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First I wanted to say thank you all for being with me to this point of our journey together. I waned to say that you all are the reason why I continue to write each day.

With that, I would like to invite you all to also check out my new series "The 13th Loop" This is a series about Kyle Goldman, a man who constantly gets reincarnated to life only to die horribly each and every time. This is written with the biting sarcasm and bitter angst of a person who is finally frustrated enough to start living life for himself, rather than being the martyr for others.

The Excerpt for the story is below: And you can read the full story so far here 

Kyle Goldman is having a bad century, multiple of them. Kyle is immortal, destined to live the same mediocre life over and over again. Worse, he remembers each time through life. Every betrayal, every life lesson, every combat spell, he is destined to learn them all again and again.

Every life he re-awakens during the Awakening Trials. Trials designed to pull out the full magical and spiritual potential of a Space Force Candidate. Depending on how well he does in these trials can change his entire career. Since this is his thirteenth time through the trials he is well aware of their importance.

Even better, he knows how to cheat. Having prior knowledge of the trials and their ever increasing difficulties is the ultimate form of cheating. Especially when the rewards for completing each stage of the trial is an increased Attribute point.

He's lived each life to its fullest, some dying as a famous ace pilot. Others dying as an expeditionary Marine on long range space recon. Each life ultimately leads to the same inevitable end, he makes friends, tastes happiness for a brief moment, and then is betrayed. The betrayal always changes, but always hurts the same. From there a deep spiral occurs, leading to his inevitable, but often glorious demise.

This time he vows to take things differently. He still plans to ace the exams, but then he will do the unthinkable, he will resign his commission as an officer. To live as an overqualified regular citizen of the free worlds.

With the knowledge of spell craft deeply ingrained in his mind from his previous lives, he is set to make try number thirteen his lucky number after all.

There is only one problem. The Government saw his test scores and now they won't stop to have him in their ranks. It looks like the betrayal will come earlier than expected in this, his thirteenth try at living the same stale existence.

Themes Include: GameLit Elements, Progression Fantasy, with Space Tech and interstellar battles.

Again the full story that is available so far will be here

If anyone is interested in reading ahead from what is posted in Royal Road, then please leave a message below to show interest in reading ahead. This will be a free feature, but I don't wish to spam you all with messages to a different story you are not interested in. Thank you all and I hope to hear from you all soon.



I am much interested in reading ahead it's why I subscribed actually. I wasn't even aware you had another story, which I will of course be reading.


So to state the current plan. I will try to work ahead through the weekend. Today (Friday 21 July 2022) will be the last day I double post on Royal Road. I plan to try to keep a somewhat consistent schedule of posting here over the weekend, and into next week. Basically you should be four chapters ahead at the very least by Monday.