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Chapter 127


Northern Investigation

Lykan and Brenna both landed on the eastern side of the Ippian ocean. The flight was short, but somewhat awkward for the two, especially as Brenna still could not fully grasp the concept of flight. At least she didn’t feel comfortable flying for hours on end, which would be required to keep up with Lykan. Lykan ended up princess carrying Brenna the entire duration of the flight, an event that neither seemed to mind too much.

The flight was uneventful and all too short from Brenna’s perspective. Lykan on the other hand felt guilty for putting an odd expectation of speed on Brenna. Though he knew they needed to continue with their mission, especially with the drastic improvements Brenna had been showing as of late.

When choosing a spot to land, it was determined that they would first land in a densely wooded area, before leaving and finding a way to integrate with people. The North had been conquered by the Azani, which meant flying guards could be deployed to monitor an area. While Lykan didn’t doubt his ability to take on or evade most Azani shaman, he questioned whether Brenna could evade them.

In the end, he decided to go for a more sedate pace, at least, until they were past the recently conquered cities.

The lands spoke of war and death. All around Lykan could see the residual signs of mana saturating the ground. Lykan tried to show these signs of mana usage to Brenna, though she seemed to be unable to identify the signs of battle. Ultimately the difference was chalked up to Lykan’s maxed out Energy Sensing.

Rather than get caught up in the fact that the two couldn’t observe the world in the same way, Brenna just focused on the present. “Well regardless of whether I can see the world the same way as you don’t matter. What does matter is that I can see the world with you.”

There was a silence after that, as Lykan didn’t quite know what he could say to improve upon that statement. Instead, he just smiled brightly and nodded.

With that the two made their way quietly to the nearest city of Denton, a city that had been destroyed, conquered, and then rebuilt dozens of times. If one looked, they could easily see the lines of civilizations that came long before. Somehow seeing the layers of civilizations built upon one another caused Lykan’s story telling side to come to life. Before he knew it, he was discussing in detail the histories that he had assembled.

“The foundation of most major cities almost always began with the foundation of the great civilization that happened before the collapse.” This was a time that was not really discussed as by all accounts this civilization predated the time of the Gods and as such was considered heresy to speak of such events. Lykan for his part, could only find vague hints in older texts that spoke of these events. Oddly enough it was during his stay with the high wood elves that provided the most context and historical context for these people. To put it simply, the people of the time before the Gods were not gifted with magic.

“The people of the first civilization lived their entire existence in blissful ignorance of how the world could be. They were a massive civilization that spanned the world. Then the great spark came, and magic was added to the world.” Lykan said, as he pointed out a burn mark that clearly showed the first burning of the great city of Denton.

“People were quick to regrow, but that was when the times of the great conflicts of the heavens began.” Lykan again pointed to the next layer of buildings up, a layer that was once again met with yet more scorch marks.

“Then there was the time of the great fall.” Lykan said, pointing to the next layer that looked less well-crafted than the prior layers. “I have to say, it is odd seeing a city that can so accurately show the clear transitions of historical power the way Denton can.”

Brenna for her part found the subject mildly interesting but played along for the sake of keeping Lykan talking. She found that if he wasn’t encouraged, he would just revert to being quiet. So, on the brief times when he showed interest, she tried to nod along and pretend to be interested. Or at the very least she tried to match her expression to match the intensity that Lykan showed. This tactic seemed to work as the more she smiled and reacted at the correct spots, the more he seemed to come alive.

Once he was out of his shell, he generally smiled and seemed eager to talk about more interesting topics once he got awoken. So, Brenna trudged through the history lesson, while Lykan came to life with energy.

As they drew close enough for people to possibly hear their conversation Lykan stopped talking about potentially heretical topics like the times before the great spark. This was a moment that Brenna pounced on, continuing the conversation, but directing it towards more mundane means.

“So other than looking for an entry point, what else are we going to do while here?” Brenna asked.

Lykan hearing this shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t really need anything personally.”

“What about lodging?” Brenna pushed, getting to the real topic she wanted to discuss. She had a bit of coins on her, but she wasn’t certain if dwarven weights would be accepted. At least that was her topic she would choose to go with. This way she figured they might be able to stay in the same room together.

“Lodging? What for?” Lykan asked, looking at Brenna with a puzzled look.

Brenna for her part just looked up at Lykan like he was crazy. “So, we could sleep for one. We had a place where we could store our gear for another. Also, it would be nice to have a place where we can just go back and unwind…” Brenna said.

Lykan for his part looked at her, then dawning realization struck him. “Ah, I get it.” Hearing that Brenna let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. “You are just not used to your new body. You don’t need sleep anymore.”

Hearing that Brenna blinked rapidly, as if trying to awaken from the dream she suddenly found herself in. “What?”

“We now…” Lykan began, but then seeing that people were within earshot he got close and whispered in Brenna’s ear. An act that caused amazing sensations to run down Brenna’s neck. “We now have perfect bodies; thus, most biological needs are minimal. You should find that sleep is something we can easily go without for days on end.”

Hearing this, Brenna looked at him angrily for a second, before catching herself. For all his Intelligence he really is dense, she thought to herself. Realizing a rational argument wouldn’t work, Brenna tried a different approach.

“Well, I would like to have a room where we can at least strategize a plan without being overhead.” At that she could see Lykan opening his mouth to retort. Instantly Brenna’s mind caught on to what he likely wanted to say. So before he could say it, she cut him off. “I would also like a place that is not within a dungeon to strategize.”

Hearing that Lykan, who had been drawing in air to say his piece suddenly closed his mouth. At that, a slight smirk filled Brenna’s face as she knew she had him.

Realizing that Brenna had a good point, and that this was not a subject worth arguing over, he decided to acquiesce to her request. With that the two entered the city, where they were scrutinized. Brenna for her part had her battle axe covered with a canvas sac and made it look like it was part of a sac full of wooden sticks, as she covered the axe with different branches she had found while in the woods.


As the two entered the city they saw that everyone entering and exiting the city were scrutinized heavily by the guards. The guards seemed to be a mix, between regular citizens of the area, and Azani soldiers. The two ethnicities blurring together to form one coherent force. Lykan almost let his mind wonder about the intricacies of needing to integrate conquered societies into a military support structure when he felt a slight tug at his arm. He looked down to see Brenna was looking ahead at the guards.

Lykan paused for a moment, before he felt Brenna’s small hand wrap their way around his hand. In an instant a warm current seemed to pass between their touch, but before Lykan could think too much of the sensation his thoughts were interrupted.

“Isn’t she a cutie.” One of the guards said to Lykan.

“Thank you.” Brenna shot back, she was still young by dwarven standards, but she was more than old enough to be considered fully mature by human standards. Still her size and youthful appearance made her come across as an exceptionally cute child at first glance. This was why the two had come up with the plan of posing as father and daughter.

“I guess she takes after her father.” A female officer said, looking at the two. The female officer blushed slightly as she made eye contact with Lykan. Lykan for his part just gave a gentle smile and laugh. It was clear that the female officer was an Azani shaman due to her darker skin and exotic features compared to the other soldiers.

Brenna gave an angry glare that was fortunately unnoticed by all, as she looked at the officer who clearly seemed to be interested in Lykan. At least enough to make what was clearly an overt pass at him.

“No, I say she looks exactly like her mother. She was the most beautiful woman I ever saw.” Lykan said, falling instantly into character as a loving father.

“Oh, is she around?” The officer asked, looking for someone in the line.

Fully committing to the act, Lykan bowed his head and let out a sad sigh. “No. She didn’t survive the…” Lykan was going to continue but was quickly cut off.

“Oh, you don’t need to say anything more.” She said, then a flash of interest crested her eyes. Lykan of course missed this look of avarice, but Brenna couldn’t help but notice having to stare up at the woman who was making moves on her man. “Where are you staying? Do you have family here?”

Shaking his head Lykan continued “no, we have no one. We are mainly here to see if we can set up new roots. Say, we were wondering if you could recommend a nice inn to stay at?”

“Why yes, we stay at the Bromfields.” She said, as she pointed to a large building just down the street. “I know there are still rooms available.”

“Oh thank you.” Lykan said.

“Yes, let me just say that I find what you are doing admirable. It is so reassuring to find a father who takes such good care of their children.” The female officer said, as she placed a hand on Lykan’s wrist.

Seeing the gesture Lykan smiled brightly, while Brenna just glowered a little more.

Brenna for her part was doing all she could to not strike at the woman. They still had to get into the city, and then leave at some point. All of which would be tougher if they were added to some type of watch list.

“Well, we should be off.” Brenna cut in, pulling Lykan’s arm. With the act he was pulled away from the female officer.

“Right. Sorry, she is a bit cranky from her travels.” Lykan said, looking at Brenna with a what is wrong with you look.

Brenna for her part just took in a deep breath but didn’t say a word. Instead, she just pulled his arm harder.

“Okay.” The female officer said, then as the two started to walk away, she said, “tell them that Vancie sent you.”

“I will.” Lykan said, turning about and beaming a smile at her.

With the look the female officer, Vancie, seemed to brighten ever so slightly. Brenna for her part pulled Lykan down the street. When they moved as if they were going to pass the Inn that had been suggested, Lykan paused and pulled his arm free.

“Aren’t we going to stop?” He asked.

“I don’t want to anymore.” Brenna shot back.

With that Lykan just shrugged and offered up a silent prayer, wishing that he would understand women. He had spent close to an hour arguing with her about not needing an Inn outside the city. Then once he had given into the request, she changed her mind. Lykan was about to be lost in his thoughts when he first felt the creation of mana being channeled to the area. Then looking up ahead he saw something that made his blood boil with rage.


“Ahhhh!” The cry of a little girl could be heard.

Before Lykan knew what was happening he was dashing forward through the streets that had suddenly come to a standstill, as he charged forward to see what was happening. When he broke through what he saw disgusted him immediately.

Before he knew it, he was charging forward in a rage of fury.


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