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<<<<<Author's Note: Thank you all, after thinking it over, I have decided to end book 3 here. I will of course end with an epilogue showing closing actions for this story, but Book 3 will end here and Book 4 will begin next. Again, thank you all for reading and putting up with me to this point. 

I would also like to give a shout out to my Patreons who always help encourage me to make this the best story possible. They are in alphabetical order: A disgruntled nondescript squirrel, Alexander Ibarra, Embry, Erik, John O'Connor, Joseph Catanzaro, Loexik, Mino, and Nils Stellmacher, 

A special thanks to Christine Thomas, thank you for showing me that I needed to correct course, before it was too late. And to Oliver Wolfe for always providing insights and details that I often overlook, or forget to add. And to Amilieya for helping to make sure I keep the story interesting and entertaining.

Thank you all. Thanks to you, this story was truly amazing. With that in mind, we are only as good as our last chapter, so lets get back to it.

NOTE: I also changed the title for this chapter. No new content was added other than the portion above.


Chapter 80


“Let’s do this!” I say. The second I do, blood from my stab wound in my side fills my lungs. Causing blood to pop up on to my lips. I want to cough, to get the thick fluid from out of my lungs, but I don’t have time for that. I need to move.

I am alone, cut off from aide by the fact that anyone who comes close runs the risk of their minds being taken over by this puppet mastering Prolaxian herald.


I can feel a thread of the monster’s power reach out to me, trying to pierce its way into my mind. I know it wants to take control of me the same way it has Jess, and the guards around me.

I am alone, but then again, in this long stupid life, when have I ever not been alone? I had forced partnerships; I see that now. Every connection I’ve ever had has been forced. Either forced upon me or forced upon me and someone else.

I am tired. So tired of having false emotions thrown on me. Tired of being forced to be a willing pawn in this secret war between the Heralds and Celestials. Tired of ultimately finding out everything I’ve done, every drop of blood, sweat, and tear that I’ve shed will be forgotten, will be undone.

I’ve seen it, the end. I’ve seen the end, well not necessarily the end, but the end of this. I’ve seen how this all ends. I revert time back to the beginning, during that time, I take a moment to kill off all the heralds permanently, save the universe and then what? Am I Forgotten?


Blood loss is making it hard to focus. All of that, those misplaced thoughts, that sad pathetic vision of the future was just a vision. A quick vision, one that ultimately did nothing to help with this current predicament.

Pfft. Pfft. Pfft.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

More laser rounds fire and hit my wings. I doubt I will say it again, but for this moment, for this battle, I am really glad I have the wings. Still, they aren’t fool proof.

Realizing that the Herald is using the people around us to attack me, I decide to come up with a way to protect myself, while not permanently injuring Jess, I mean everyone, to include Jess.

Trying to figure out what to do, I realize it is one of my, to this point, underutilized Magic abilities, that will likely come to the rescue.

There have been two powers that were recently upgraded, Air-X and Water-X. Thinking about it, Water-X would require me to either create, or worse pull all the moisture from the atmosphere and surrounding area. But Air-X, we are already here, in an open area. The air is already here, I just need to summon it to do my will.


Wind whistle.

The wind around the whole area begins to pick up. I feel a surge of emotion, as I suddenly feel a deep spiritual connection to the planet. Normally a planet fights you, resists your calls, especially when you call forth so much power, so much of its majesty. Yet, this time I feel the spirit of the very planet awaken at my call for the power of air. I feel it’s gaze on me.

There is a brief second, when the planet awakens and seems to focus on me. On the situation, why my first act of using my 99+% Affinity for Air-X would be so dire. I feel it, then feel the moment it realizes what I am fighting, why I have made such an unnatural request. It hears the call, sees the reason, and then understands. Then, I see a message that almost causes me to lose focus on what I am doing

Planetary connection made. The planet has seen your call for help and recognizes your status of a Guardian. Planetary Synergy gained.

New Skill: Planetary Synergy.

Planetary Synergy. You have formed a deep connection with your home planet and have been recognized as an official planetary guardian. This skill will help you interact with the various forces of this world.

Planetary Synergy: 1%.

I was so lost by that, that I almost lost control of the torrent of wind that I was summoning. A torrent of wind that was already fast and strong enough to cause everyone around me to pause. Fortunately, in my hesitation, the planet itself picked up where I left off. Normally such a distraction would be enough to kill such a powerful spell, and I would be forced to either start over, with a major handicap to mana and control. Or I would not be able to start again, but with the planet helping me long enough for my momentary lapse to end, I recover and am able to focus.

“I am Major Planet.” I say, but then wonder if I got the rank of that planetary spirit right. I also realize that technically I would have been one of the summoners for the planetary spirit. For a brief second, I wonder if those rings were spiritual enslaving rings forcing the Major to do the kids’ bidding, but then shake the idea free of my mind.

I had other things to focus on. Like increasing the force, speed, and size of the wind tunnel around me. There was a large ovular circle around me and the herald. Each pass of the wind forced different people, vehicles, and other obstructions further away.

Realizing this was my chance, I began moving forward.

“Right, where were we.” I say. Then I look up into the glowing green sacs the monster has for eyes and remember. “Right, fire.”


Fortunately, the two different elements were generated by vastly different sources. The air was created by my recently increased Magical affinity, while the flames were being generated by my Psionic affinity.

With the flames lit, I began slowly moving forward, trying to split my mind and focus between three vital tasks. Moving forward, to reduce the size and effort of the circular motion I am generating with the wind. Keeping the wind active and under my control, and now keeping the flames active. Simple, right? This from the guy who has tripped up the stairs, happens more than you think. Also, I swear that one step is a mimic, the way it always lunges up to grab me.


While I don’t feel any foreign influence on my mind. I realize these three tasks are taking a lot out of me, mentally.

“GRAHH!” The monster cried, out as it began clawing at its eye sacs, trying desperately to put out the flames.

Woosh. Woosh. Woosh.

The more time went on, the more I moved forward, the tighter my wind tunnel becomes. Now the winds are going so fast, that dirt and other debris is being kicked up, making it harder to see me and the herald. This is good, as it means any guards who try to take a shot at me will have a harder time finding me.

There was a look of desperation on the monster when it began running around crazily. It’s tentacled masses of appendages grabbing at its eyes. That’s when it did something completely crazy. It ran.

No, literally spun around drunkenly, well as drunkenly as a person who is on fire can, then darted off in a random direction.

I saw the moment they impacted the wall of wind that was now whipping around us violently. It made one step, then a second. Seeing it, I switched my focus from Pyrokinesis-X to Telekinesis-X. That was when I gave a small push upwards and saw one of the funniest things.

Whoom. Whoom. Whoom.

“Aahhh! Ahhh. AAAHH!”

I got to see the full doppler effect in action. The slight lifting of the monster from the ground was all it took for the wind to prove its strength. In a second the monster rose upward, screaming as it did. Each pass around causes the sound waves to sound louder as it came close, only to be drowned out by the wind the next second, then to reappear.

I would have almost found the situation comical, if it wasn’t for how serious the whole thing was. The monster flew up, and up, and up, higher, and higher. Until finally it reached the apex of the mini tornado that we had created, Major Planet and me.

Looking high up overhead, I see the monster rise. At this moment, I realize that in a little over a second the herald will be thrown up, into the air, only to inevitably fall back down.

Looking around, I see the broken half of the limousine. I then see something that brings a sadistic grin to my face. This limousine is one of the slightly older multi-modular designs. The ones that are designed to either run on land or in the air, as such I see something that brings a wicked smile to my lips.

I see a broken axle, that was used to hold the wheels in place. I also remember the recent regulations that were made to ban such items, because when the axles broke or snapped, the whole vehicle could collapse, causing damage to the passengers in the vehicle.

Taking the axle with my Telekinesis-X, I grab the whole thing by the tire, pulling out the broken piece of serrated metal, then with a quick flip, turn it around so that I now have my own herald skewer.


I hear the word in my head, a warning that the planet cannot hold the creature any longer. This is fine, as I am prepared. The monster is discharged inward, then I move the skewer, so it is in position. Then to make absolutely sure everything goes as planned. I grab hold of the falling herald with another hand of Telekinesis-X, then proceed to guide the two hands together. This is the same process one might encounter if they try to hold a knife with one hand, while using the second hand to impale an egg on the knife. Why would you want to do this? Other than seeing the resulting splatter, and the way the force of impact causes the yolk to spray out in yellow streams wildly. And the resulting hospital visit from stabbing your egg hand with a knife, I really should have gone with a butter knife, nothing much. Other than it looks freaking awesome.

This. Well, this was more of the same. Except in this case, my ephemeral second Telekinesis-X hand didn’t get skewered, and I had a good view of the entire incident. Heralds are apparently made up of tar, tar that splatters wildly in a circular arc around them, when impaled. I once again, have an image of a butterfly being impaled for a collection and somehow think this is divine justice. Not that this herald likely had a butterfly collection, but I feel a slight vengeance for butterflies everywhere.

“While I am only a temporary, at least hopefully, member of your entourage. I hope this is a first step in gaining karmic justice.” I say slightly out loud to fellow butterflies everywhere.

I watch the monster squirm on the stick. It is dying, at least I hope so. To help it along I once again use Pyrokinesis-X.

I am away from the monster, out of its physical reach. With a wall of wind to protect me from anything or anyone that would want to interfere.

Danger pulse.

There is a flash of insight, as my Precognition-X is going wild.

Sweat is starting to pour from my neck and body. I look around, but I don’t see anything. Only the darkened wind of my stationary tornado in the military parking lot. The good thing, there are now plenty of free parking spaces, right up front. The bad part, the other vehicles are flipped over on top of their nearby vehicles.

I look around, wondering if this puppeteer has gained control of someone driving a tank, or an air assault vehicle. Panicking I look up, but don’t see anything.

Rather than being calmed by the finding, I start to panic more.

Badump bzz. Badump bzz.

My heart and wings are moving in near perfect unison. I am feeling a distinct and growing unease. Then I feel the pulse in my senses. Look up. I do, again searching the skyline for any type of support craft. But then I see it, a faint speck of black on the sky. A faint speck that pulses with a light. I realize the flash; it is of a satellite in orbit flashing quickly as it moves its position around and reflects the sun’s rays slightly.

That’s when the three words that everyone fears most come to my lips, as I realize what is going to happen next.

“Fucking Orbital bombardment?”

I see it, clear as day. I almost want to argue that such a thing would be impossible. Surely even a creature like this couldn’t control someone from outer space. But then I remember that Admiral Lemitov is one of them. Would he fire at his own kind to eliminate me? Then I remember back to his terrible aim when I got back to this universe and timeline. The way he only managed to direct his shots at already dead Prolaxians. Then I realize how big of a threat I likely pose to him and his kind.

Yeah, it would be orbital bombardment. Something big, something big enough to take not only me out, but the identified Prolaxian herald. In this case, the Admiral would likely be seen as a hero, this monster is all but dead. A little orbital bombardment would all but ensure the creature’s death, kill stealing. Worse, I would be dead, or at least I normally would be dead, if I didn’t have a trick up my sleeve.

I am about to leave when I realize Jess is still here. At that, I pause, turn to her. Even with the wall of dark surging wind around me, I know where she is. I always seem to know. Part of me wonders if this is another trickery of the Celestials, some other way to constantly fuck with my emotions. But even still, I can’t take a risk.

Realizing I must adjust my plans, I move twice.

Total Recall.

I appear outside the tornado and find Jess staring confusedly at the wind tunnel. The command the puppet master herald had over her is now waning. This is good, as I grab her.

“Oh, what? Get off of me.” She tries to fight, but she is confused. I almost feel bad for what I am about to do, but the signs of what is to come are already appearing in the sky overhead. The blue sky is turning multiple shades redder every millisecond. I can feel the hairs on my arms and legs standing up, as the planet itself realizes the danger it is now facing.

I can’t do anything for the planet, but I can do something for Jess. Heat, unimaginable heat is billowing down towards us. I try to focus on a destination but am drawing a blank.

I don’t have a destination in mind, just anywhere. Anywhere that is safe. Anywhere that I can feel protected. Anywhere that is far from here. My mind seeming to understand my dilemma helps me out, and I see an image form in my mind. With that, I focus my will and intent. Even as Jess tries to fight her way free of my arms that are wrapped tightly around her, even as a pillar of orbital death descends upon us. I focus my mind on the image before me.

Total Recall.

While the power goes off, I am not fast enough. That or the power itself is not instantaneous, as I feel a burning sensation cover both mine and Jess’ body. I use my wings to wrap around both me and Jess as tightly as possible. We are being burned with searing hot heat, then a glowing white tunnel surrounds us, and we are gone.

We made it, in the brief instant that we are teleporting between my psychic resonance area and here, I feel a slight surge of pride. In a pain filled delirium, I try to take in everything that happened. I killed the enemy, saved the girl, formed a deep spiritual connection with the planet, and even survived orbital bombardment, well I hope I survive the last one.

The white tunnel ends, we appear on the other side, and everything burns. I focus long enough to use Healing-X first on Jess, then on myself. Then we both collapse.

Sand is filling in my rapidly healing wounds. This burns, or at least it should burn, but I am so far beyond any of that. Holding Jess in my arms, I am met with the burnt, but still calming scent of vanilla and honey. With that scent and her warm body, breathing gently in my arms I relax, as I let the world and my senses fade away to nothing.

I was beyond mentally and physically exhausted. Even now I could hear the sound of feet rushing in the sand nearby, but none of that mattered. All that mattered was we were safe, for now.


On a tropical beach typically meant for honeymooners and newlyweds, two black and charred people appeared in a fiery vortex, then collapsed.

Seeing the two, a lifeguard on duty immediately signaled for emergency rescue personnel to come.

What they didn’t know, what no one really knew, was the reason these two appeared on this sandy beach so far removed from everything. See in the moment of choosing a safe place to go, Kyle Goldman holding onto the women of his dreams, a woman he spent three marriages with, remembered this location. This location that was used as a honeymoon location for all three marriages to the love of his life. A love he had almost forgotten, a love he had almost lost, until he desperately came to her aid to grab and rescue her.

Then with her so close, and her familiar scent of vanilla and honey filling his nose, he remembered this place, a place where he always remembered their love for each other, and a place he always felt safe with her.

His efforts were enough to save not only himself, but also his love. When rescuers and EMT personnel arrived, they found the two hugging tightly, it was noted that when prompted for a verbal response of who they were and how they got there. The male was the only one who managed to provide any form of feedback, his words to the EMT when asked about his name and identity were, “I am Major Planet.”


Oliver Wolfe

This was a great chapter, full of realizations and affirmations by the mc and with a hilarious tag at the end. Thanks!


As a note, when these books get published I intend to keep the final notes in the live versions. Thank you all.