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Chapter 27



I think the one thing this world gets right exceptionally well is the awkwardness of school interactions. The whole trying to avoid people who are all but thrust in your face every moment of the day.


Even when you distance yourself from within the same classroom environment you can always see, feel, and know they are there.


Worst of all is the fact that just as you can see and feel their feigned glances your way, they too can see your own glances.


That is, if you use your actual eyes.


For a Spatial affinity mage, stalking becomes easier.


Well not stalking, but purposefully trying to avoid others.


“Where’s Karen?” Rydel asks Magister Carthwright on our practice field that has suddenly become too crowded.


“She is working on her other affinities at the moment. We both feel that she is as formidable as her Affinities allow here in direct magical combat. As such, I have her working on her other affinities.” Magister Carthwright stated, then slightly turning his gaze towards the direction of my Far Viewing spell, he gives a slight wink, before turning back towards Rydel.


The message was clear, he caught me spying.


Though to my defense, that is what I was supposed to be doing right now, spying.


Part of becoming better at Spatial magic was to be able to use the abilities of our powers, without leaving traces that other Spatial practitioners could notice.


Of course, the fact that I had Magister Carthwright as my tester on this, meant that I had one of the hardest targets to fool around.


While it was clear that I had fooled both Rydel and Marie throughout the day, I still could not keep my signature low enough that Magister Carthwright couldn’t notice the ripple effects of my magic.




Cancel the spell and try again.


Mentally, I think about the problem.


The problem posed is very simple.


As a Spatial mage, I should only need the smallest of holes in space to conduct a Far View of the area. The idea being that even with that one pin sized hole, I could the viewing angle, or even change the viewing angle entirely.


The only problem was that by doing so, you increased the intensity of Spatial magic that had to seep through the tear in space and reveal the other side to you.


My current goal or task provided by Magister Carthwright was to come up with my own way of doing Far Viewing that didn’t draw the attention of a master mage.


I know for a fact that my tiny initial tears in space are either too small to notice or blend into the background of a magical world.


The problem of course comes when I try to do more. Well, not quite, I can cast other spells from that initial tear in space.


I’ve also learned a way to anchor the spell.


That was one of the first thing that Magister Carthwright taught, was Spatial Spell Anchoring. The process where you first cast a Far Viewing spell, but rather than constantly casting the spell, you can anchor it in place by tearing off a fraction of my mana and having it remain constantly active.


The process of anchoring spells does effectively lower your overall mana pool, but fortunately it is something that my Bloodline helps out against. Which is why I don’t mind pinching off a few of these lower-level spells to improve my proficiency with Spatial magic.


My personal problem comes from the fact that I can tell I am close to a personal breakthrough, but I can’t quite figure out why.


Oh, that’s another thing.


While I might know the Intermediate versions of the spells, I cannot use them. At least not until my Spatial Affinity gets past the C-Rank.


If I was in the game, I would see this for the obvious thing it was, a personal limit breaking quest.


That said, without the bright blue text prompts, I realize now why magic is tough.


Normally, I could just log out here, search a few wikis and then get an idea of what I need to do for this particular questline.


That said, this time I am by myself.


Ultimately, I should feel proud as here I am, on my Freshman run and already performing a Limit breaking quest for Spatial magic.


The only problem I had with this particular quest was the fac that I could all but feel that it was a test of the old professor.


While I likely could go to Magister Carthwright and ask for tips and tricks, I know this would only make the old wizard sad. As he expected me to stay out here and noodle my way to a solution that was right for me, not the one that was correct for Magister Carthwright.


That was one of the great and annoying things about the mad professor.


Also, with me having this opportunity, there was the chance that if I didn’t come up with a solution on my own, that Magister Carthwright would drop me as a student.


Yes, make no mistakes about it, if I didn’t perform well enough or in a timely manner, I have no doubt that I will be dropped from his lectures.


Not that he is actually lecturing me.


But I can hear the guidance that he is telling Rydel now, and I take that to heart as I can use that for help improving my skills for the spymaster Lady Von’Graysing.


Focusing my mind on the area once again, I close my eyes and the cast Far Viewing.




Instantly, I can see the fact that Rydel is once again back to his barrage of casting.


Rydel is seemingly more intense than ever since our return from the woods. I can see that is attacking and pressing his capabilities to the maximum. In fact, he is casting so much and forcefully, that he is becoming a bit reckless with his approach.


There is just something about him that screams that he is tight with his casting.


I can’t quite explain it.


Logically I want to view more of the area around these two, but I realize that will likely get me caught again and forced to restart.


Instead, I focus on anchoring this first spell, then I try to get an image of Magister Carthwright’s face.


With that want in mind, I imagine a spot to the right of my currently anchored viewing spot and poke a new micro tear in that section.


Far Viewing.


That is the great thing about Spatial magic, if you know the place, as in you can truly imagine that exact location in your mind you can always cast Spatial magic there.


In this case, I know the area quite well as it is the training grounds that I have spent the past few weeks at.


Visualizing the place is the first major breakthrough, and one of the basic tenants towards becoming a true master of Spatial magic.


Apparently the second thing is being able to focus on a person and then being able to cast a viewing spell on them.


My second angle is crisp and clean.


With this second angle I am able to view Magister Carthwright’s face. While he might seem stoic or non-committed, I can tell by the hardness of his eyes and the way he is pursing his lips together, he sees what I do. The fact that Rydel is pushing himself too much and getting sloppy.


At least, that is what I think the look is for.


Then a moment later, he all but confirms this assessment by speaking.


“I think that is enough for today.” Magister Carthwright exclaims during the middle of an overly large and complex storm of Fireballs and Lightning Strikes hitting the enchanted targets.




Rydel who had been so focused on giving it everything he had, almost fell over at the shock.


“What? Why?” Rydel asked, trying to understand.


“You’ve done enough for today.” Magister Carthwright reiterated.


“But I can still go on.” Rydel protested.


“Yes, and if you do, you will continue to ingrain bad habits that will be nearly impossible for me to beat out of you.” Magister Carthwright stated.


“Bad habits?”


“Yes, the fact that you can’t even see them or realize that you’ve made faults is why I am calling it for today.”


“But?” Rydel stammered, though now that he had time to relax a bit, the adrenaline that he had been using to continue onward was now fading, causing his body to shake and quiver from near exhaustion.


“Careful there.” Magister Carthwright said, while raising up a hand and all but capturing the falling Rydel in a Stasis Grip. Seeing the Magister, use a locking spell so casually was impressive, and made me wish I had a spell that would help me dictate the flow of enemies on a battlefield.


Rydel for his part looked like he wanted to protest, before ultimately giving into the spell.


As time went on Magister Carthwright walked closer to Rydel.


This walking of course caused me to both pinch off more mana to maintain the last Far Viewing, before casting a new version, this time to the far left allowing my mind to view everything in three dimensions.


Far Viewing


With this new spell, I could see the looks of Rydel and Carthwright both from the same viewing angle.


It was great, like being in a cutscene, but able to change my camera angle at a whim and allowing me to both increase my skills while observing more of the world.


“Relationship problems?” Magister Carthwright asked.


Hearing that, Rydel just paused and stared at the old master.


“Is it that obvious?” Rydel finally asked.




“Oh, my boy, you don’t get to my age without spotting the signs. So, why don’t you tell me what the problem is really?” Carthwright asked.


Rydel for his part looked like he wanted to protest, but then finally gave in.


“I, I just don’t know what to do about her.” Rydel finally admitted.


“Her?” Magister Carthwright asked, his voice suddenly confused. No doubt showing that the old principal of the school knew about Rydel’s situation.


“Yes, ever since this weekend. I can’t get her out of my mind.” Rydel said, his voice clearly full of emotion.


I know who he is talking about, the same person he all but ditched me for, Marie.


The same girl who apparently couldn’t leave his side.


At this Magister Carthwright began walking as is to help with his thinking abilities. The only problem was that his walking around the still immobilized Rydel made it virtually impossible to see their interactions with one angle.


As such, I pinched off the old Far Viewing spell and cast a new on to get the fourth and final area I was missing. One that would catch the now pondering face of Magister Carthwright who was walking away from all my currently anchored viewing spots.


The only problem was, I was distracted.


I didn’t think I was, but I clearly was, as I found my three anchor points being ripped free, as my mind and senses were pulled to a different area entirely.


Far Viewing.


“Madame, I must insist you reconsider such lascivious behavior,” Marie’s voice called out. At least I thought it was Marie’s voice.


The only problem was that I wasn’t able to see the speaker, not truly as my recent casting of Far Viewing not only ripped my consciousness away from the training grounds with Magister Carthwright and Rydel, but now showed me the inside of a room that was all too familiar.


I now found myself in the all too familiar dressing room of Claudia Von’Roseblade.


For a moment, I let my mind wander to Marie. And apparently, just thinking about her for a moment, was enough for me to prove that I had gotten to the second step of Spatial magic, being able to focus on known people.


I almost think about cancelling this spell and getting back to Magister Carthwright and Rydel, to see what they are conversing about. But at this moment, I feel like I am close to something.


It almost feels like the longer I can hold onto this moment, the faster I will be able to make a mental breakthrough in my magic.


At least that’s what I tell myself as I am also curious about what the player Claudia has to say.


It’s odd that this is a two-player edition, though it might actually be more then that, if two of us are allowed.


That said, I have a feeling that my life will be a lot easier if I don’t let Claudia know that I too am a player. That is if I am a player.


“Oh come now Marie,” Claudia begins but is instantly cut off.


“It is Lady De’Claire or Saint De’Claire to you,” Marie hisses.


Oh, this is bad.


This means that Claudia has already been caught doing naughty things in front of Marie. Which means she is taking on the disciplinarian role of the two, which is known as the expedited way to have Marie follow the Dark Saint path.


Still, part of me is curious.


If this is early on, there are ways to calm Marie down.


The obvious way is to give her chocolate or an embroidered hair comb. If Claudia is smart, she would already have both on hand. As Marie is one of those simmering ragers. The type of person that will go and take on perceived sleight after perceived sleight, until they hit a boiling point and erupt. Though in this case erupt means going full on demon possessed vessel trying to open a one-way portal to hell.


Ironically enough, leaving an unattended Dark Saint Marie was one of the few ways to trigger an end game event without even being in the same county. Once she opens that portal to hell, that is it, automatic game over.


Thinking back to the higher end Ancient affinities, I now realize that this might be more of a future story avenue than previously identified.


Shuddering to myself, I realize that I like my progress in this world thus far, and do not want to continue. Pausing for a moment, I look around Claudia’s chamber and see that there are still two hours before choir class.


“Gah.” I hiss to myself, but then realize it might be up to me to save the world. How do I do this miracle of feats? Simple, give a girl chocolate before it is too late to change anything.


At that, I cancel my spell, realizing that I have the technique down and feel that I could cast it on almost anyone who I knew relatively well.


Well anyone other than Magister Carthwright. Though if he let me get away with such a casting then I am fairly certain that I could get away with casting it on him as well.


That said, an Apprentice Spatial mage casting against a Master Tier level Spatial mage would be asking for immediate retribution.


Breaking from my hidden posture in my room, I go grab a few odd and end items that I could hopefully sell for money.


All I have are a few nicknacks and keepsakes from deep within the Ancient facility. Just a few plates, a set of silverware, and a candlestick holder and a few gear pieces that I intended to put together for use.


I also have my first test battery that I made as part of my proving my proficiency.


With these items, I pack up and head straight to professor Darkenson’s office. He is the head of the history department here, and a lover of all things Ancient.


Just entering his office is a glowing memoir to his love and fascination of all things Ancient.


A mere glance of his office is enough for me to realize that if I want to make money or a deal, this is the place to go.


“Oh, hello Lady Laurain is it not?” Professor Darkenson asks, apparently being able to identify me by my two class badges.


“Yes, Professor Darkenson.” I reply, while giving a deep courtly bow with my bag of items clutched tightly within my hands.


“And what might I own the pleasure of a visit for someone as worldly as yourself?” He asks.


“Well, I have come into possession of a few items that I believe you might be interested in.” I press.


“Really?” He asks, though it is clear from his tone that he finds that idea laughable.


“Really,” I reply as I step forward and finding a clear section of his desk, I gesture for me to place a few items on his desk. “May I?”


The professor pauses and stares at me for a minute, then truly locks gazes with me. At that moment, he seems to pause as if struck by lightning, then nods to himself before answering.


“Yeah, go ahead.”


At the note, I nod my head and begin laying out the dinner ware, along with the candlestick holder.


That’s when I pause and wait to see his reaction.


Looking at him, I can see a childlike glee and a sense of greed fill his eyes as he reaches out to grab and look at the items that are in pristine condition, even now.


“It almost looks like you just found these.” He remarks, then stares first at the items, and then carefully evaluates me.


“Perhaps.” I state.


“There’s more?” He asks.


“Maybe, depends on what we can come to for these.” I reply.


Hearing that, he shrinks back to evaluate the items and me in the same view.


“What would you want?”




Marie was having the worst day. Everything was spinning out of control. First, she had confusing prophecies that all but ended her relationship with the chosen one, and she was the chosen one. At least in Marie’s eyes.


Then there was the fact that her master suddenly became a hedonistic monster.


On top of that, she missed Choir. Well rather she didn’t miss choir, as choir was cancelled due to the High Priestess taking ill. This would have been fine, had it not been for the fact that now Marie couldn’t see her.


Flash of purple.


The pain of the day was so much that it was all getting her, pressing on her temples and all but causing a migraine to form.


Then just when she was at her wits end, she saw it.


A bag of chocolates delivered in a silk bag with a delicate ribbon tied decoratively, keeping everything in place.


Seeing the bag, she wondered if her master had suddenly gotten it for her.


That was the conclusion one would draw as the bag was clearly on her work desk that was attached to the room only accessible by going through her Master’s much larger room.


Thus logically, it would be from her.


The only problem was that the bag was not there when she left, and her master had been gone to classes this entire time.


Meaning someone else had to have placed them there, but if so, then who?


And why would they get her chocolates, her favorite treat?


Picking up the bag, it also seemed to glow with an almost radiant magical luster. Proving that a master magician had handled the contents.


Taking the bag, she held it up, and then focusing her will on the bag, she peered into the bag as if it contained all the answers to the universe.


Then focusing her gift as a Saint, she did something she never should. A taboo that she knew there was no going back from.


In this one moment, she used her power as a Saint to read the history of the item.


Flash of light.


At that stroke of power, Marie felt her mind come to life, as she found an answer that was as exciting to find out, as it was ultimately forbidden to know, at least she wasn’t meant to know in this way.



White Neko Knight

Forbidden by who? Poor girl needs to break from the church in a way that doesn't lead her to the demons.

H.A.L. Tiebosch

Ooh, did she just use her powers as a peeping Tomasina into the Dreams of the MC.... oh and thanx for the chapter..