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<<<< From the Author to the Readers: There comes a point in a story where you realize man, that was a great stopping point. Chapter 27 was a great stopping point, at least in my mind for book 1. That said I fully intend to continue writing. But I also wanted you to let me know if that was a good logical conclusion as well. Also part of me is always interested in the Epilogue, as that can often help show where the story is going and help alleviate some minor misconceptions. Anyways, thank you for reading. I will begin the Prologue for Book 2 tonight and will hopefully have something for you then.

As always, thank you for reading this story, it has been a lot of fun and I hope the next stories can be equally as enjoyable.


Epilogue I

For whatever reason Mave would not leave Mel alone. Today was her drop off day, the day when she would officially begin her military life of service. In a way this only made sense, Mave had been like a mother to her ever since she was little. Also, Mel couldn’t refute that Mave did make a few things easier, like getting on base, getting properly proportioned gear, and helping her get unpacked and settled in. She still had the secret she had been working on for Kyle, a secret that was finally complete, but the whole process took her so long that she never got a chance to gift it to Kyle. At least she didn’t have a chance to gift it to him before she officially began her term of military service. Still, Mave seemed anxious? No, Mave was an unflinching general she would never, right?

But the more Mave watched her move and tidy up a section of clothes she just cleaned up ten minutes ago, one thing became clear to Mel. She was stalling. But stalling for what? Then an idea came to her.

“This is about Kyle, isn’t it?” Mel asked as a wave of dread came to her. She knew something, was he cheating on her?

Hearing the words, Mave’s eyes grew wide, like an oracular deer caught in the halogen headlights of a vision. Mave was about to panic, to say something.

Knock, knock.

“Cadet Gardner, Cadet Melissa Gardner?” A voice called out from the other side of the door. Instantly Mel froze hearing her full name used like that. Mave was the first to recover, almost gliding over to the door.

“Yes?” Mave asked. Seeing the older woman answer the door, the soldier who was posted by the door froze. He had a second soldier with him. Seeing the two, caused a wave of confusion to hit Mel.

“What?” Mel asked, though thankfully her words were cut out by the two soldiers who had a note in hand and were dressed in the finest of military regalia. Just seeing them, Mel knew that something important either had happened or was happening.

“Are you Cadet Gardner?” The soldier asked, as he gestured with the envelope towards Mave. The envelope was crisp and flat, though the soldier held the letter down low like it weighed a ton in his hands.

Mave shook her head, then gestured behind her as she said. “That is Cadet Gardner.”

There was an awkward pause as the two just stood at the doorway.

“Why don’t you two come in.” Mave offered.

The two nodded, and then entered the room just enough for Mave to close the door behind them. Once the door was closed and sealed the man carrying the letter stutter stepped forward, his body and actions belying a deep hatred for what he was about to do or say. “Cadet Gardner. I need to give this to you. You were listed as the emergency point of contact for one Cadet Kyle Goldman. I regret to inform you that…”

The soldier spewed out words like they were acid to his mouth. He began saying more, something about a training incident that Kyle was a part of, but all Mel heard at that moment was the ringing of tinnitus in her ears. Moisture filled the side of her face as she realized she was crying.


MEANWHILE, in an alternate universe on a planet that mirrored the one where Mel was currently hearing the worst news of her life. General Sharma spoke to Admiral Lemitov about a possible recruit and just what to do with them.

“So, you think he is from an alternate universe?” Admiral Lemitov asked.

“You saw the training ship he flew in on. No lasers, no onboard weaponry, but still light years ahead of anything we have. It is clear that his ship is from a different time and place entirely.”

With that the two looked at the student or soldier who had such odd hair and eye coloring that one couldn’t help but think they came from an alternate dimension of space.

“Is that coloring natural?” Sharma asked.

“No. At least not according to Mr. Goldman it is not. So far as he is aware on himself, an Endarian, and one Dwenvarian have unnatural coloring like that.” Mave cut in.

Seeing her one-time mentor, now turned consultant caused a smile to form on Sharma’s lips, if only briefly. Fortunately for her Admiral Lemitov either didn’t notice the slip or didn’t care for the breach in etiquette.

“Yes consultant, were you able to identify any additional information? Also, you noted the odd coins that were discovered in the ship’s hull?” Admiral Lemitov asked.

“Yes, those are called certs, which is short for Certified Experience Report Transcriptions. They are apparently awarded to people who kill the void monsters that appeared. Apparently in his universe those creatures are called either Scourge or Prolaxians. Scourge I believe is the short form while Prolaxians is likely the scientific name for the creatures.” Mave stated.

“Yes, I would like to point out that several the certs went missing. Originally there were over a hundred, but after a quick showing of them to this Alternate Kyle Goldman forty-eight went missing?” He asked.

Hearing that, Mave nodded. “Yes, that is correct. Apparently, Kyle is in a probationary period, where he is still getting integrated to his universe’s version of the system. Once he gets fully integrated those can be used to increase his level, but for now they can only be used to increase the rarity rating and type of class he has. Also, he noted that these coins were only for Psychic magic. If he wished to do the same for his Mage magic, he would need to use coins generated by killing scourge with his Magical powers.”

“How did they even get there?” Sharma asked, cutting into the conversation for the first time.

“I don’t rightly know. There was an unknown receiving crystal that Kyle was unaware of. He poses that it might be likely that rod collected the certs somehow.”

“Surely he must know something more?” Lemitov asks.

Mave just shakes her head. “No, he is just an eighteen-year-old, one who has been through more than should be possible for one of his age. This makes him both invaluable as an asset, and volatile. If we are to get on his good side, to get him to help us, we need to build bonds of trust.”

“How could we do that?” Sharma asks.

“The first thing we could do is give him back his violin. I find it odd that he chose to play a relatively mundane instrument, but he finds that it helps him find peace. At the very least if we don’t wish for him to break his way out of here any time soon, I say we offer him the violin at the very least as a peace token.”

“But he is restrained is he not?” Lemitov asked.

“Yes, and we saw how well that worked for his brother. Speaking of which are there any crimes that will be pushed onto Kyle for this?” Mave asked.

“That is a tough one. Realistically yes, we should push charges for attacking an officer. But that officer clearly tried to use unauthorized, unnecessary force against a subdued individual. Also, there is the fact that in order to actually bring charges to pass Commander Goldman would have to first admit which powers were assaulted from his memory. A fact he will not agree to, as it will mean his own incarceration by filing the charges. So far as we are concerned this is a moot point.” Sharma answered.

Lemitov nodded, before asking “so what now? He used forty-eight of these certs, destroyed the mind powers of his brother, are we just going to give him a violin and have him be on his way? Surely, we can’t just keep him locked up here indefinitely with that?”

“We can’t, this is why I offer an alternate plan.” Sharma said, the idea coming to her in a flash of inspiration and prophecy.


MEANWHILE, in a dimension of infinite power multiple beings all congregated to talk of their current tasks and plans within plans.

“For the moment I have taken on the role of Dr. Charleston. I have guided our newest subject down the right path. I think this is the best course of action, as I can direct him and others around him in a way that doesn’t directly break the edict.” A voice calls out.

“Isn’t it unnecessary to continue your charade as the doctor, given your subject’s current location?” A second voice calls out.

“He will be back; of that I am certain.” The voice of Dr. Charleston replies.

“So, we are in agreement this role is approved as it does not break the edict?” The Arbiter calls out, his voice clearly demanding a vote.

“Agreed.” Multiple voices all call out at once.

“Very well. This role of a doctor is still permitted, so long as you do not give away your true identity or purpose. With that, what is next on our agenda?” The arbiter replied.



i just wanna see Mel, Jessica and Enderian harem... jk OwO


I don’t know where this going but hopefully it will be a fun ride