess. This is an odd coincidence, as there was a woman listed as Jessica Childers, also a cadet at the same Academy who was also listed as being KIA during the same orbital bombardment.”

Hearing him explain the situation like this, I get the feeling there is a catch, or a but coming.

“Now, for you to prove that you are Kyle Goldman, your task before you is simple. Claim the certs that appeared with you, and we will return both you and Jess over to the human military, no questions asked.”

There is an awkward silence, as he stares at me. He wants me to initiate this next part.

“I get the feeling that there might be an alternate way?”

“Oh, you are new. This is Wango Tango, we have many alternate ways that we cater to.”

I smile slightly at that, using the resorts sales pitch as a way to recommend a bribe.

“Just what are some alternate ways that are available, here.” I ask.

With that he too gets a sharp smile, as he looks like I have just fallen into his trap.

“I am glad you asked. See here, we have many different means of distraction. That is what a vacation spot like this after all, a distraction from the real worlds. We are an island paradise whose sole purpose is to entertain.”

“Entertain and make a profit.” I correct him.

“Yes, a profit is always advisable. Which is why I have a possible distraction that I believe you just might enjoy.”

“Just what form of distraction?”

“The best kind. Mr. Smith. You, and that lovely woman you brought Ms. Smith will have your medical bills paid, all recordings of your time here destroyed. And we will even provide a vehicle for you two honeymooners once your time here is done.”

“Time here?”

“Yes, you have already spent a day, but we offer complimentary weeks stay, in one of our most luxurious rooms.”


“I always like it when I deal with smart customers. Makes transactions so much easier.” The detective states. Then with that, as if he has been waiting for this moment all along, he leans forward and picks up a giant blue leather briefcase that matches his suit. The leather briefcase was likely by his side the entire time. I just missed the case, as it was hidden by the bed that I am still sitting in.

“So, here are the one thousand certs that have the name Kyle Goldman added to them.” He says, opening the case and holding up a cert coin to prove his point. Then he picks up a second identical case, that is also filled. I look at him oddly, for a second.

“Oh, would you look at that. There were actually two thousand certs all along.” The detective states. “This is a shame. See now my records are all wrong. I only wrote down one thousand certs.” Then he pulls up a police claims report. Making it visible for me to see as well. In the report it is clear.

Items identified.

One thousand unclaimed certs.

“Unclaimed?” I ask, seeing where this is going.

“Oh goodness. How could I have made such a blunder. My paperwork is all messed up. But fortunately, Mr. Smith. The paperwork for both you and your lovely wife are all in order.” He says reaching into his suit lapel and pulling out an envelope.

I don’t have to look; I know what will be in there. Passports, visa, identification cards with both mine and Jess’ features on them.

Wump. Wump.

My giant laser deflecting metal wings smack into the bedding around me. That is when I realize there is a “slight problem to your plan. I am not exactly inconspicuous.”

I also don’t bring up the fact that Jess and I aren’t married, at least not in this lifetime.

“Oh but of course not. Mr. Guardian. But as an official Endarian envoy, you are granted certain legal leniencies.” He states, while handing over the envelope.

I open the envelope and am surprised that the documents he has, “these are real?”

“Yes. Of course. I am merely acting as a broker for this exchange.” The well-dressed detective states.

The documents are real. There is no doubt in their authenticity. There is just one problem. These documents now list me as a true Endarian. I shift through the passports until I find Jess’ and find that she too is now listed as a full Endarian, but a Twalo, or one who married into being an Endarian.

I pause as I look at the documents. “Wait, you didn’t provide these?”

“No. We are not. This is us acting out a favor that was owed by us. Should you accept, these identities will be yours and the two of you will be accepted into Endarian space without question.”

I pause, taking that in. Suddenly the comment of being married made sense. That would be the only way Jess would be accepted so easily. Effectively, she would need to use me as a reference to get in. I of course am accepted by the world tree that still resides in this universe. The world tree that I remember still being here, as they exist outside of time, somehow. Or at least they can avoid time loops, and time restarts, somehow.

Then I think back to the one thousand cert bribe I had just been asked for. “What about the one thousand cert bribe you are asking for?”

With that he smiles coyly. “Ah. That my friend was you paying for your anonymity, your honeymoon, and of course the space vehicle.”

“Space vehicle?” I ask, remembering there being something of that nature.

“Yes, as you no doubt are aware. We offer gambling and other leisure services to pass the time. Once a Trillionaire’s son came and had a good time and ended up losing more than was advisable on the tables. To cover their losses, they offered a near military grade tri-form ship. The only thing it was missing were the laser turrets and it would be a full military grade vessel. Fortunately for all of us, no such armaments were on the vessel when it docked. Making it a civilian grade vehicle. Meaning that we could offer it as a tournament reward, or other payment.” The detective said.

“First, I’d have to see the vehicle, but before that, can I speak to Jess? To see what she thinks of this?” I ask.

“But of course. If you are feeling up to it, I will take you right now.” The Detective said.

I was about to get out of the bed when the detective stopped me.

“Before we go, I would recommend you put on clothes.” He recommended.

At that, I realized I was in a hospital gown. Only now, while wearing one did the design finally make sense. The over wide hole in the back that never tied completely shut. That gap in the back and its size were to make it so your wings could easily be tied around. Seeing the shape, I almost thought about getting several shirts made just like this.

Still, the detective did have a point. Rather than going around with my butt exposed, I decided to put on pants. With the idea of black pants leading up to a blue gown, I decided to go shirtless. Mainly because getting a shirt over my wings was ridiculous. Again, hospital gowns, who would have thought my whole fashion needs would be covered by something so simple.

So, we keep the neck at the top. Cut a line down the back, then have a way to tie the shirts tight at the bottom. So simple. I think to myself, as I realize how simple my clothing dilemma was solved. All it took was getting sent to the hospital to realize how I could still wear comfortable clothes.

With my pants, socks, and shoes on. I decided to go with the socks and shoes after I felt how cold the floor was against my feet. Once I am fully dressed, I proceed to follow the detective down the hallway.

He glances at me out of the side of his eyes. “So, I take it you work out? Or at least did before the awakening?” He asks, no doubt trying to fill the awkward air.

I look at him, almost wondering how I can answer that. What am I supposed to say? This universe is odd, as you look relatively like you did when you entered the temple. You can work out, but it won’t directly affect your attributes, nor your physique too much. You will still grow old, but basically you are the same throughout your whole life. Or at least you should be. As for me, I am a different breed entirely.

See I’ve gone to at least two different universes. I think going to the two different universes has let me experience and do things that would otherwise not be possible. In the universe that I spent the most time in, the one I affectionately refer to as the fourteenth universe, I gained the ability to increase my attributes by working out, constantly. So, when I went there, with a natural work out ethic, I gained muscle mass like you wouldn’t believe.

So much so, that now without my shirt on, I have an eight pack. Not only that, but several women are staring at me. Don’t get me wrong, I am used to people staring at me, with my brightly colored wings, my glowing heterochromia eyes, and my electric silver hair. But all of that is apparently secondary to the way the different parts of me now come together to show off my physique.

“You could say that.” I answer, after I realize there is an awkward silence.

He lets the conversation end at that.

Knock, knock.

The detective knocks on a door at the other end of the hall. Apparently, this is the female wing of the hospital?

“Come in.” A voice calls out. And suddenly I remember hearing that same voice in my dream. A dream I am still trying to remember the moments of. But the voice is unmistakable, at least now.

Badump bzz.

My heart and wings begin to beat in intensity. Hearing the sound, the detective turns to me. He looks like he is about to ask a question, but then thinks better of it and closes his mouth.

“Ms. Jessica. I have a guest who would like to see you if you are amenable?” The Detective says in a familiar way that lets me think he has already spoken to her.

This is good, as it means what I am about to do next will be easier. There is silence, but the detective seems to take this as a reason to go in. He enters, then with a gesture, he waves for me to come in as well.

I enter, and I see her. I see her, and I am flooded with so many different emotions all at once that I cannot contain myself.

Bzzz, smack, smack, smack.

My wings pulse and I inadvertently clip the detective with my wings. “Sorry. I say.” Casting Healing-X on the detective out of reflex.

There is an awkward pause, as I pull the detective up, as the healing magic is already at work. Once he is up, he seems to regain himself, then dusts himself off.

“Right, well I believe you two have a lot to talk about.” He says, then makes to leave. He is about a step away when he shakes his head. “Right, your paperwork. Congratulations on your new lives together.”

The detective says all this, as he presses the thick envelope into my hands. With that, he does a weird dance around my wings, as if suddenly realizing they are made of metal and can cause severe damage.


The door shuts behind him, just leaving me alone in a room with Jess.


This is going to be a long conversation, if I can’t learn to control my emotions. Or at least get my wings to stop expressing my feelings.

“Jess, I…” I begin, but I am immediately cut off.

“Wait, I need to say something first.”


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