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Chapter 35



To say that no one was excited that Choir practice was randomly back on, after a week of hiatus would not be entirely accurate.


The reason I say this, is because there was one person who was exited to have choir practice back as one of our mandatory classes to attend.


I found this out when an overly excited classmate frantically ran through the campus, arms flailing everywhere as he ran faster than he ever had in morning calisthenics training. I’d almost swear that he was running as if he learned to finally cast Spirit Haste, but soon realized that this would likely have to be the Intermediate version of Spirit Haste if it was a spell.


Also, a quick glance showed that despite all indications to the contrary the skinny boy desperately running over campus and flagging Marie and myself down from a distance was not coated by any forms of magical energy. A quick glance at Marie, showed that my skill was not lying to me, as I could clearly see the faint glow of the purified Saint aura over her.




There was also the odd sensation of the frantically screaming boy entering my now constantly active dome of Disruption Field, that proved he was not enhanced by any magical means to reach such speeds.


“Huff, huff-fffuff.” A panting Darren came running forward, arms flailing to get our attention, even though we both stopped moving upon hearing him call out to us, and then seeing his odd chicken like gate as he ran.


Huff..huff… Fine… Finally.” Darren managed to get out. He spoke towards our feet, as he was currently slumped over, desperately heaving for oxygen. Seeing him in such a state I quickly cast, perfect Rejuvenation, followed quickly by a perfect Stamina Boost.


This is not to say that my own Disruption Field did not whittle away at the magic I cast, for it did. But since these were perfect casts, the spells held together for just a bit longer. Not enough for the spells to be fully effective, but enough to replenish Darren’s body enough that when the spells did wear off a few seconds later, they had a lasting effect.


Actually, there was a cheat involving this. The idea was that Stamina Boost would provide an overall boost to ones stamina, causing the value to be increased by the amount of the buff. Then if you dismissed the stamina buff, the bonus received would disappear. However, in instances like this, where bonuses were stripped away, so long as the spell had time to register and temporarily increase the noted value before being stripped away by environmental factors, then the increased components would remain.


This was a glitch that was noted for people who attempted to conquer the western wastes. While being a strain on mana, it did provide an immediate boost to frontline fighters that made your journey that much more survivable.


While it hadn’t been my intention to get my Disruption Field to be strong enough to be its own exploit. It was good to know that I was working my way up to being my own exploit factory. Many thought this was the way of forcing the pro-gamers to work on casting perfect versions of their spells as those were the only types that would cast in the wastes, and the only ones that would survive impact with the elements.


Smiling inwardly, I took an odd sense of delight knowing that I was my own movable insane difficulty zone.


That and the fact that my master all but forced me to do so, to save Marie, just made the experience that much more important. Here I was able to directly keep Marie from going down the path of complete darkness, and best of all, I gained my group healer.


Somehow, I also knew that the new storyline’s focus on the Disruption Field being important was going to be a thing. Particularly with the way I managed to purify the Roseblade family’s cursed memoir. No having to find the book, douse it in holy water and get Marie to pray over it, only to then have it set on fire if you were lucky.


This time, my spell casting level, the rating of my Magic Attribute, and my level of proficiency in Arcane Repair all pointed to me being powerful enough to overcome the mid-tier enchantment.


I honestly thought that was what Claudia had been attempting, as my purifying the memoir was a way to unlock more past memories of the Roseblade family, and discover the secret rooms at the Roseblade manor. These would all be unlocked in a dream sequence that only Claudia herself would experience.


It would also awaken here dormant Seer bloodline and allow her to equip and use equipment that required active bloodlines to use properly.


Yet, something odd happened.


This time, when the Roseblade family tome was destroyed, the energy that normally seeped out and sped towards Claudia evaporated. That’s right, rather than the wisps of energy flowing out and going directly into Claudia as they had always done in the past. This time they went towards her for a moment, as if trying to, only to be torn apart in the effects of my Disruption Field.


I was so shocked by the action that I just stared in slack jawed amazement.


The reason why was by that act alone, the easiest way of Claudia unlocking her bloodline had been thwarted.


That book, her family tome was needed to be the fastest and only way to unlock her bloodline while at the campus. There were a few more fun quests that could be done away from campus, but that was the only clear-cut way to awaken her bloodline while still on campus.


Of course, this wouldn’t change anything, except prevent her from being able to enter into a few of the specialized year end class competitions that offered bloodline-oriented clothing to students who performed the best of everyone in their grade.


The clothing while great for being a student had nothing on what could be made outside the university, particularly if you went the maximum crafter route, that would allow for building upgrades to be performed during each semester.


Which just reminded me that there was a way to get a master crafter who could make a bloodline awakening potion. Normally they only had one if you caught them as a traveling salesperson, but they would gladly step in to offer their services once your empire made it to two stars and clearly looked like it was close to advancing to three stars.


Yet, for whatever reason, Claudia still yelled at me. Particularly after realizing that she had entered my Disruption Field that had destroyed not only her tome, but had prevented its apparently harmful vapors from entering her body.


Again, such a great touch having the same darkness that utterly corrupted Marie, being something you willingly put into your body as Claudia to awaken your bloodline. Looking back there might be a new purification arc or quest available.


Then before I can get too lost in the thoughts of what happened, Darren finally recovers his breath long enough to say what caused him to run across campus like an elder dragon with its head chopped off.


Yes, if you chop off the head of an elder dragon before wearing down their hit points, there is a chance they will rage and charge around wildly trying to find their decapitated head. If you can hide the head from them until their rage ends, they will die. Otherwise, they will find the head, reattach with insane healing and be back to half of their remaining health, until their health finally gets under a quarter bar. That’s when they actually die.


“You okay?” Darren asks me, seeing that I am clearly staring off into the distance.


“Yeah, totally.” I say, pretending like I heard whatever he had just been going on about.


“So you two will be there?” Darren asked, a note of excitement filling his voice.


“Wait, what?” I ask, trying to realize what exactly I just missed.


Turning to Marie, I notice a faint hint of hesitation to her face as she looks from Darren to me.


“I guess we have to?” Marie asked more than stated. Though her look at my eyes asked for me to save her. Unfortunately, I had no idea what we were talking about, trying to remember flailing headless dragons and how to defeat them and their crazy regeneration abilities.


“Good, then I will see you there.” Darren said excitedly, and looked like he was about to leave, before he paused and looked at his wrist for an Ancient watch. The watch itself was old and well worn, but just having one that still worked in this day was a clear sign of wealth.


Though looking at the watch, I could tell that it was close to being more of an ornate decoration than an actual timepiece. Still, it did its purpose as Darren looked to his watch and then said.


“Oh, actually, I think we all need to leave for class right now, if we are going to make it on time.” Darren said, then gestured for use to go to the western end of campus.


I pause for a moment trying to remember how late it was in the day, and how all the main buildings of campus were in the eastern section. Only to then remember the one class that we had luckily been able to avoid this entire time.




Just as I was about to let out an annoyed groan, I realized I was saved from the look of indignancy, as Marie was the first to act on the exceptionally bad news.


Seeing that Marie, the Saint and chosen one above all others hated Choir as much as I did, made me feel a deeper connection to her there than I ever experienced.


Looking at her, and clearly seeing that she was annoyed at having to go to Choir class made fall that much more in love with her new and evolving character. Now she was no longer a mindless drone of the church, but an actual person with depth. Seeing her like this, I wonder how much of this is the fact that she no longer has to put on pretenses of being a retainer for Claudia, knowing that her every action would reflect back on not just Claudia but the Roseblade estate as a whole.


Realizing that she was clearly flustered right now, showed that she was both human and highly noble in that she was able to hide her disgust for classes like Choir away from all but her closest of friends. In a way, I felt slightly honored to see this new side and content for Marie.


Seeing her express my own feelings of frustration also made it so my own feelings of annoyance at the extra class that did nothing stat-wise was amazing.


With her in such a state, I reached out and grabbed her hand on instinct, the same way I would for one of my best friends back home.




Touching her hand, I felt an odd sense of nostalgia wash over me, as I wondered when the next time, I could see my friends would be. Or how long I had actually been in here, but then I realized that the friend I was thinking of was no more. She had died when I went away to college. Apparently, she died and no one bothered to tell me.


That was around the time that I started to get obsessive about things, mementos, keepsakes, everything that reminded me of her.




That’s when I remember the game. How the character Karen reminded of my lost friend. Someone who the whole world abandoned, save for Claudia. As Claudia it was like I could spend time with my old friend again.


“You okay?” Marie asked, her voice sounding concerned.


I pause, realizing how much my thoughts went wild from just the odd contact between our two hands.


Thinking for a moment, I am about to drop my connection to her, but then I stop myself. Realizing that this is one of those organic moments of the game that make this world, and each playthrough so meaningful. Rather than cut this moment off, I decided to see where it will end.


Taking a moment to look Marie in the eyes, I speak from the heart. As if I was speaking to my friend, the one who looked on the inside how Marie does on the outside.


“For a while there, I wasn’t. But now, with you here by my side, I am. Or at least I will be.” I say, and I genuinely mean it.


“You are what?” Marie asks confusion in her voice.


“I’m okay, and it’s thanks to you.”


And like that, I feel an odd chain that had been placed over my heart break free as I feel suddenly lighter. This wasn’t the send off that I had wanted, or that my friend needed, but it was what I needed right now to forgive myself. To forgive myself for being a terrible friend to the only person who truly accepted me, for not even calling to see how she was, and most importantly for not being there when she had no one.


Hearing my words Marie pauses before looking me over and apparently sees something in my sincerity, that causes her to break character and lunge forward and hug me. She hugs me in the way only a nun who truly understands your plight could, one who accepts you with open arms and silent but overwhelming acceptance.


“Hey, can I get in on a hug?” Darren asks, holding up his arms to try to join our moment.


Seeing him out of the corner of my eye, I feel a slight wave of revulsion, as I realize he is just like his brother and trying to get with Marie.


“No,” I say as I hold up my hand in a warding gesture to try to savor this random moment for just that little bit longer.


“Thank you,” Marie finally says, giving me one last squeeze that feels of sunshine and oranges, before moving away.


“No, thank you,” I say and mean it. Again, it is great how this game can tell when I need a moment of reassurance and then they provide it so organically. I could live here forever and be extremely happy with that choice.


“We should go to class,” Marie says, never so much as glancing back at Darren. Though it is clear by the way she refuses to look back at the boy that she is not happy that our moment ended early either.


“Yes, we should,” I say, as I make sure to not let go of her hand and begin swinging and walking with a slightly lighter step. Despite being smaller and heftier, my movements have never felt lighter.


“Hey, it was my idea to go to Choir class together.” Darren said, running up to be on my open left side, while staring over me at Marie.


It is clear that he is trying to use me to get close to Marie, getting close but not so close as to be in her personal space. So instead, he chooses to be within my personal space.


“And?” Marie quipped back, finally looking over top of me to lock gazes with Darren.


“And, and? Why should I be left out of this party. Shouldn’t I be allowed to join as well?” Darren asked, his eyes looking down on me. As if trying to get me to hook him up with Marie, my new party member. Though I don’t need or want a third healer to be part of the team. As aside from the rare instance of an undead zone, there is no need for more than one healer.


“We don’t need a third healer for the team,” I admit.


“Especially when you are the worst healer of the three.” Marie states, a note of venom to her voice.


Hearing that, I could only snicker silently behind my mask. Apparently, despite her new status Marie still has no intention of trying to link up with any of the paramour candidates.


Perfect Disruption Field.


As we walk, I continue casting, an effect that has become second nature as I can almost feel the ends of my spell as they come closer.




Then as we get to the grand Cappel something odd happens.


I notice my Disruption Field now has an effect on the Chappel, as I can feel minor spells being disrupted throughout the entire facility.


For a moment, I wonder if this was always the case? As I don’t remember there being so many lingering spells being cast, but apparently there are quite a few that are present throughout the facility.


As we arrive, it appears that we are not the only trio of students who were sad that Choir classes were randomly started once more. Particularly as most students seemed to be annoyed, well everyone but Darren who all but ran over to the open spot big enough for three students to sit together.


Seeing him go over and excitedly wave us down just made me cringe a little inside.


Pausing, I turned to Marie to see how she was taking the sudden act of unrequited love directed at her.


I looked at her and in our one glace we exchanged so much. We paused to look at the rest of the room, only to find that those were the only two open seats next to each other. All other seats were barely big enough for one person, let alone someone of my size.




Realizing there was only one spot for us, I let out an exasperated sigh and then began to move towards the open seat, mentally preparing to use my body as a shield to protect Marie from any unwanted advances by Darren.


“No, I’ll go,” Marie said, seeing Darren’s determined glance and gestures.


“You sure?” I ask, making sure that this is what she wanted. Honestly, I could care less about Darren or his love arc, especially as he was the most vanilla of all the paramours and the least needed on our team.


This was why I was okay with being the ugly buffer that caused Darren to avoid Marie, just as he would avoid Claudia in the main game if I, Karen, was stationed between him and his target of interest.


“Yeah, I’ve got this.” Marie said, her face taking on a determined glance, as if she had spent her whole life shooting down overly demanding men. Which she likely had given her status.


Then we both entered.


I did find it slightly odd that Darren seemed to frown slightly at getting his wish of sitting next to Marie, but my thoughts were instantly disrupted with our teacher came.


Fizzle, snap!


There was a sharp hiss and a flowing stream of smoke that arose as High Priestess Palmyra entered my Disruption Field.


The moment she did, I felt her magic barrier that she had been presenting shatter.


In an instant, the Alluring Glamour spell that she had cast on herself broke into a million pieces, revealing a very burnt and monstrous form beneath her immaculate high priestess robes.




We were all in shock, as every student could now see the monster that High Priestess Palmyra was. Then seeing her, dawning recognition clicked in my mind as I suddenly realized who, or rather what she was.


“The stupid subterranean floor boss when the campus gets invaded!” I shouted, as my mind finally understood where the developers hid such an over powered monster on campus this entire time.




There was a moment of silence as I realized I had spoke this all out loud, versus in my head.


Then, I realized what this all meant.


“Shit,” I said as I turned left to look at Marie.


Marie for her part, just like everyone else was looking at me.


“You know what this means right?” I ask.


“What?” Darren asked, bending low to look around Marie so he could see me.


“Early boss fight,” I replied back as I began to work my magic.



TFTC It would also awaken here dormant -> her dormant The reason why was by that act alone, -> The reason being, that by that act alone, (Sentence a bit hard to read currently) go to Choir class made fall that much more -> made me fall that our one glace we exchanged -> glance