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Chapter 32

Changing Teams?

The whole coming together as a three species army united against the scourge never happened. What had all been a huge publicity stunt in the first place ended much as it had begun, at least in my case, in a hazy stupor. The Dwenvarians seeing what the Endarians did to protect their home planet, that is obliterate every inch of city and asphalt to the ground, staring with blasts happening at an outward perimeter and working their way slowly inward to the center of the city then back out for good measure. Seeing that true effect and the fact that the joint operation conducted by Rayquel and I was little more than window dressing to show the masses; the Dwenvar did what they do best. The struck quickly and methodically, conducting three barrages of missiles on every infected city. They worked outside to in, inside out, then outside in just to make sure.

In the end the cities we would have teamed up to infiltrate were little more than glass by the time I was even out of my hospital bed. I was given the option of choosing where to go. I could either go with the group of soldiers who had my ship held hostage, this is the same group who had me on effective lock down for the two months I had been here. Or I could try an entirely new route, one never seen in my visions and join the Endarians for their training routines.

Honestly, I was curious about the space elves and their tactics. They had ruled space for generations with their applications of Psychic force to Space combat. I was curious if they could help me maximize my effectiveness as a space pilot.

There was only one real concern I had with going to Endarian space.

“Sorry about the kiss.” Rayquel said.

“It was fine.” I say, trying to disregard the entire thing. A quick look around revealed that I am in fact by myself. Well by myself with Rayquel, a hallway that had been filled just moments ago is now empty.


I realize this moment is likely another set up of some kind, but I don’t quite know what the setup is for. Is it just so she can make an apology? Or is this another photo-op? I am prepared and wary for another attempt, this time.

“No, it wasn’t. I could tell you are conflicted about the gesture.” She says, her voice and posture denoting human levels of regret. Seeing the alien gestures on her, I decide to call them out.

“You are purposefully using human gestures to convey your meaning?” I ask.

She nods. “Yes, it seems that while you give off the Endarian pheromones to help convey your thoughts, you seem to lack the adequate receptors to understand the pheromones of others.” She states.


“Your physiology, you are listed as half-human, though I’d guess that half is a little low. But that is beside the point. You are mostly Endarian, at least that is where the ‘half’ from your half-human designation comes from.” She pauses for a moment to let that sink in. Then she purposefully makes her face blush. “You see, you give off very potent pheromones. In our culture such pheromones are highly sought after as they ensure great and powerful children.”

She continues, but then trails off as she realizes she has gone too far. Then lowering her head, she continues with her original form of the discussion.

“I could tell that you were attracted to me, but then when I kissed you for the photo-op I realized you felt conflicted about the kiss.”

Conflicted was an understatement. I was caught off guard, I felt violated, and still I couldn’t deny the fact that there was something to that kiss. Even now I hate myself for now much I enjoyed the moment, especially with what it means for Mel.

Nodding Rayquel continues. “See, right there your pheromones spoke of many deep emotions. The most important is a binding personal relationship to another. I apologize, I didn’t know you were so mentally committed to another. I really do wish that we could make amends for what has happened and know that we wish for you to come with us, to teach us of the ways of your home universe.”

Hearing that, I realize she is purposefully telling me more than she should. I also realize that the Endarians likely used her as the conduit, one due to our having already gone together on a mission, and second likely to iron out any friction we might still have between us. This is a clever ploy, and I can’t help but think that the Endarians are truly intelligent in their ways of dealing with humans.

Taking a breath, I pause for a moment before figuring out where to begin. “So, you know?”

Rayquel nods. “Yes, it is no true secret now. Our operatives raided your labs to obtain genetic samples of the Prolaxians. At the same time, they obtained all data records of the initial operation. One of the files was the recording of your training video from your universe. The one where you broke formation to fight off the swarm before anyone even knew what was happening. Then how you sacrificed yourself to go through the rift. Then how you ultimately awoke and chased down a second group of Prolaxians to ultimately wind up here, in our universe.”

She spoke with such knowledge and clarity that it was clear, “you saw the video?”

“Yes.” One word, spoken with such utter conviction that it was hard to miss. “You were so brave. At first, I had my doubts about you, about our whole operation. I thought it was some big publicity stunt that would explode in my face. But then I saw you in action. The way you took down not one but two fleets of those monsters without a single weapon, it was truly impressive. Those are the types of legends that our civilization was built upon. To see that it was conducted by one who came from the human sector, I had to see for myself.”

There was true admiration in her words. I could almost smell something too, maybe something that smelled like bubblegum? I am terrible with smells, but I could almost smell something coming from her. I was so distracted by the smells that I missed the fact that it was apparently my cue to continue the conversation. So, I spoke the first question that came to mind.

“So that’s why you had so many questions?” I asked.

She smiled a dazzling smile as she looked to the ground. There was a scent of something, but again I couldn’t make out any distinct scent. But her over acting with human gestures was helping me understand a bit. She was nervous and a bit flustered.

“Yes. I wanted to know you, the real you.” She paused for a second, then continued. “That is why I would like you to come with us, to be part of the official human delegation to our planet.”

Hearing that confession, I couldn’t help but feel moved at least in part by her honest answers. I couldn’t get the hint of any deception, though again Endarians are so hard to read. But if they communicate through pheromones then it makes sense why I have always had a hard time understanding their normally stoic faces. Do they use pheromones to avoid getting wrinkles? I suddenly had the image of a race so narcissistic about their looks that they gave up facial gestures as a way of communicating just to keep their perfect facial features intact.

Shaking my head. I realize I was spacing out for a moment.


Blushing, “no, it is okay.”

“You are purposefully portraying the human emotions your pheromones are portraying?” I ask.

She nods, some of the redness in her face going away. “It is only fair. Your pheromones are very potent and distinct. It almost feels unfair when doing this sort of business negotiations with you, as you are an open book to my senses. Also, I can tell that if you couldn’t understand my motivations you would likely shut down. So, I try to make my intentions obvious.”

“Wait, so you can literally blush on command?” I ask.

She blushes a little harder. “Not on command, I must feel the emotions. But rather than letting them filter through my pheromones I let a portion trickle through my facial features.”

“A portion? So that means you are really embarrassed?”

She blushes profusely for a second. A look that is attractive on her and I pause myself before I start going down that road. She is attractive, but I have already committed myself to another.

Seeing, or perhaps smelling my sudden change in disposition the blush on her cheeks fades as she straightens up. Nodding she realizes this is a boundary for me. “She must be impressive. This person to whom you are so devoted.”

I nod, and a smile forms on my lips as I think about her. “Yeah, she is.”

Nodding again I can see a few faint traces of human emotions, but they are quickly released and placed under a stern mask of focus.

“I wish that one day, I too could find someone as devoted to a relationship as you.”

An awkward pause filled the air.

“So, will you come with us? I promise to not overstep our professional relationship boundaries again.”

Hearing that, I smiled. “Yes. If I am out and able to actually do things, I would much rather be with you all. Especially if the worst thing would be trying to avoid the unwanted advances of a nice, if lonely Endarian.”

I felt for her, I truly did. I knew well the social stigma of having unique markers that made you clearly stand out from others. Her butterfly wings were likely a clear indication that she would be considered off limits by most Endarians. I could relate, as my hair and eyes were enough to frighten away many would be humans.

“So, the wings, I hear they are actually an evolutionary throw back?” I asked, following up on a rumor I heard in a previous loop.

“Yes. Originally all Endarians could fly with wings such as mine. Then over time, as we advanced our wings grew smaller and smaller until they finally disappeared entirely. They were deemed to be an evolutionary dead end, as those who still had wings often had problems arise. Chairs were not designed for those with wings, people originally had a hard time piloting with wings as the space suits were not form fitted for most true wings. Fortunately, mine are a unique blend of metals that can withstand the pressures of space, while also maintaining stability.” She said.

Hearing that I was doubly intrigued. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. But then again, I figured that if every variant of Prolaxians could evolve to fly and move through space without any problems, then having wings made of composite materials that could also withstand the pressures of space were also possible.

“So, you are a pilot?” I ask, figuring that she would likely go back to the key role that most associated with the Endarians.

Shaking her head, “no. I sadly am left to field work. That is why I was tasked with going to the sacred tree. Also, if you are to be accompanying me in the future, you will need to eat more.” She said, in tone that brokered no arguments.

“You’d want to go with me again?” I ask, somehow following her down a way that I knew would lead us to the Endarian section of the flagship.

“Of course. You were amazing. Also, the way you were able to basically clear the different swarms of monsters before we encountered them was impressive. Stupid, but impressive.”


“Yes. You left yourself depleted and nearly useless for the final monster. What would have happened if there was another one of those floating humanoid monsters?” She asked.

Hearing that I grimaced and then answered truthfully. “I likely would have died a quick comfortable death in my sleep.”


“Well yeah, that is the true dream of every human. To live a long fulfilling life and to die comfortably in your sleep. Or if you can’t wait that long, then just go quietly in your sleep.” I say, remembering all the different deaths I faced over the years. Each one I was fully awake for and truly felt.

“Oh, I wanted to give you one last word of advice.” Rayquel said as we made our way to a delegation of humans. One of whom was clearly General Sharma, another was Mave. I couldn’t quite make out who the others were. I assumed one of them was Lemitov, but I could be wrong.

“What’s that?”

“If you do end up being with an Endarian wear protection. You likely won’t have the same issue with other humans, but I suspect you are quite potent to Endarians.”

I am about to get indignant at the thought of even cheating on Mel, but she stops me with a raising of her hand.

“I did not mean anything by it, other than wanting to point out that you are likely more than half Endarian. Sorry if that made you upset. I just thought you should know, because again you give off the pheromones that would attract a lot of attention from our kind.”

She was really playing up the whole you are less than half human angle. I knew this was likely a ploy of some kind, one where she was telling I was making the right move by going with her to the Endarian sector of space. A part of me felt conflicted by this statement, another felt oddly happy. I knew a lot of manipulation had been done to my genomes while a child. I also knew from my visions of the past lives that I was sterile. At least, every time I tried to procreate with another human, I was sterile. But did this mean I could have children with Endarians? Then with that thought another darker image came to mind. One where I passed on my immortality curse to my progeny? So many different emotions were rolling through my head that, it wasn’t until a quick tap on my shoulder made me awaken.

I looked up to see Rayquel gesturing towards an open palm record.

Looking up I saw the palm record was being held by General Sharma. The document read:

Official Transfer Orders of Subject 2522y-9m-22d

This is an official transfer order as a sign of wishing for continued peaceful cooperation between the space faring races of the Endarians and humans…

So many words, all conveying something that could be summed up in a sentence. Take Kyle as part of an ongoing peace treaty.

There, simple, but why such flowery words?

Everyone stares at me, then I realize at the bottom is a display box. Seeing the box I nod, and reluctantly reach up and press my thumb to the screen. I then signed the official document with my own status screen, a sign that I was a willing participant in this whole debacle.

With that I was officially turned over from my birth race of people and over to the Endarians.

“Don’t worry. You won’t be the only humans to come. We have a few others coming as part of a joint training program as well.” General Fellina said, as she gestured for me to follow her onto an Endarian space transport vessel.

With that, I took my first steps in what I knew was going to be an odd portion of my life.



for some reason mc's ties to GF doesn't seem strong. sure he sung his heart out, but they literally only met once. it feels like drama is going to unfold. I wonder how he will feel when he knows his GF isn't genuine. isn't she going to try and get with his brother?


Great chapters thanks